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ABC Miniseries: The Lost


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Still think he's the ubersurvivor? I don't.


It looks like the hatch rat will be dealt with next episode anyway. Ana Lucia will so kill him as soon as she gets what she needs.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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There hasn't been enough time gone by for that guy to have grown that beard, has it?  That is the crusty dude, right?



You might have missed it but there was a scene with Kate in the locker room where she found a makeup kit that contained a fake beard and the cap.



He didn't miss it.


He posted that question before that scene aired. :thumbsup:


We were posting in real time :huh:

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There hasn't been enough time gone by for that guy to have grown that beard, has it?  That is the crusty dude, right?



You might have missed it but there was a scene with Kate in the locker room where she found a makeup kit that contained a fake beard and the cap.



He didn't miss it.


He posted that question before that scene aired. :thumbsup:


We were posting in real time :huh:


Ah, I thought so but the time zone got me. His post shows to me as being made at 9:28 PM.

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OMG, its an effect of the island!!


The fake homeless clothes and beards and stuff - excellent swerve. I guessed it when Claire started having the flashbacks but i thought it was too insane to be true. I guess zeke wasn't lying when he said that it was their island.

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His whole speech from the other episode makes a lot more sense now doesn't it? But here's my question: why would that facility be completely abandoned?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I liked the episode till I started to think about it


OMG, its an effect of the island!!


The fake homeless clothes and beards and stuff - excellent swerve. I guessed it when Claire started having the flashbacks but i thought it was too insane to be true. I guess zeke wasn't lying when he said that it was their island.


If their not these Island rats, why are they so damn good at tracking and such. Ethan is a doctor and a ninja-tracker-executioner now too? I agree that their not "The Others" as we previously thought of them, but the whole super-human thing seems odd now.


anyways, The bit about Locke freaking out was HORRIBLE. 8th graders write **** like that. Early on they tell ecko that they guy is "smart". Then Locke falls for the old Bugs Bunny "So why is he the boss, you're the smart one" trick. Whats next, the guy is going to paint a tunnel on a wall and Locke will run into it? Terrible.


Also, if I'm being held in a cell and a Ecko (sp?) walks in after checking his club at the door, I piss myself. He then pulls a knife out, I piss a little more.

Edited by kumquatq3
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Do you think the others could be tracking them with technology?



I totally agree with you about the Locke bit. Maybe losing his guns has left rattled. :(


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Do you think the others could be tracking them with technology?



I totally agree with you about the Locke bit.  Maybe losing his guns has left rattled. :(


I know they like to have Lockes flaw be that he freaks out from time to time, but it has been because he 1. Gets tricked out of a Kidney 2. Isn't allowed to go on his dream trip 3. Just had his protege die.


Lets face it, he's not infalliable. He lost a kidney and a ****load of guns so far. But the guy isn't retarded.

Edited by kumquatq3
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So you're going to let a writers' slip up with a minute and half to go in the episode mar an otherwise good offering?


I thought this was one of the few episodes I've seen this season ( without the Locke bit) that had something going on.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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So you're going to let a writers' slip up with a minute and half to go in the episode mar an otherwise good offering? 


I thought this was one of the few episodes I've seen this season ( without the Locke bit) that had something going on.


No, I liked the whole episode, until I realized: Hey, if their not this Crazy Island Tribe....how the hell are they all ninja and ****!


It's like Jack running off into a jungle dressed as beggars, abducting 2 people at a time and hanging one with the other one watching, snatching people only feet away from other people, etc.


My point is, they seem to be limiting their "reasonable" explanations at this point.

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It's like this whole show is screaming 'Military' right now.


And I guess I understand your dissapointment.


Military might make sense, tho not sure how many commando doctors they would have. Doctors who just got stuck on the island and became ninja badasses makes sense too, but that seems to be out the window.



Maybe...just maybe....their trying to find the new baby Jesus! Or the returing Budda or the like.

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No, I liked the whole episode, until I realized: Hey, if their not this Crazy Island Tribe....how the hell are they all ninja and ****!



You're missing one thing.


They could very well be a "crazy island tribe"... who just happen to be really well supplied.


I mean think about it, if you were on an island, and some vagrants came by (the lostaways) and they were happy living in the dirt... would you want them to know you had full modern facilities? :)


The bum act is just another way for them to control them. Like the button.

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I liked this episode a lot. I hope to see more island flashbacks from now on (Rousseau, Alex, Desmond, Henry...). The real life ones are getting a bit tedious.


To people who are complaining about Locke "losing it" and not being as all-knowing as he was in the first season, here's an interesting quote from the imdb boards:


"Locke was a very frustrated man who went through anger management therapy to deal with his temper. Eventually he got into his head that he had some kind of mission, something he had to do, but time and time again he was defeated, was denied the walkabout, and the final humiliation being when he was carried onto the plane.


Then the crash happened and he could suddenly walk again. The sky was the limit and he was filled with this enormous confidence. This is where we the viewers entered the picture. The first Locke we knew was the uber cool mystic who was on top of his game and appeared to have some connection to the island because he believed it so wholeheartedly. But this Locke that became everyone's favorite character was not the real Locke, it was just a role he assumed, fulfilling his wet dream of being in control, respected and admired. He thought he was invincible. This was just a fluke. The main turning point was when he saw the monster up close and his knowing smile turned to a look of pure horror. Uh-oh. Guess the island wasn't his bestest buddy after all.

After that it's been downhill. His golden grail, the hatch, wasn't what he thought. There wasn't "hope" inside. Stuff that "wasn't supposed to happen", happened. He slowly became "a Locke problem". Deprived of all his 'powers' except his newfound ability to walk, he's reverting to his former self; the frustrated loner with the boiling temper, crashing plates, getting paranoid, questioning loyalties... this IS Locke. If you want to see that cool guy from his role playing days, watch reruns."


Also, it could very well be Locke isn't falling for Gale's scheme (I firmly believe he's an Other) at all, but rather that he knew he was gonna hear him anyway, thus making him believe his plan to sow disarray among the losties is working. This way, Locke could be using Gale while the latter believes it's the other way around. Maybe...


Anyone have a thought what Eko is up to with his trees?


Finally, the theory that they've all been on the island before as children is more and more becoming a given for me now we've seen the Oceanic miniature planes in the newly discovered facility (which are identical to Kate's).

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I liked this episode a lot. I hope to see more island flashbacks from now on (Rousseau, Alex, Desmond, Henry...). The real life ones are getting a bit tedious.


To people who are complaining about Locke "losing it" and not being as all-knowing as he was in the first season, here's an interesting quote from the imdb boards:


"Locke was a very frustrated man who went through anger management therapy to deal with his temper. Eventually he got into his head that he had some kind of mission, something he had to do, but time and time again he was defeated, was denied the walkabout, and the final humiliation being when he was carried onto the plane.


Then the crash happened and he could suddenly walk again. The sky was the limit and he was filled with this enormous confidence. This is where we the viewers entered the picture. The first Locke we knew was the uber cool mystic who was on top of his game and appeared to have some connection to the island because he believed it so wholeheartedly. But this Locke that became everyone's favorite character was not the real Locke, it was just a role he assumed, fulfilling his wet dream of being in control, respected and admired. He thought he was invincible. This was just a fluke. The main turning point was when he saw the monster up close and his knowing smile turned to a look of pure horror. Uh-oh. Guess the island wasn't his bestest buddy after all.

After that it's been downhill. His golden grail, the hatch, wasn't what he thought. There wasn't "hope" inside. Stuff that "wasn't supposed to happen", happened. He slowly became "a Locke problem". Deprived of all his 'powers' except his newfound ability to walk, he's reverting to his former self; the frustrated loner with the boiling temper, crashing plates, getting paranoid, questioning loyalties... this IS Locke. If you want to see that cool guy from his role playing days, watch reruns."


Also, it could very well be Locke isn't falling for Gale's scheme (I firmly believe he's an Other) at all, but rather that he knew he was gonna hear him anyway, thus making him believe his plan to sow disarray among the losties is working. This way, Locke could be using Gale while the latter believes it's the other way around. Maybe...


Anyone have a thought what Eko is up to with his trees?


Finally, the theory that they've all been on the island before as children is more and more becoming a given for me now we've seen the Oceanic miniature planes in the newly discovered facility (which are identical to Kate's).


(I didn't see Ep02-15 yet...)


Locke freaks out only when his newfound confidence in his abilities, and knowledge is shaken. This confidence is only based on his ability to walk. He was not denied the walkabout, he is doing it.

Locke's turning point was not when he saw the "monster". He said(to Jack I think or Charlie) "I stared into the eye of this island. And it was beautiful".

Locke's turning point is when he was losing his legs again. Then Boone died. To him, the Island was telling him that without his legs, he is nothing and this can be taken away just as easily as it was given to him. Suddenly, Locke doesn't feel so hot anymore and he questions everything again.

He was also the best woodsman around, before the "ninjas" showed up. And as the "losties" are getting more familiar with their environment, his uniqueness is fading, as everyone is catching up to his skills and he is slowly but surely becoming "like everyone else". IMO.


By the way, we still don't know how he lost his legs in the first place.

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You shut up about the button.


The button is top priority.




You'll see, bad things happen when you don't push the button


Yes. The consequence of not pushing the button is that when you flush a toilet in Australia, the water will revert back to going counter-clockwise. ;)

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