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Can't we all just get along?


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Feeling a little left out after missing all the flaming action from that Christian thread, I think I will attempt to start a new discussion about how Christians and atheists could learn to respect each other's beliefs as well as how the two parties could conduct a civil discussion about their differences.


Like everyone else, I certainly don't appreciate it when someone arrogantly points out that I am ignorant and starts bombarding me with a haughty lecture. Any Christian who would try to spread 'the love of Jesus' (as it's their duty to do so) should be smart enough to see this plain fact. The only way for you Christians to reach an audience with beliefs opposite of yours is first to admit that you yourselves are imperfect and make mistakes and that you yourselves are also seeking knowledge and truth beyond what you have already discovered. If you deny such a simple fact that separates man from God, then you better go and read your Bible a few more times. Even then, it is only best to share your knowledge to those who show interest and are willing to learn.


I guess that's all I have to say at the moment. Anyone is certainly welcome to add their thoughts on the matter here.

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I'm part of the (courtesy of Bill Hicks) "People who hate people"-party.


We haven't been able to do a meeting yet, but we're working on it.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Feeling a little left out after missing all the flaming action from that Christian thread, I think I will attempt to start a new discussion about how Christians and atheists could learn to respect each other's beliefs as well as how the two parties could conduct a civil discussion about their differences.


Like everyone else, I certainly don't appreciate it when someone arrogantly points out that I am ignorant and starts bombarding me with a haughty lecture. Any Christian who would try to spread 'the love of Jesus' (as it's their duty to do so) should be smart enough to see this plain fact. The only way for you Christians to reach an audience with beliefs opposite of yours is first to admit that you yourselves are imperfect and make mistakes and that you yourselves are also seeking knowledge and truth beyond what you have already discovered. If you deny such a simple fact that separates man from God, then you better go and read your Bible a few more times. Even then, it is only best to share your knowledge to those who show interest and are willing to learn.


I guess that's all I have to say at the moment. Anyone is certainly welcome to add their thoughts on the matter here.

There was one guy who actually claimed to be Jesus, I will not stand for that and if you read most of what I wrote, I could have been a hole lot meaner, and I could have cursed him out, I'm trying to help guide people toword salvation, and I try to do it with as much respect as possible, even when ediots voice there ediotic opinions

Jesus Loves Us All

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As a christian, I was extremely offended at the way the Gray Jedi fellow carried the thread out. It wasn't such a problem that he started the thread, in fact I think people did jump on him a bit too much at first, but his responses were terribly contradictory. The fact is, he started a thread to talk about christianity with some SW fans. People with different beliefs didn't NEED to comment, but of course they all did. Then he flew off the handle, which was amusing to watch.


Don't judge others, lest ye be judged something or other. I'm terrible with scripture.

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There was one guy who actually claimed to be Jesus, I will not stand for that and if you read most of what I wrote, I could have been a hole lot meaner, and I could have cursed him out, I'm trying to help guide people toword salvation, and I try to do it with as much respect as possible, even when ediots voice there ediotic opinions


You talk about christianity and salvation and then throw out insults in the same sentence. Do you think people will find faith because you are rude to them? Wake up, you have absolutely no clue what Gods love is. Gods love doesn't stand for calling people idiots and abominations. It is not your job to judge, it is His alone.

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As a christian, I was extremely offended at the way the Gray Jedi fellow carried the thread out.  It wasn't such a problem that he started the thread, in fact I think people did jump on him a bit too much at first, but his responses were terribly contradictory.  The fact is, he started a thread to talk about christianity with some SW fans.  People with different beliefs didn't NEED to comment, but of course they all did.  Then he flew off the handle, which was amusing to watch.


Don't judge others, lest ye be judged something or other.  I'm terrible with scripture.

You said that you were okay with homosexuality, it is an abomination. If you claim to be christian, stand by your faith, call me alitle like Peter choping of the guards ear, but I love Jesus and I WILL NOT WATCH PEOPLE BLASFEME HIS HOLY NAME. You are right in the fact that non Christians should have left my topic alone, and they did attack me before I responeded, and I will always respond to defend my Lord Jesus Christ for he is my God, and my Savior and I will never deny him.

Jesus Loves Us All

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There was one guy who actually claimed to be Jesus, I will not stand for that and if you read most of what I wrote, I could have been a hole lot meaner, and I could have cursed him out, I'm trying to help guide people toword salvation, and I try to do it with as much respect as possible, even when ediots voice there ediotic opinions


You talk about christianity and salvation and then throw out insults in the same sentence. Do you think people will find faith because you are rude to them? Wake up, you have absolutely no clue what Gods love is. Gods love doesn't stand for calling people idiots and abominations. It is not your job to judge, it is His alone.

I WILL DEFEND MY LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will not be mocked or spit upon as long as I am here to stop it.

Jesus Loves Us All

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Seriously, this guy is super loony. Who honestly thinks a few barbs on a forum is a full out attack on your religion. I need to find that section in bible where it says "Dude...chill."


As for calling homosexuality an abomination, again, who are you to judge?

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See, all this guy does is be a hypocrite, shove Christian values down our throats, and call us arrogant. Honestly, nobody here gives two sh*ts about how much you love Jesus Christ and how we'll be damned for all eternity if we don't repent. We all have varying religions; some believe in Jesus, others don't. Just because you are among those who believe in Christ doesn't mean it's your duty to insist that we're all going to Hell for not believing in Jesus. That's our own personal choice, whether Christian zealots like you like it or not. Quit trying to tell us how to live our lives and get on with living yours the way you see fit.

Edited by Draken_Fett



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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The Fettmeister is right. Now Grey Zealot is going to start a whole whack of threads in WOT to 'prove' his point. Just give it a rest already. We went through this a few days ago in general discussion.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Seriously, this guy is super loony.  Who honestly thinks a few barbs on a forum is a full out attack on your religion.  I need to find that section in bible where it says "Dude...chill."


As for calling homosexuality an abomination, again, who are you to judge?

It says in the Bible, "a man shall not lie with a man as a man lies with a woman", theres your proof, you can not be a Christian and Gay, it does not work that way.

Jesus Loves Us All

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You still never answered the question...who are you to judge? It says not to judge others as well...so are you not a Christian now? It also says that all people sin, and Jesus is supposed to be the redemption, so how does that work?

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You still never answered the question...who are you to judge?  It says not to judge others as well...so are you not a Christian now?  It also says that all people sin, and Jesus is supposed to be the redemption, so how does that work?

First of all, I am a Christian, your right in the fact that I will not judge you, but I already know what the judements are and Jesus will pass judement on you all, so don't you dare question my faith when you defend the enemy of Jesus.

Jesus Loves Us All

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There was one guy who actually claimed to be Jesus, I will not stand for that and if you read most of what I wrote, I could have been a hole lot meaner, and I could have cursed him out, I'm trying to help guide people toword salvation, and I try to do it with as much respect as possible, even when ediots voice there ediotic opinions


Th9ing is Gray Jedi is that most of us don't want or need your help. FOr most of us our path towards salvation lies a different path. What works for one bugger will often not work for another and in your hubris you are blind to that. Mind your own relationship with God and let the rest of us deal such matters our own way. I most certainly did not come here to be preached at by the likes of you and if God has something to say to me then he says it to me directly. I don't need you, some preacher, or scripture to tell me what God commands.


It says in the Bible, "a man shall not lie with a man as a man lies with a woman", theres your proof, you can not be a Christian and Gay, it does not work that way.


Just because someone wrote that more than 2000 years ago does not mean it was inspired by God. On the contrary it was to differentiate cultures and cultural values. The path of wisdom does not lie in a dusty tome written thousands of years ago but through compassion in action working with modern values and modern understanding of science and physiology.

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I am indeed the enemy of your god. I am Wiccan, I believe in the true Goddess of this world. I am gay, I had sex before marriage, I cursed the lords name, I used/use drugs, I lust after people, damn I am surely going to burn in the hell that you fear. :(

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Wiccans are cool. FOr myself I have no heaven to strive for and no hell to fear. When my end comes it will be nothingness, oblivion, until God with His sick sense of humor drags me back on this little mudball.

Edited by Judge Hades
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Just because someone wrote that more than 2000 years ago does not mean it was inspired by God.  On the contrary it was to differentiate cultures and cultural values.  The path of wisdom does not lie in a dusty tome written thousands of years ago but through compassion in action working with modern values and modern understanding of science and physiology.


Dude, that logic NEVER works on die-hard christians. They seem to think that the bible was the direct words of God. Any biblical scholar will tell you that the entire bible is simply an interpretation of man. It's not the exact words of God. These interpretations are constantly changing as our culture does, hence new editions of the bible.

Edited by Hurlshot
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It's kind of funny that the dudes that dislike in-your-face stuff go out of their way to spam the dude's thread (often inserting their brand of anti-belief) and get pissed after reading his responses. If you don't like it don't check it out.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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