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Well, from the fools on the oilers forum there are a few theories:


Pronger knocked up a chick in Calgary and needs to split, bigtime

Prongers wife is addicted to tan'n'spray and has already used up Edmonton's entire supply

And Mrs.Pronger is ready to divorce him if he doesn't get traded


am I close?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I really can't disagree with any of that, the only thing that they've sorta done right is not trading Ruutu when eveyone was on their ass to do so, but its a long summer and they could still **** that up.


You have to admit Laozi that Chicago has a pretty ****ed up owner.  He won't televise home games, yet complains that he can't get anyone to show up in the arena.  First he won't pay the stars that come their way what they're worth ( Roenick, Amonte) t hen they **** the bed on the Khabibulin deal.  I think Mr. Wirtz needs to pull his head out of his ass and accept that Bobby Hull can't come back to save his team anymore.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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And I was just reading that Prongers pick up line was "have you ever been with a six million dollar man?".


But seriously, how would being traded help? They can still cheat on each other ( IF that's the case) in any city in the world, let alone Edmonton. Although I have to say in my own personal experience that your city does weird things to women, Alan.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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And I was just reading that Prongers pick up line was "have you ever been with a six million dollar man?".


But seriously, how would being traded help?  They can still cheat on each other ( IF that's the case) in any city in the world, let alone Edmonton.  Although I have to say in my own personal experience that your city does weird things to women, Alan.


It's like Mardi Gras here all the time. Everyone is just all sexed up!

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LOL I just read a rumour that Prongers wife hooked up with Nelly when he came to town.


Although I hear the Oil are planning a press conference tomorrow, can anyone confirm this?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I've heard of the press conference now. I don't know the details, but many seem to think it's about the name of the new Junior team they created, which makes sense.



As for Pronger talks, the two teams I hear getting tossed around a lot are Toronto and Florida. Sounds like Mike Keenan has a man crush on Chris Pronger, and Eklund feel that Toronto is "very serious" about getting a deal done to acquire Pronger. If it does involve Kaberle, I wonder how he'll feel about being traded days before his NTC becomes active.


If Toronto holds on to McCabe, I think that a pairing of those two would put up silly offensive numbers.



Hopefully mkreku is happy(ier) with the acquistion of Raycroft to replace Belfour.

Edited by alanschu
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Hopefully mkreku is happy(ier) with the acquistion of Raycroft to replace Belfour.

Yeah, I am glad we don't have to rely on that over-the-hill alcoholic anymore. But they traded Tuukka Rask to get Raycroft.. I'm just so sick of seeing the Leafs keep trading away all their youth in exchange for 30+ players (yeah, I know Raycroft is only 26, but other trades). No wonder the Leafs roster looks like a trip down to the retirement center. For once the Leafs had to rely on some young players (because of all the injuries last season) and Steen stood head and shoulders above the rest. Unfortunately the rookies weren't enough to save the season, which is probably why they're trade bait right now. Pronger is a great player, but to me he comes at a way too great cost.


And noone knows if young players will actually make use of the potential they have in them, noone knows how long they will play for any team and all that, but I am willing to give it a shot (for once) instead of getting players like Nolan, Leetch, and that expensive old guy (Al something?) who played like 14 games for the Leafs before retiring.. with full million dollar pay.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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And now there are rumblings that MacT might not be back next season. Personally I can't decide if it's time for him to go or not. Although he led the team ot the final, there were a lot of times during the season when you'd look at who he'd put on the ice and you'd be like, WTF?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I'd be surprised if he doesn't get resigned (which looks an awful lot like a different type of resign altogether......in any way he's resigning :D).


I like MacTavish as a coach, and for the most part I think he's unfairly criticized.

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Unfortantly its probaly going to be hard for you guys to trade pronger until a couple of the soon-to-be free agents sign with someone, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone worked out a sign and trade deal.


I imagine they'll be a big push in Chi-town to get Lidstrom if he makes it to FA(which I doubt) as sort of revenge for the Chelios thing, and I guess I could see him paring up with Aucion, but something tells me they'll be going after Chara even though he's almost sure to cost way to much.


I guess I'm hoping they try and get two guys like a Markov and a Kupa especially since Jovanovski seems dead set in going back to Florida.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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"I wondering whats going to happen with Cloutier now that we have Luongo."


I think Cloutier is hellishly udnerrated., and got an udneserved bad rap for 'choking' in the play-offs a couple seasons ago. If anything, the Canucks' total collaspe after his injury early in the season shows he was rather important to their success.


As for now, how long of a contract does he have? He should try to get a trade to another team as he's definitely good enough to be a team's starter (when healthy, of course). :o


Well the thing about Cloutier is he's inconsistant. He's good, just inconsistant. He'll have a week where he's awesome, then have a bunch of 6 goal games in a row. And after he was out, Auld ended up with a better record. It wasn't our goaltending that screwed us last season, it was our 6 million dollar players only scoring like 40 goals between them.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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The latest rumour is that Pronger had a romp with an Edmonton TV personality.


In trade related news, TSN is reporting that the Ducks have expressed interest as well.


They have a lot of young talent that i think is going to be very good, plus if we can't sign Roloson, they have two good goalies. We could take back some salary in the form of Giguere. Lupul, Perry, and Getzlaf would be nice acquisitions.


It might not even be impossible to get the Neidermeyer brothers. They're from the area. This one would just be for Pronger naturally though. It'd be the darkhorse of the trade.

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Hall of Fame.. Bah. Hall of Reward-Every-Nobody-Off-The-Street-For-Whatever-Lame-Ass-Reason more like it.


Geez, the names that have been inducted in recent years..

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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And Herb Brooks deserves to be in there as well. My only complaint is that the Killer didn't make it in. Better luck next year, Dougie Gilmour.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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The only two who got in whod eserved to get in were Roy (an absolute no doubter as the Hall would be a huge joke without him), and Brooks makes sense. the other two who got in over a whole bunch of more deserving candidates are an absolute joke inofthemselves.


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Hopefully mkreku is happy(ier) with the acquistion of Raycroft to replace Belfour.

Yeah, I am glad we don't have to rely on that over-the-hill alcoholic anymore. But they traded Tuukka Rask to get Raycroft.. I'm just so sick of seeing the Leafs keep trading away all their youth in exchange for 30+ players (yeah, I know Raycroft is only 26, but other trades). No wonder the Leafs roster looks like a trip down to the retirement center. For once the Leafs had to rely on some young players (because of all the injuries last season) and Steen stood head and shoulders above the rest. Unfortunately the rookies weren't enough to save the season, which is probably why they're trade bait right now. Pronger is a great player, but to me he comes at a way too great cost.


And noone knows if young players will actually make use of the potential they have in them, noone knows how long they will play for any team and all that, but I am willing to give it a shot (for once) instead of getting players like Nolan, Leetch, and that expensive old guy (Al something?) who played like 14 games for the Leafs before retiring.. with full million dollar pay.


They still have Justin Pogge.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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And don't forget that the Leafs are really glad that the salary cap has been increased. It looks like they'll be paying Tie Domi and Ed Belfour not to play this season. :lol:


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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