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Spidey 3: gets the black costume


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Sounds like mutant registration to me.


Its like an expanded mutant registration. Only you don't have to be a mutant to have to register. Everyone with superpowers has to register.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Is there some sort of anti-spam clause, so that the heroes don't get unsolicitored email when they register?


And what happens to those whodon't register? Are they automatically classed as "villians" for being in breach? Tune in next time, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel ...




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Is there some sort of anti-spam clause, so that the heroes don't get unsolicitored email when they register?


And what happens to those whodon't register? Are they automatically classed as "villians" for being in breach? Tune in next time, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel ...



...With special appearance by Remi Zero.

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I'd like to chime in and ask the creator of this topic if he's ever heard of the concept of spoilers?


If you think that that teaser image is a spoiler, I suggest you stay away from theaters, because its likely going to be hanging up in the lobby at some time.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I've always wondered why super heroes (except aliens, magicians and power suiters) weren't regarded as mutants. Sure, they weren't born that way but they have mutated nonetheless.

In marvel Mutant is sombody that NATURE made into a metahuman. IE their genetics made them have their power. all the others are simply Metahumans. In most comics it's considered normal to refer to most heros (hawkeye, batman being human aren't) as metahumans. Ultimatly I'm not an "as they come out" comic reader. I wait and pick up the trades. thus I can't say what exactly is going on in civil war, but I'm sure the guys over at the COH boards know.


Also from what I can tell, the civil war will mainly revolve around spidey. Because Bindis is a jerk when it comes to storylines and his favorite characters (who seem to be Wolverine, spiderman, Cap America, Ironman, and Colossus. I think he HATES Kitty Pryde, Beast (he killed beast off real real fast in Xmen.) she hulk, and night crawler.)


House of M was essencially Bindis version of making marvel continuity his. because of how he did it he could depower who he wanted and empower the others. He's OFFICIALLY made Wolverines name Jim Howlett, and after the house of M Wolvie is supposed to remember his entire life. but I have yet to see anything that indicates that Chris Claremont or other writers for Xmen really care for that. thus right now it seems like a better time to pay attention to DC rather than Marvel's continuity.


With Infinite Crisis the just put everything back to the seperate earths. IE we get earth bound god superman back along with all those wackey different stories from different continuities... Elseworlds get their own version of earth, that sort of thing. Also the Identity crisis spun things topsey turvy causing the JLA to break up and now we have Hal Jordan back among the green lanterns. (he's the one who went bezerk in 1994). so yeah... comics are still wackey but DC isn't going insane and changing the status quo THAT BAD.


Now for the movie... I saw a really messed up version of a plotline for it and hold out hope.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Sounds like Marvel are using the infinite multiverse paradigm for their stories, i.e. anything and everything is possible (sort of like going for a spin in the Heart of Gold, with its infinite improbability drive on max).




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Sounds like Marvel are using the infinite multiverse paradigm for their stories, i.e. anything and everything is possible (sort of like going for a spin in the Heart of Gold, with its infinite improbability drive on max).

actually DC just reinstated that with infinate crisis...


Marvel... :shrugs:

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Well, that way the writers can just create as many different histories / timelines / universes as they want, and the audience can choose their own (from those provided, or from their own, demented imagination). Certainly deals a body-blow to "canon". :thumbsup:




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Well, that way the writers can just create as many different histories / timelines / universes as they want, and the audience can choose their own (from those provided, or from their own, demented imagination). Certainly deals a body-blow to "canon". :)


As long as each continuity is constrained to certain titles I'm fine with that. Marvel already has multiple continuities I think. They have mainline Marvel, Ultimate Marvel, and Marvel Knights.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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