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Empire at War


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There's one redeeming trait to ground battles though, as Empire you get to kill Ewoks and gunguns by the hundreds! How's that Gabs!?!


(not Jarjar tho :angry:)



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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It's not a real 3D RTS, it's all on a flat plane.  It's no different really than C&C or Starcraft in that respect.


You talk about the spacebattles now, don't you? As that is just indeed just 2D with 3D units (and thus WAY better than ground combat, even with the awefull lot of micro-management there). Also there you can zoom out far enough to get overview


But groundbattle is like that and thus no fun. Zooming out far enough for a good view of the battle wipes out all kind of important information for some odd reason and the "good against, bad against" is far worse than any RTS. In AoE you could still kill archers with warriors if you had enough. Don't try such a thing here.

If something is "bad against" it is bad against it and dead without a scratch.

Also "natural dangers" irritates me. Tornado killing 2 squads of soldiers anyone?

And then you have to keep guard over several parts of the map to respond with the right units and stuff.

And to add to this insult the Rebel Arty has a nice habbit of re-packing if you click wrong (on some empty ground) WITH THE ATTACK BUTTON <_<


And in both the thought out the amazing system of Right-Move, left-Attack. But WHY are special powers Click on icon and then a right-click, probably killing the unit if you click wrong? :)


Conclussion: Far too many non-sensical micro-management to me...


I still do special powers with a left-click.


And no, I have defeated TIE Maulers with teams of just Rebel Infantry. It's just harder.


Much like trying to use a tank to take out a bazookaman in C&C.

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Can you still build a Starbase there yourself, even though it's an asteroid? That's the concern I was having. It's great to have your own level 5 starbases :)




What's Piett's ability? I haven't gotten him yet in my Empire game.

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Can you still build a Starbase there yourself, even though it's an asteroid?  That's the concern I was having.  It's great to have your own level 5 starbases :)




What's Piett's ability?  I haven't gotten him yet in my Empire game.

a little zappy beam of doom... kills most things in one shot.


and yes you can build shipyards in asteroid fields.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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42... but one is an asteroid field.


Each one has a DIFFERENT MAP for a ground battle. just a tidbit.


and for gabs... and others...


BBQ... Gungan style!

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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What I really like is how the battles can be just as large as the SW Movies. Pictures cannot do this game justice. You gotta see this in motion







ouch... vics vs mon cals... that's pain incarnate.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I find t he game to be more oriented towards thinking ahead than most RTS', in that good against/bad against actually has meaning to it. However, much of the strategy involves an excessive amount of micro-management, something the developers didn't seem to consider at all.


Also, beware: The galactic map, where you deploy your campaign on the larger scale, is in REAL TIME, not TURN BASED as in the total war games. It's a serious, serious pain in the ass, although the AI is still pathetic enough to beat anyway.


It's just a very point and clicky type of game.

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42... but one is an asteroid field.


Each one has a DIFFERENT MAP for a ground battle. just a tidbit.


and for gabs... and others...


BBQ... Gungan style!


Die, gungans, die!


I may be LS, but I make a special exception for gungans (and perhaps ewoks)... I'm a nice guy otherwise. Honestly! :cat:

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