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Lundqvist sure gets to play a lot. Have the Rangers' coaches forgotten that he is, in fact, a rookie? I wasn't aware that rookie goalies got this many games under their belt in their first year? I've always thought they'd try to work them slowly into the system by beginning in the minors, getting some backup games to a veteran goalie and then, when the time is right, let them develop and mature into a starter. I hope they're not breaking him.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Lundqvist sure gets to play a lot. Have the Rangers' coaches forgotten that he is, in fact, a rookie? I wasn't aware that rookie goalies got this many games under their belt in their first year? I've always thought they'd try to work them slowly into the system by beginning in the minors, getting some backup games to a veteran goalie and then, when the time is right, let them develop and mature into a starter. I hope they're not breaking him.


Well considering he's doing much better than their other goalie I can see why they are playing him so much.


Montreal is back with Huet tonight! :)

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When the season started, he was just the back up. He simply played himself into the number one spot. Also, it's not like he's a 19 or 20 year old rookie either. I believe he's 24. Don't forget, he proved he cna handle the pressure by leading Sweden to a gold (which of course he doesn't credit for as people slobbered over the Ancient Three tm.).


The Rangers would be simply fighting for a play-off spot if they had their back up as their starter instead of a division title.


As for breaking him, I think players don't get 'broken' by being played. In fact, it likely helps his confidence.

Edited by Volourn


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Lundqvist sure gets to play a lot. Have the Rangers' coaches forgotten that he is, in fact, a rookie? I wasn't aware that rookie goalies got this many games under their belt in their first year? I've always thought they'd try to work them slowly into the system by beginning in the minors, getting some backup games to a veteran goalie and then, when the time is right, let them develop and mature into a starter. I hope they're not breaking him.



There's always exceptions. Fleury in Pittsburgh is younger than Lundqvist.

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Lundqvist sure gets to play a lot. Have the Rangers' coaches forgotten that he is, in fact, a rookie? I wasn't aware that rookie goalies got this many games under their belt in their first year? I've always thought they'd try to work them slowly into the system by beginning in the minors, getting some backup games to a veteran goalie and then, when the time is right, let them develop and mature into a starter. I hope they're not breaking him.



There's always exceptions. Fleury in Pittsburgh is younger than Lundqvist.


LOL, think back 10 years to the Canucks! They had a awsome rookie goalie that they just played day after day, goal after goal, poor kid got so shell shocked that year he was never quite the same and burned out in a matter of a few years never to be seen again!


All depends on the team and coaches. Most coaches understand that overplaying a rookie goalie can do more harm then good but a few (for what ever reason) never seem to grasp the concept and throw the goalies to the wind. If Pittsburg doesnt get better defensively, I expect Fleury will end up being a burn out as well if Pitts coaches dont ease up on him some in near future!

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Lundqvist may be 24 but he has only played in the swedish elite league before, a league that plays 50 games per season. And even then he didn't play all the games himself. I would imagine the pressure of an NHL game is much worse, and at this rate he'll easily break 50 games this season.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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LOL, think back 10 years to the Canucks! They had a awsome rookie goalie that they just played day after day, goal after goal, poor kid got so shell shocked that year he was never quite the same and burned out in a matter of a few years never to be seen again!


Yes they totally overworked Kirk MacLean with his 60 game seasons.....


He was also the only player to still be considered a rookie after several seasons in the NHL. And once he retired (years later), we never did see him again.


If Pittsburg doesnt get better defensively, I expect Fleury will end up being a burn out as well if Pitts coaches dont ease up on him some in near future!


I'm sure the 41 games he has played so far has been way too much.

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Tonight is the start of a three game series between the Oil and Vancouver. Edmonton is 5-0 so far this season against their coastal counterparts, and they way the Nucks have been at it the last few games (2W,9L) I can't see them changing their momentum any time soon.


I'm a little torn, to be honest. Despite the fact that Vancouver is a one line team ( which happens to be the Sedins and Anson Carter at the moment) I still hope they make the playoffs, just not at the expense of the Oil. Vancouver is the only other Canadian team I'll watch. Plus I predicted they will go to the cup final this year, although it would take a miracle for that to happen now.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I have no concern over where the Canucks finish. I prefer to watch Ottawa, Montreal, and Calgary ahead of Vancouver (I guess they can be happy that they're ahead of Toronto). I just hope that the Oilers whoop-ass in the next 3 games to gain some huge momentum.

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YES! The Leafs won against the Hurricanes!!


Tellqvist saved 33 of 35! He's getting there :blink:)


Maybe there is hope for the Leafs in the playoffs after all..? Naah.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I caught the last two minutes of the Leaf game. They held up to some heavy pressure from the Canes.


As for Edmonton, Vancouver came out a flying with 17 shots in the first period in a stupid penalty parade display put on by the Oilers. That's all I think I should say about that. Hopefully seeing themselves in ninth will do for the Oil what it did for the Nucks tonight.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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So Edmonton loses to Vancouver, Andy Murray gets fired, and Ovechkin gets benched.



I always thought Andy Murray did a decent job with the Kings. It's not his fault his GM picks a bunch of injury prone players. Maybe New Jersey could use a guy like this.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Yeah, I saw that Ovechkin got benched for like.. 14 minutes or something. Anyone have any clue why? Is Ovechkin getting fed up with his life in Washington already? Don't tell me he's turning into another stereotype whining russian star? Let's hope he just did something stupid defensively or something.


Jagr had a hattrick, but Lundqvist decided to let 5 goals past him so it didn't matter. Damn.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Yeah, I saw that Ovechkin got benched for like.. 14 minutes or something. Anyone have any clue why? Is Ovechkin getting fed up with his life in Washington already? Don't tell me he's turning into another stereotype whining russian star? Let's hope he just did something stupid defensively or something.


Jagr had a hattrick, but Lundqvist decided to let 5 goals past him so it didn't matter. Damn.


The paper indicated that two events Monday night forced the Capitals to discipline their best player. With the Capitals killing a penalty midway through the second period, Ovechkin left the defensive zone apparently waiting for a breakaway pass and leaving the Caps to face a 5-on-3 disadvantage in their own end. Furthermore, Ovechkin allegedly ignored an order to come off the ice on a power play.



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Back in the day we used to call that 'cherry picking'. He should be benched if he's doing it during a penalty kill. The object is not to let goals in, not to wait on the line like a **** while your teammates do all the work.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Here we go again. Silly fans making moral judgements on players. No wonder Washington sucks. Benching your best player - rookie or not - is a move that teams who want to lose do. I hope they keep benching him as the more they do that the more he'll bolt as soon as possible. Poor buisness management by the Washington brass. And, if the relationship sours I blame Washington 100%. Then again, they have a history of doing this considering their attempts to sabatoge Jagr's career.




"Lundqvist decided to let 5 goals past him so it didn't matter. Damn."


Don't blame Lundqvist. Blame the thug who got a 5 minute major, and blame the wussy defensemen who stood there and allowed the Flyers to sleep in the crease.


And, oh, the Rangers didn't lose to the Flyers.


The final score was...


Philedelphia 6 Jagr 3

Edited by Volourn


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Here we go again. Silly fans making moral judgements on players.  No wonder Washington sucks. Benching your best player - rookie or not - is a move that teams who want to lose do. I hope they keep benching him as the more they do that the more he'll bolt as soon as possible. Poor buisness management by the Washington brass. And, if the relationship sours I blame Washington 100%. Then again, they have a history of doing this considering their attempts to sabatoge Jagr's career.


Tell me something. What's the purpose of a penalty kill unit?

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Irrelevant to the discussion. The disucssion is how you treat your best player, and one thing you shouldn't do is embarass them. If the Washington coaches have a problem with soemthing eh did, they should deal with it privately not trash him in public. And, yes, a benching in a game is trashing a player.


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Irrelevant to the discussion. The disucssion is how you treat your best player, and one thing you shouldn't do is embarass them. If the Washington coaches have a problem with soemthing eh did, they should deal with it privately not trash him in public. And, yes, a benching in a game is trashing a player.


So if a player does something stupid on the ice you should let them keep playing and possibly keep doing said stupid thing?

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Talk to them on a bench in between shifts. Do anything; but don't publicly humiliate and attack them like Washington did. By benching Ovechkin what theya re basically saying is that all the other players are better than him and they don't need him.


He was wrong to do what he did, and they made it 100x worse.


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Irrelevant to the discussion. The disucssion is how you treat your best player, and one thing you shouldn't do is embarass them. If the Washington coaches have a problem with soemthing eh did, they should deal with it privately not trash him in public. And, yes, a benching in a game is trashing a player.



It worked for Mark Messier.


Even Moose credits it for being a decision that made him the player he became. Messier wasn't just benched though, he was dumped to the minors.



By benching Ovechkin what theya re basically saying is that all the other players are better than him and they don't need him.


This is one of the stupidest things I've read. You know that this statement is false.

Edited by alanschu
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That's Vologic for you.


By your reasoning Volo the Caps should also let Ovechkin pick his linemates and decide what shifts he wants to play.

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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