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What is your favorite music?


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Just about anything but rap and country.

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I listen to just about everything as far as genre goes. I don't listen to new country or metal much, just because of their current states anything any good would not be worth the wading through to find.


I guess my favorite groups are Pixies, Sonic Youth, Fugazi, Prefuse_73, John Coltrane, Charles Mingus, Neil Young , and Wilco.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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People like Pope need to actually visit the United States and stay here for a few months  visiting various locales before making broad and unfounded over-generalizations about our musical diversity.

Been there, done that...


It isn't so much America's fault that it is what we listen to so much, it is also partially the radio station and record companies for making it hard for the average person who doesn't have a passion for music to get into contact with other types of music.

...and that's exactly the idea I got as well.



Yet again, my question - which was the essence of my post, rather than the America-bashing you believed it to be - remains unanswered. Why does electronic music not seem to be appreciated at all in the US? I'm not saying I'm a fan of all kinds of electronic music, as it's a very wide term. But it's like every artist I like seems to be from Europe. To name but a few examples: The Prodigy, Fatboy Slim, Chemical Brothers, Faithless, Orbital, Basement Jaxx, they're all from the bloody UK! And I don't even like the British that much. All this somehow gave me the idea that (don't shoot me now...) Americans just don't like import (omg!). "We've got our own music, and that'll do. Music from around the world could never be as good as ours. Better perhaps? Don't make us laugh LOL! we > u "


Just give it a chance, you might like it.

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I love metal, specially nu metal and industrial metal. Nu metal is basically bands like slipknot, system of a down, shadows fall, mudvayne, korn etc. I dont like classic metal as it tends to be extremely boring. I also listen to some melodic death metal bands. I like Brujeria a lot, its a mexican death/thrash metal band(at least something good has come out of latin america, unlike those ketchup girls), and also arch enemy.


Industrial metal combines metal with electronics and industrial sounds, and it is my primary music genre. All my favourite industrial metal bands are from europe, and a lot of them sing in german. My favourite german bands are KMFDM, rammstein, oomph, megaherz and eisbrecher. I also like Turmion katilot, its a finnish band(and they sing in finnish as well), they are amazing.


Most american music is garbage. European music is a lot better and is much more innovative.


And I know roshan before you say anything.. You think "rap is crap."


Yes, together with all the other variations of black music.

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Yet again, my question - which was the essence of my post, rather than the America-bashing you believed it to be - remains unanswered. Why does electronic music not seem to be appreciated at all in the US? I'm not saying I'm a fan of all kinds of electronic music, as it's a very wide term. But it's like every artist I like seems to be from Europe. To name but a few examples: The Prodigy, Fatboy Slim, Chemical Brothers, Faithless, Orbital, Basement Jaxx, they're all from the bloody UK! And I don't even like the British that much. All this somehow gave me the idea that (don't shoot me now...) Americans just don't like import (omg!). "We've got our own music, and that'll do. Music from around the world could never be as good as ours. Better perhaps? Don't make us laugh LOL! we > u "


Just give it a chance, you might like it.



Now you are actually being more sensible. Stating that Americans don't listen to enough foreign music is a totally different point to claiming that the "dominant music scene in the US is rap." Somehow you wanted to make the correlation that...


"If Americans don't like to listen to music from other countries, then that must be because they only listen to rap!"


I can concur that Americans (in general) don't listen to *a lot* of international music but I don't agree with saying that rap is the dominant music scene in the US. There really isn't any one dominant music scene in the US.




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So Rock also? Because Rock devolved from Blues. Blues is/was a form of "black music".

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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And I know roshan before you say anything.. You think "rap is crap."


Yes, together with all the other variations of black music.


:(:ermm: :ph34r:


It's disturbing.. Being this is the 21st century.... :blink:


There is nothing disturbing about stating the facts. Almost all of hip hop, rnb and rap are produced by people of african origin, and a lot of african people like listening to this sort of music. And since they invented these styles of music., there is nothing wrong with giving them credit for it.


If you deny that it is black music, you are actually being racist because you are denying credit for these music styles to their rightful inventors and are instead attempting to attribute their origin to white people. Just because a lot of white people are now listening to black music doesnt mean it belongs to you.

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So Rock also?  Because Rock devolved from Blues.  Blues is/was a form of "black music".


We definitely have a lot to be greatful to them for, despite the **** they produce nowadays.


Uh, that is only a percentage. Not all black musicians produce rap and hip-hop.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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So Rock also?  Because Rock devolved from Blues.  Blues is/was a form of "black music".


We definitely have a lot to be greatful to them for, despite the **** they produce nowadays.


Uh, that is only a percentage. Not all black musicians produce rap and hip-hop.


Yeah but a majority of black musicians are involved in rap, hiphop and rnb.

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There is nothing disturbing about stating the facts. Almost all of hip hop, rnb and rap are produced by people of african origin, and a lot of african people like listening to this sort of music. And since they invented these styles of music., there is nothing wrong with giving them credit for it.


If you deny that it is black music, you are actually being racist because you are denying credit for these music styles to their rightful inventors and are instead attempting to attribute their origin to white people. Just because a lot of white people are now listening to black music doesnt mean it belongs to you.


Except you are calling it "black music" not to credit them for it, but saying it in such a way that comes across more like..


"rap is crap!"




"Well, it is black music what do you expect?"




You have stated how much you hate rap in this thread and I doubt you coin the phrase to positively "credit" them for it. More like "blaming" that race for the perceived "low quality" of their music.


Lastly, I am not white. And nor are you to be listening to that "white music" ;) . There are other races besides whites and blacks that listen to rock and rap, you know.


Oh and no musical style "belongs" to any one race. Music is to be cherished by whomever wishes to listen to it.

Edited by Lancer




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There is nothing disturbing about stating the facts. Almost all of hip hop, rnb and rap are produced by people of african origin, and a lot of african people like listening to this sort of music. And since they invented these styles of music., there is nothing wrong with giving them credit for it.


If you deny that it is black music, you are actually being racist because you are denying credit for these music styles to their rightful inventors and are instead attempting to attribute their origin to white people. Just because a lot of white people are now listening to black music doesnt mean it belongs to you.


Except you are calling it "black music" not to credit them for it, but saying it in such a way that comes across more like..


"rap is crap!"




"Well, it is black music what do you expect?"


You have stated how much you hate rap in this thread and I doubt you coin the phrase to "credit" them for it.


I have said that rap is crap and I have said that it is black. I have never said that it is crap because it is black. You are attempting to link two completely unrelated things. Either you are purposely doing this to twist my words, or you have an overactive imagination.


Irregardless of my opinion that rap, hip hop and rnb are crap, the fact is that they have been invented by black people. Even The Pope calls rap black music. And despite what I think, the fact is that people of all races enjoy these styles of music. Do you not beleive that credit for rap should be given to black people? Or do you believe that just because Eminem showed up, black people should not be given credit for rap music?


I see no reason to be one of those politically correct retards. Rap is black and that is a fact and I will call a spade a spade and I am not going to call it a club just because it is the politically correct thing to do.


In any case, I think all music is crap except for metal (and I dont even like most types of metal music).

Edited by roshan
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Irregardless of my opinion that rap, hip hop and rnb are crap, the fact is that they have been invented by black people. And despite what I think, the fact is that people of all races enjoy these styles of music.


Exactly, which is why credit should not be given to a broad "race" but to the involved parties regardless of race.


Do you not beleive that credit for rap should be given to black people? Or do you believe that just because Eminem showed up, black people should not be given credit for rap music?


I believe all the rap artists that contributed to the genre should be credited regardless of race. Eminem, included.




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Why not? Music is a tool for cultural expression, and there is nothing wrong with linking it to the cultures that it originated from.


If I can say Celtic Folk Music, Indian Classical Music, Japanese Pop, New Wave of British Heavy Metal, German Industrial Metal, Gothenburg style Death Metal, then I can most definitely say Black Music as well.


But nooooo..... It isnt politically correct to link anything with black people!

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Irregardless of my opinion that rap, hip hop and rnb are crap, the fact is that they have been invented by black people. And despite what I think, the fact is that people of all races enjoy these styles of music.


Exactly, which is why credit should not be given to a broad "race" but to the involved parties regardless of race.


Do you not beleive that credit for rap should be given to black people? Or do you believe that just because Eminem showed up, black people should not be given credit for rap music?


I believe all the rap artists that contributed to the genre should be credited regardless of race. Eminem, included.


Eminem should definitely be credited with making contributions to the rap genre and exposing it to a wider audience, but he should not be credited with the origin of rap. The origin of rap is credited to the african artists that preceded him. Like I said, just because eminem showed up doesnt mean that black people didnt create rap. Do you think that eminem simply invalidates the generations of black artists that preceded him? I believe in giving credit to who it is due, irregardless of political correctness.

Edited by roshan
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You are reaching man. Like I said, I "doubt" you are saying "black music" for nothing other than in a pejorative/critical sense. You can cover your tracks all you want but I think it is obvious where you were going.


I haven't heard you call heavy metal, "white music" to be fair... I wonder why.




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