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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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Revan got to Sith space alone. Someone else can do it with friends.


And being the one who facilitates victory does mean that you're a messenger boy. Would you call Gandalf a messenger boy? He was scarcely the one who decided things with his choices. But he was important for where he helped at the right moment. Besides, you need look no further than Frodo or Bilbo to see that you don't have to be particularly powerful to be the deciding factor in a great war - Aragorn and Gandalf and Faramir and hosts of others were far more powerful than Frodo ever was, yet it was still Frodo who decided between victory or defeat... or maybe Sam, you could argue, but then the same goes for him.


More people just attract more attention (see LOTR).


Gandalf was a demi god though. Point really not found there if your arguing that you dont have to be powerful. Gandalf is the deciding factor in a lot of the pivitol points of the book.


Actually it was Gollum. Frodo failed in the end. Ask anyone whose journey they find more interesting and most people will say they just sort of tolerate the Frodo/Sam bits (especially after you have read the books a couple of times).

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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More people just attract more attention (see LOTR).


Well, you can't walk there, and a starship is a starship is a starship...


Gandalf was a demi god though. Point really not found there if your arguing that you dont have to be powerful. Gandalf is the deciding factor in a lot of the pivitol points of the book.


My point was that Gandalf is an assistant. He is never a primal protagonist. He is never the central character of the story. He can be as powerful as he wants to - he's still not the hero of the story, Frodo is. Or if Frodo isn't, then it's Aragorn. It's certainly not Gandalf. That actually underscores the other point, too - Revan could take the Gandalf role (Exile as Aragorn?), while the new pc is in the position of Frodo/Sam.


Actually it was Gollum. Frodo failed in the end. Ask anyone whose journey they find more interesting and most people will say they just sort of tolerate the Frodo/Sam bits (especially after you have read the books a couple of times).


Yes, but the point is still that it was Frodo and Sam who had to go and destroy the ring, not Gandalf or Aragorn or any of the others. If they had not taken that journey, then it wouldn't have mattered what the more powerful characters did - "Even the smallest person can change the course of history..." :cat:

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Now come on, even I can think of ways to get both Revan and the Exile in the game. I even managed some way in which you could set almost everything, alignment, gender, face, class.


That isn't so difficult.

And I didn't study any storyline writing. Thank you.

Statement: Revan and the Exile don't have to be killed.

Master Vandar lives!

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Now come on, even I can think of ways to get both Revan and the Exile in the game. I even managed some way in which you could set almost everything, alignment, gender, face, class.


That isn't so difficult.

And I didn't study any storyline writing. Thank you.

Statement: Revan and the Exile don't have to be killed.

I like this LS HK :shifty:


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Why is an existing story a problem to overcome? I know the Trek-people thought so too, but I don't see why. On the contrary, there are lots of shows and stories where the writers realise that rich background is a wonderful tapestry. Established history is only a problem if you insist on seeing it as such. Sure, you have abide by the established story, but you can get as much inspiration from that (if not more) as you writing from a completely blank slate. I would say that any claim to the contrary is just lazy or misunderstood writing - not often do we see writers complaining over this then doing completely original works...

Imagine someone telling you a story, and they filled in the details of yesterday. You keep watching the tv series, and they keep telling you minute details of the past. Now, someone else takes over the tv series, and they decide to create a prequal series. Without regards to what is allready in place, they rewrite the history that was allready established for thirty years. (Star Trek history expands to 40 years.) Star Trek: Enterprise was a really nice series; however, they rewrote a mess of history that has been established for 33 years. Everything you have accepted as Star Trek/Star Wars lore is no longer valid. Everything you came to like about the previous series becomes lost. You spent several year watching your favorite show, or reading you favorite book, and then someone else rewrites everything that you have accepted and loved. How would you the viewer feel? <_<

Edited by DarthMethos
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The problem with the KotOR series is that in both games the main character is too freaking powerful to be of any use in the next game if you want to maintain any sort of game balance whatsoever. I think the best option is to end the KotOR series with 2 and start a whole new Star Wars CRPG series with the concept of the player using the same character in all three games (design it to be a trilogy from the start) and figure the balance from there. That would be the smartest thing to do.


Of course this is Lucas Arts and they are not exactly smart.


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Yes they are. I have yet played a game in which I had a godlike character where I had fun playing it. Where is the fun if you character sneezes and 20 enemies die? There is no strategy, no risk of death, nothing. Each and every fight needs to be a life or death situation.


Combat and killing should never be taken lightly.

Edited by 6 Foot Invisible Rabbit


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In the story I was writing the reason that the new PC was important to the war against the ancient Sith is because he was weaker then Exile and Revan and he was an unknown Jedi he could move around freely and find allies to fight the war (there

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i like the idea of a weaker jedi who doesnt attract much attention, what would make an interesting game would be that after a certain point of being weaker u had the choice of turning definitely to the dark side and getting a power boost or stayin weaker and getting a power boost quite far into the game giving u enough power to kill of the bad guys or maybe just a temporary power boost that allows u to kill the evil dudes who are runnin the show

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Well, by the end of the game the protagonist would be their equal (I would think). Obsidian could have killed Revan off in TSL, with a few references to what happened in the time between the two games, but they didn't. He/She is in the Great I-Don't-Know, same with the Exile. Basically Revan is tying the whole series together, so that character pretty much has to be in the third installment.


Obsidian did a good job of keeping them just in the picture. But without having any sort of real effect on the game they wrote.


In many ways you could consider most of it easter eggs for people who played KOTOR rather than defining the story.


You have to remember that your not just making a game for people who played KOTOR/II. But you also want a game that someone can pick up and play and make sense of without having played any of the other games.


Only an addon should have for a prerequistite playing the game (since the game would be required to run it anyway).


Off fighting the true Sith should keep them both out of the way in the same manner. Although your still going to have to do all that LS/DS Male/Female alternate stuff and thus waste time and energy you could be devoting to KIII in it's own right.

Had to go to work, so I couldn't really reply earlier. Agreed that Obsidian did a good job, but Revan is still the whole reason for the Exile being what she is. Revan and Malak went awol from the Jedi Council to fight the Mandalorians, and the Exile was one who followed them, and what happened to her, happened because of that.


Then as the game builds toward the end, its not hard to guess is still going to be a key figure in the future, assuming of course that in K3 (also assuming the game will be made at all), the protagonist's eventual destination is an encounter with the True Sith... and why wouldn't it be? Kreia outright stated that the Sith we had been battling were as nothing compared to the True Sith. Now, I dunno about anyone else, but I'm kinda curious to meet these guys and find out the difference for myself.


Also, when you think of how the plot has progressed from I to II, I have to ask what else is left?

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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Guest The Architect

So it appears that the biggest problem with K3 is how to handle Revan and the Exile and the storyline. Well, I wish I was the Lead Designer for Obsidian and I was writing the K3 story because the one I'm working on is kind of a 'solution' to all these problems. I really wish Obsidian would read my story because I would let them use most, if not all my ideas for free because I want this damn game to be made!


Okay, how about I post my introductory points and features to my story...


2 and a half years after the events of K2, the Ancient Sith Empire has begun it

Edited by The Architect
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Guest The Architect

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*All-new Force powers, weapons, locations, characters and classes

*Cameo appearances from memorable characters of the first and second game

*Choose from a number of different species for your main character

*All new classes including ones for the

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Had to go to work, so I couldn't really reply earlier. Agreed that Obsidian did a good job, but Revan is still the whole reason for the Exile being what she is. Revan and Malak went awol from the Jedi Council to fight the Mandalorians, and the Exile was one who followed them, and what happened to her, happened because of that.


Then as the game builds toward the end, its not hard to guess is still going to be a key figure in the future, assuming of course that in K3 (also assuming the game will be made at all), the protagonist's eventual destination is an encounter with the True Sith... and why wouldn't it be? Kreia outright stated that the Sith we had been battling were as nothing compared to the True Sith. Now, I dunno about anyone else, but I'm kinda curious to meet these guys and find out the difference for myself.


Also, when you think of how the plot has progressed from I to II, I have to ask what else is left?


The events of the Mandolorian war are more than Revan. KOTOR is really all about Bastila, the whole game revolves around her.


KOTOR II is about coming to terms with your past. Something that isnt going to be an issue if you don't have one (in the sense that your not a pregnerated character).


There is a huge ammount of cleaning up to do in the Galaxy and thats where a less "godly" character can make a difference. Not running off to Sith space to fight some even more "godly" Sith.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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well a weaker jedi solving small things would be good just cleaning up the galaxy im hopin for a good PC version of this game to be released sometime. what i would like is after a while of cleanup then to fight the truth sith coz i am really curious as to what they would be like but there must be some way to grow in power to defeat them or to rule them

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