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Christians that love Star Wars


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I am a very tolerate person. My view is that as long as you leave me alone I will leave you alone yet Christians think it is their duty to get in my face day and day out. I don't want to hear about how I should repent and that if I don't I am damned to Hell. If I am damned to Hell that is my problem with God and not yours.


I don't need you Christians scream at me while I am walking to class or shoving New Testaments in my face.


I don't need you Christians come knocking on my door after I spend 10 hours on an overnight shift and I am trying to get some sleep.


I don't need saving. I am quite comfortable with my God.

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I am a very tolerate person.  My view is that as long as you leave me alone I will leave you alone yet Christians think it is their duty to get in my face day and day out.  I don't want to hear about how I should repent and that if I don't I am damned to Hell.  If I am damned to Hell that is my problem with God and not yours. 


I don't need you Christians scream at me while I am walking to class or shoving New Testaments in my face. 


I don't need you Christians come knocking on my door after I spend 10 hours on an overnight shift and I am trying to get some sleep.


I don't need saving.  I am quite comfortable with my God.

I thought you hated God? Unless of course you are referring to Baley.

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Did I mentioned that I as Jesus have to be a secular humanist? That's the only way to preserve true balance. Religion is just fluff we used to apply a couple of thousand years ago to scare the bastards into doing some good stuff once in a while. Man, things were much harder back then.

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Actually you get saved by doing good things, religion doesn't really matter.

In that statement you prove your igonrance, the Bible say that no matter what your actions, all that matters when it comes to saved is beleiving in Jesus as your Savior and God. The only action that matters is the action of giving every thing you are to Jesus and letting go of your self. Serve Jesus and you will be rewarded with Heaven itself and be saven from the firey depths of hell.

Jesus Loves Us All

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I am a very tolerate person.  My view is that as long as you leave me alone I will leave you alone yet Christians think it is their duty to get in my face day and day out.  I don't want to hear about how I should repent and that if I don't I am damned to Hell.  If I am damned to Hell that is my problem with God and not yours. 


I don't need you Christians scream at me while I am walking to class or shoving New Testaments in my face. 


I don't need you Christians come knocking on my door after I spend 10 hours on an overnight shift and I am trying to get some sleep.


I don't need saving.  I am quite comfortable with my God.

I thought you hated God? Unless of course you are referring to Baley.

His god, not yours.




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I don't hate God. I think He is an okay sort that kind of get things mixed up a bit. I just hate the majority of His followers and the religions He inspired. He seriously needs to do some house cleaning. I keep telling Him that but He never listens.


Just for your information I know the God of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad. I don't follow. I don't worship. I don't do any of that crap. I just be and occasionally I scream at Him for ****ing up the world.

Edited by Judge Hades
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Actually you get saved by doing good things, religion doesn't really matter.

In that statement you prove your igonrance, the Bible say that no matter what your actions, all that matters when it comes to saved is beleiving in Jesus as your Savior and God. The only action that matters is the action of giving every thing you are to Jesus and letting go of your self. Serve Jesus and you will be rewarded with Heaven itself and be saven from the firey depths of hell.


Listen boyo, the creator used the bible to make you pissants take care of each other, it wasn't a great way, but it worked for a while, now I'm back, and I shall smite religion and unite man.

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His god, not yours.

It's just that he's often expressed how much he hates God, will never worship it, blah blah blah. He's never expressed belief in another deity except the God he hates. Now he says he's comfortable with his God, which I guess means he's speaking metaphorically. In which case, it makes a lot more sense. Woo-hoo!

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Actually you get saved by doing good things, religion doesn't really matter.

In that statement you prove your igonrance, the Bible say that no matter what your actions, all that matters when it comes to saved is beleiving in Jesus as your Savior and God. The only action that matters is the action of giving every thing you are to Jesus and letting go of your self. Serve Jesus and you will be rewarded with Heaven itself and be saven from the firey depths of hell.


Listen boyo, the creator used the bible to make you pissants take care of each other, it wasn't a great way, but it worked for a while, now I'm back, and I shall smite religion and unite man.

Your are an ignorant fool who will burn hell if you do not change, and for that I am sorry for you. God Bless you.

Jesus Loves Us All

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Since homosexuality is hereditary and caused by a hormonal imbalance in the human brain, thusly a person is born/made homosexual since conception and therefore God made them that way.  You are calling one of God's creations an abomination.  Interesting.

Being a homosexual is a choice, and there is nothing natural about it. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Adam, or Eve and Eve.

Your statement is even up for debate. Trust me lust isn't a choice, if it was than people couldn't be suduced.

"Your total disregard for the law and human decency both disgusts me and touches my heart. Bless you, sir."

"Soilent Green is people. This guy's just a homeless heroin junkie who got in a internet caf

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Actually you get saved by doing good things, religion doesn't really matter.

In that statement you prove your igonrance, the Bible say that no matter what your actions, all that matters when it comes to saved is beleiving in Jesus as your Savior and God. The only action that matters is the action of giving every thing you are to Jesus and letting go of your self. Serve Jesus and you will be rewarded with Heaven itself and be saven from the firey depths of hell.


Listen boyo, the creator used the bible to make you pissants take care of each other, it wasn't a great way, but it worked for a while, now I'm back, and I shall smite religion and unite man.

Your are an ignorant fool who will burn hell if you do not change, and for that I am sorry for you. God Bless you.


I am God! Or part of God, as we all are actually.

Edited by Baley
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Actually you get saved by doing good things, religion doesn't really matter.

In that statement you prove your igonrance, the Bible say that no matter what your actions, all that matters when it comes to saved is beleiving in Jesus as your Savior and God. The only action that matters is the action of giving every thing you are to Jesus and letting go of your self. Serve Jesus and you will be rewarded with Heaven itself and be saven from the firey depths of hell.


Do you honestly believe that your merciful God created humankind and those that don

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Wow look at all the people in the sandbox. Much too much sand has left the confines of the box. So thanks for playing, you'll all be greeted with a parting gift at some point as you live the nutZ hoWse ...

The universe is change;
your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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