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Your Top 10 NPC's of All Time!


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  • Annah (PST) Hopefully science will one day engineer women with tails :(
  • Dakkon (PST) *KNOW* That you are an awesome NPC
  • Sulik (FO2) If I hadn't found the G.E.C.K, could I have had my tribe in a nose bone too ?
  • T3 (K2) You could almost feel sorry for the little guy, always being left behind :'(
  • Hanharr (K2) The way wookies were meant to be (w00t)
  • Jolee Bindo (K1) Sad thing that he had to die. I would rather have lured him to the Dark Side :huh:
  • Jaheira (BG2) I like women with a bit of back bone :-"
  • Iolo, Dupre, etc. all my old companions from Ultima IV :(
  • Corleth the Fey (Lords of Midnight)
  • Kresselack (IWD)

Edit: And that is in no particular order...

Edited by Gorth

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I've got a huge Jagged Alliance 1 and 2 list...


1. Ice

2. Hitman

3. Snake (They killed him off for the sequel)

4. Grunty

5. Magic

6. Fox (unstable women make the best comments)

7. Lynx

8. All the psychos from that second rate merc company (They all were good with knives)

9. The surfer guy...Scully?

10. Fidel...oh, he should be higher...he's right under Ice really. But he was not as cool in JA2. In JA he killed one of my merc girls overnight for bewing obnoxious.

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If we are going for talking weapons I say Lilarcor (msp?) from BG 2 was quite interesting.  A perfect two handed blade for Minsc.

Yeah I remember that one, HotU sword is just freshier in my memory.


* Time to see some internal organs! Hahahahaha! *


Where do you get the one in HOTU? I don't think I found it on my run through. :huh:

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The sword (Demon Sword? Black Sword?) from Ultima VII/Serpent Isle was good fun, too. I particularly liked the way you freed the demon's essence then used the sword to kill all your friends. :huh:


Enserric seemed destined to be transferred into a golem, but I never found out how to make that work.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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Enserric seemed destined to be transferred into a golem, but I never found out how to make that work.


He talked about this - his spirit could be freed from the sword if it was transferred into a golem. There is a place in Chapter 2 where you can create a golem, so it seemed like this was meant to happen, but no dialogue options appeared.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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Revolver Ocelot

Fenix (starcraft)

the commando's from Command and Conquer

the G man



Ghost Widow



Karen S'Jet

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Bioware must have cut that part out.  It would ave been cool to have a golem NPC.


My sources say that you can only create a golem with a mage PC...


Oh, I should try that then.


Halfling wizard blow stuff up!

Doo dah doo dah!

Halfling wizard making golems!

All the do dah day long!

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Bioware must have cut that part out.  It would ave been cool to have a golem NPC.


My sources say that you can only create a golem with a mage PC...


Oh, I should try that then.


Halfling wizard blow stuff up!

Doo dah doo dah!

Halfling wizard making golems!

All the do dah day long!


Where is your wizard now? I remember reading something about the golem parts being on the upper levels as random treasure but only for wizards.

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DEATH- as in Discworld's DEATH. Who could forget the Discworld pointandclick adventure games? Right? :ermm: I could murder a curry.

Jolee Bindo



Tomi Undergallows (NWN)

Jan Ors (we never did find out where she punched that Weequay)

Dr Robotnik- he had the right idea. :devil:

Nico Collard

Grimgnaw (NWN)


Edited Bastilla out of the top 10. She may have feminine wiles, but she's just not a deranged monk (though many might argue to the contrary).

Edited by Darth Somethingorother

Blue lorry yellow lorry blue lorry yellow lorry blorry. D'oh.

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8.  All the psychos from that second rate merc company (They all were good with

How can you not love Biff and Flo, the two stars of M.E.R.C. ?!?


I actually managed to complete a game once with both in my team, from the moment they were avavilable to Deirdranna being splattered all over the wall :ermm:


Although Gasket is sort of nice chap too.


Edit: Damn, how could I forget Bloodlines... Sort of nice having your own pet ghoul. I missed her almost as much as that pet Golem you can get in the Drider caves in IWD2. Felt kind of sad when they were no more :devil:

Edited by Gorth

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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the commando's from Command and Conquer


"That was left handed!"

"I got a present for ya!"


;) Good call!


My list, in no particular order....


HK-47 - KotOR

Canderous - KotOR

Cid - FFIV

Bastila - KotOR

Kefka - FFVI

Setzer - FFVI :D

Steiner - FFIX

Xzar and Montaron - BG1

Minsc & Boo - BG1

Mordresh Fire Eye - World of Warcraft

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1) Jolee Bindo (KotOR)

2) Minsc & Boo (BGs)

3) Yuthura Ban (KotOR)

4) Edwin Odesseiron (BGs)

5) HK-47 (KotOR)

6) Morte (PsT)

7) Kreia (TSL)

:) Atton Rand (TSL)

9) Bastila Shan (KotOR)

10) Jeanette & Therese (VtM:B)

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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