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worst game ever played


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Yeah, nothing wrong with that, I was just doing it because I realised in about 5 minutes how nothing but the music could ever persuade me to actually play the game. The 'inital impact' of 'wow, I can do anything' was cool, even if that was, instictively, to punch things. But the game itself...


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Yeah, nothing wrong with that, I was just doing it because I realised in about 5 minutes how nothing but the music could ever persuade me to actually play the game. The 'inital impact' of 'wow, I can do anything' was cool, even if that was, instictively, to punch things. But the game itself...

That's more of a reflection of yourself than the game Nick_i_am. :thumbsup:


I'll give you one guess as to what'll happen if you go around punching townfolk in Fallout...

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Pools of Radiance 2. ES series. Dungeon Seige.


Those are the crappiest ever of ones I can actually remember, and only because I';m barraged on message boards about them.


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I played Morrowind for around 100 hrs. For all intents and purposes, I got my money's worth. But, looking back, I don't recall having any fun out of it. I was just talking to the next NPC or walking to the next town because it was 'something else to do', not because there was a compelling reason to do so.


I can't say anything good about the gameplay, really. The combat system is pretty much the least enjoyable one I've ever played. The NPCs were horrible, writing was pointless. Sidequests were just repetitions of each other. I don't recall ever been compelled to finish one because it was interesting, only that it had to do it because it was another quest to do. I see no appeal in 'roleplaying' by myself when the game provides no reason to do so. Basically, I wasted 100 hrs exploring a bland empty world doing repetitive task. It was almost automation.


Basically, the saddest part is that I played it for 100 hrs. Maybe I was enthralled by the music, who knows? All I know is that it's not going to happen again.


Never again.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Oh yeah... add that oen to the list. Thanks a bunch for rmeinding about another crappy game I WANT to forget. :D



"Never again."


Never forget.

Edited by Volourn


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