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Oblivion Thread


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But if you have an ATI card, you can still do both :D


I prefer HDR myself, and haven't noticed any incidents where things are so small that flickering becomes an issue (the only places where I really notice that is in a game like a flight sim).

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But if you have an ATI card, you can still do both :D


I believe the way Bethesda implemented HDR lighting in Oblivion, neither ATi or Nvidia cards can do both HDR and AA at the same time.


You can do both on ATI but not on Nvidia.

Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.

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Guess I'm the only one who thinks the HDR/Bloom makes it seem like you're viewing the graphics through a vaseline coated soft-focus but well lit lens. :D

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I'm trying to get into this game but it just overwhelms me. I hear all the time from friends and co-workers what a great RPG this is...blah blah blah and so on. I love RPG's for their storylines and gameplay depth but for some reason, with Oblivion, I'm drawn to it's eye candy and it's expansiveness and don't really care about the weak storyline since the game's focus is not just on one main storyline. I guess the overwhelmness of it all comes from being to interact with practically everything in the game world. I'm one of those guys who's a "completest", if there is such a thing, which basically means that in every RPG I play I want to do and see everything possible so that I don't miss something at the end and then end up with something like, "oh ****, I finished with 99.9% of the moogles found and I missed one I can't get now so I don't get the extra cool ending".


If I'm going to invest 50 hours or more into a game then I'm going to do everything it has to offer because I'm not going to play it again. With Oblivion I'm going into town and into each shop searching, reading, talking to everything. If I don't open everything possible, read every freakin book, and talk to all the NPC's I feel like I'm going to miss out on something. I spent 2 hours playing last night and I'm still not out of the Market district in the Imperial City.


I know I'm just ranting but can any of you give me some advice on where to go and what to do first? Maybe I need to just give up. To think I spent $300 to upgrade my video card just so I could play this frickin' game. Oh well, at least it'll come to good use when NWN 2 comes out. :)

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Yeah it's like I can't stay focused on one quest, everytime I'm on one, another one pops up and I decide to do that one, and then I ditch that one for another, and so on and so on, before you know it hours pass and I end up in a big pile of nothing. So then I end up running away into the woods and not looking back, in shame!

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I'm trying to get into this game but it just overwhelms me. I hear all the time from friends and co-workers what a great RPG this is...blah blah blah and so on. I love RPG's for their storylines and gameplay depth but for some reason, with Oblivion, I'm drawn to it's eye candy and it's expansiveness and don't really care about the weak storyline since the game's focus is not just on one main storyline. I guess the overwhelmness of it all comes from being to interact with practically everything in the game world. I'm one of those guys who's a "completest", if there is such a thing, which basically means that in every RPG I play I want to do and see everything possible so that I don't miss something at the end and then end up with something like, "oh ****, I finished with 99.9% of the moogles found and I missed one I can't get now so I don't get the extra cool ending".


If I'm going to invest 50 hours or more into a game then I'm going to do everything it has to offer because I'm not going to play it again. With Oblivion I'm going into town and into each shop searching, reading, talking to everything. If I don't open everything possible, read every freakin book, and talk to all the NPC's I feel like I'm going to miss out on something. I spent 2 hours playing last night and I'm still not out of the Market district in the Imperial City.


I know I'm just ranting but can any of you give me some advice on where to go and what to do first? Maybe I need to just give up. To think I spent $300 to upgrade my video card just so I could play this frickin' game. Oh well, at least it'll come to good use when NWN 2 comes out. :p

Setzer, meet OCD and ADHD,

OCD and ADHD meet Setzer.




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I'm the same way as Bokishi and Setzer, only it doesn't bother me in the sense that I want to do everything so go crazy deciding what to do, I just think it's a little too open-ended...which on the one hand is nice, but on the other, makes me not care one whit about the plot, since I'm free to ignore it at will. Oblivion is a great game because it doesn't lock you into some kind of linear progression, but at the same time, it makes the plot seem almost pointless. Oblivion is like a big RPG sandbox-mode environment...again, cool and fun, but if you prefer game-induced structure, it's not really there.


It's pretty much like MW to me...very pretty for the day and fun to muck around in and play with skills, but it's nothing you haven't seen or done before, and yeah, you really have to learn to focus on one quest at a time and not get sidetracked by others until you finish the first.


You won't miss anything if you don't read all the books, btw. There's probably a few book quests here and there, but most of the books are just world story/atmosphere. And a lot of them are recycled from Morrowind (maybe even further, dunno, heh).


P.S. I'd like to repeat that I don't dislike Oblivion...I just don't think it's all that special beyond the eye-candy.

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Setzer, meet OCD and ADHD,

OCD and ADHD meet Setzer.


I don't know how that relates to someone who just wants to maximize their gaming experience by getting everything possible out of a game? Seems like there others here who feel the same way I do - I guess they must have ADHD & OCD too? I think Oblivion can be overwhelming to alot of gamers but feel free to ASSume what you want because that's all you're doing.

Edited by Setzer
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You won't miss anything if you don't read all the books, btw. There's probably a few book quests here and there, but most of the books are just world story/atmosphere. And a lot of them are recycled from Morrowind (maybe even further, dunno, heh).


P.S. I'd like to repeat that I don't dislike Oblivion...I just don't think it's all that special beyond the eye-candy.


I agree with you about Oblivion not being anything special beyond eye-candy but what a beautiful game world it is!


As far as the books go, I read somewhere that you can get increases to skills or attributes by reading certain books - that's why I'm going through each house reading every book I come across. So, if that's not the case then I won't bother with them. That should free up alot more time for gaming. :rolleyes:

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You can probably find a list of such book locations somewhere on the web by now...save time that way. :) Really, there's so many useless books that if there are .00000001% that do something, and they're not a part of a quest or in special chests etc, not worth the time.


My memory is fuzzy but I seem to recall there a few like that in MW too, but they were parts of quests..like in the process of doing the quest you'd run across them. Dunno tho.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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As far as the books go, I read somewhere that you can get increases to skills or attributes by reading certain books - that's why I'm going through each house reading every book I come across. So, if that's not the case then I won't bother with them. That should free up alot more time for gaming. :)

If a book gives you a bonus, it'll do so the instant you open it. So there's no reason to read a single word, or turn past page 1. I only click on books with interesting titles (i.e., not "A Brief History of the Empire, v. 4." "The Biography of Babayaga, v. 3," etc.).


The only book I found with useful information in the text is the one that describes the varieties of daedra.

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As far as the books go, I read somewhere that you can get increases to skills or attributes by reading certain books - that's why I'm going through each house reading every book I come across. So, if that's not the case then I won't bother with them. That should free up alot more time for gaming. :thumbsup:

If a book gives you a bonus, it'll do so the instant you open it. So there's no reason to read a single word, or turn past page 1. I only click on books with interesting titles (i.e., not "A Brief History of the Empire, v. 4." "The Biography of Babayaga, v. 3," etc.).


The only book I found with useful information in the text is the one that describes the varieties of daedra.


Thanks for that information! I was unsure how it worked so I would open each book and quickly turn the pages to the end - didn't care to read 'em but I didn't know if you had to flip through all the pages or what because I've yet to find a book to give me a skill or attribute point.


LadyCrimson, I think I'll take your advice and see if I can find a list of where those books are so I'm not bothering myself with them. Thanks. :thumbsup:

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You don't need to read through the book. Just open the thing and the effect is instant. You'll see a message.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Right, sorry.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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