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France is now a strong US Ally?


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Interesting, Jacques Chirac and France are now sharing the same views as the US concerning global affairs...

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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Looks like this is the reason:

Chirac was a close friend of the murdered Lebanese prime minister, Rafik Hariri ...

Chirac understands that posturing over Iraq has not protected France from Islamofascism. Militant Islamist preachers are active among the nation's 5 million Muslim citizens, many of whom willingly believe that all their problems will get better if they follow Sharia and reject French secularism.


Reality is a harsh tutor. It is, unfortuantely, inevitable that the class of supremacy of sacred and secular law will directly effect all free societies.

But Chirac has gone further. In a little-noticed speech on French nuclear doctrine earlier this year, he announced that France's nuclear-weapons capability should be reckoned with by states tempted to sponsor terrorism on French soil. Although wrapped up in Gaullist tropes, this amounts to something akin to a pre-emptive-strike doctrine for Europe, not far removed from the U.S. policy that caused such a flap after 9/11. Belated or not, it echoes Washington's determination to tell terrorists and their state sponsors that there are lines not to be crossed.

Cute. Not that this is ANY different from historical fact, regardless of the spin. Nations always act in their interests, only the stupid/arrogant ones declare war first, however (Hitler).




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France did its best to dissuade the US from making its biggest foreign policy mistake since Viet Nam, a mistake that has led to disaster and significant loss of life. They were better friends to the US than Tony 'Poodle' Blair.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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^ Well, if you count the revolution, sure.


Modern times, that easily goes to the Brits or Canada.


Canada is not so much of an ally as it is, well, another State... :(


Funny thing is, you wouldn't even be the biggest state, population wise.


Size doesn't matter. Only the alcohol % in beer matters. And hockey.

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1. Sam Adams has the worlds strongest beer (% alcohol)

? are you sure... i've had a swiss beer that was 17% alcohol. this must be a new beer... the swiss stuff tasted like chocolate, btw.



comrade taks... just because.

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Don't see why this is shocking. Historically France has always been the U.S's strongest ally.

Well after France pretty much spearheaded Europe against the US when the US invaded Iraq, and wanted to start an anti-American coalition, it seems like a 360-degree turnaround to me. It especially hurt when I heard about the French defaming, urinating, and whatever to our military cemeteries in France from the world wars. Last thing in the world I thought of was an ally; what I felt was hatred toward France.

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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I'm still wondering how the President of the United States started quoting a Simpson's character ...

Are you honestly surprised? :huh: Didn

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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Screw France.  They're useless.  All they know how to do in foreign policy is say "I surrender!" in German and "Help me!" in English.  j/k

Thats getting a bit tired.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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Don't see why this is shocking. Historically France has always been the U.S's strongest ally.

Well after France pretty much spearheaded Europe against the US when the US invaded Iraq, and wanted to start an anti-American coalition, it seems like a 360-degree turnaround to me. It especially hurt when I heard about the French defaming, urinating, and whatever to our military cemeteries in France from the world wars. Last thing in the world I thought of was an ally; what I felt was hatred toward France.



Shouldn't that be a 180 degree turnaround?

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1. Sam Adams has the worlds strongest beer (% alcohol)

? are you sure... i've had a swiss beer that was 17% alcohol. this must be a new beer... the swiss stuff tasted like chocolate, btw.




Sam Adams: 25.6% (strongest commercial beer)


Yep, good old American inginuity. It prolly tastes like ass, but it'll get ya drunk!:




^see "extreme beers" (they have a chocolate one too)

Edited by kumquatq3
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