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ABC Miniseries: The Lost


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Libby dies. As she slips away Hurley takes his opportunity to climb on top of her and get jiggy - much to the horror, disgust and slight arousal of those present.


Didn't see the preview.


EDIT: TV.com says that next week is about Michael and what happened to him while missing. The following week looks like the finale and is about Desmond's time on the island.

Edited by Surreptishus
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I caught both the american and canadian previews for next week. The one from the states showed Michael in the Others camp. The canuck version had him leading a group of survivors to the Others, saying ' only Jack, Hurley, Sawyer and Kate should go' to meet them. That rat bastard. The US one also had Mikey saying to one of the others " My son is probably dead anyway" to which the Other replied " No, he's right here in front of you". The next shot was a group of survivors on the beach looking all dumbfounded.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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And how could I forget greybeard swinging a bolo or sling and then you see somebody (Jack?) going down!! Plus Sayid says to Jack ' I believe Michael has been compromised'


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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The canuck version had him leading a group of survivors to the Others, saying ' only Jack, Hurley, Sawyer and Kate should go' to meet them. That rat bastard.


I really hope this doesn't turn into a "lets brainwash the main cast" kinda thing.... cause that would suck. :blink:

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I really hope this doesn't turn into a "lets brainwash the main cast" kinda thing.... cause that would suck.  :huh:


If you substitute 'brainwash' with 'assasinate' we could have a very interesting episode on our hands... :blink:


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I need to think some things over now.



So did the island want Locke in the Pearl instead of the Swan? But how come every time he gets to the drug plane, he's disabled from climbing the cliff himself, and thereby seeing the question mark?


What are the people in the Swan being tested for? Their faith? Is it meant as a simulation for when things really become of the utmost importance? Or is the Pearl just another mind game?


If Claire's psychic is a fraude, isn't it a bit too coincidental he led her to the island? If he were a fraude back when he first talked to her, why would he give her the money back? Might he be affiliated with Dharma after all?

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The psychic was probably lying about being a fraud in order to protect his daughter from being exposed to the media etc.

Or, he's a fraud and did see something when touching Claire, which is why he freaked out.


Or, he's not a fraud and knew that Eko would delay his flight by investigating the miracle and thereby not crash on the island.

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It's on (w00t)


Side note 1: Alias is awesome again, best season since season 2 :(


Side note 2: The psychic probably works for Dharma... remember how he kept telling Claire that the people who wanted her kid were "good people"? That's an "others thing"

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At first I thought Walt didn't seem that much taller but then when I saw him beside greybeard I can see why he didn't get any airtime this season.




Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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