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I'm sitting here right now with a really big case of butterflies in my stomach. It's kind of tense.


And I just got an email from the Oilers saying rookie physical testing starts on Wednesday. I don't know about the rest of you, but if the OIlers weren't in the final I'd be pretty hockey'd out right now. I think I've watched nearly 100 Oiler games this season. At least tonight, one way or the other this season will finally end. Stoopid Olympics.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Congrats to the best team in the NHL Carolina!


Nice try Oilers, you gave it your best shot even though it still wasn't good enough! Come join the other losers!


Bow down to the new defending champions. Who'd a thunk a hockey team from Carolina would win it all!

Edited by Volourn


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I tip my hat to the 'Canes for outplaying us tonight.


As for my Oilers, ..... better luck next year?


And thank you for 106 games of nail biting, heart attacks and part time tourettes.


Outhit 15-2 in the first. No wonder we lost. :o


edit: Go head bitches, gloat. We still placed hhigher than all your teams.

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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"Go head bitches, gloat. We still placed hhigher than all your teams"


I wans't gloating (if you referring to me). Consideirng that my team got swept easily in the first round, I have nothing to gloat about. I'm just congratulating Carolina; because being runner up, in the long run, means nothing. It's only the Champions that really matter. If the Oilers had won I'd be congratulating them for the victory.




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Great, well now I feel a whole lot better.


And Ward wins the Smythe.


I grabbed my sad looking and limp Oiler flag from my car window on the way home. I'll keep it in the closet until the next playoffs.


And for the record, we're not losers, Volo. We're still the Western Conference champs. Although that trophy seems pretty worthless right now.


It was a good, no great, no spectacular playoff run for the Oilers. Now we just need Patrick Elias and we'll be unstoppable!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Goddamn it was a good run though, wasn't it?


Hopefully the incredibly painfull lesson the team learned tonight about not playing sixty minutes of hockey will help us next season.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I'm hoping for some Hungry Hungry Hippos.


If I wasn't so lazy, I'd actually consider writing a letter to the team thanking them for the season.



I didn't mind the post game, until Rod lifted the cup. Then I felt sick and turned off the TV. Since I'd rather not think about what just happened, let's talk about something else....


Who's in and who's out? I've been a big Peca fan and would love to see him back, but I think he's gone.

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I walked home from buddys' house as soon as it was over. I could care less about watching those bastards lift our cup. Too bad we couldn't have matched their game tonight. Best of nine anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Ferris Bueller?


I'd like to think that Peca will be back next year. From what I've read ( on the internet, mind you) Peca just finished building a big house in the city. We could use a reliable defensive center who can score goals occasionally. And he is one of the top face off men in the league. And you know his point totals next year will be going up, since they can't get any worse than last seasons numbers.


Personally I think the biggest changes will be on the fourth line. I can't see Harvey getting resigned, nor Laraque. Rem had a solid if unspectacular playoff, and maybe he can be the odd man out to help the rookies learn to check at the NHL level.


Now CBC is talking to Kid Rock. What he has to do with hockey, i don't know. Couldn't Cuba Gooding jr. or Dennis Leary be in the stands instead? Cole and Neale probably think Kid Rock is a chia pet or something.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I could see Rem staying on the team as a 14th forward. I think he just wants to be part of the game after his injury. He played essentially for free this year because his paycheques went to the insurance companies.

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Great season everyone! Didn't we have a Hurricanes fan on the boards? I'm bummed the Oil didn't take it. In fact, the West really needs to come through in the playoffs here. It's the deeper conference, but it seems like a while since the West won the cup.


So Saturday is the draft? I'm hoping the Sharks add someone like Jovanaski on defense. I'm not sure which goaltender will be moving though, but I figure Nabakov and Nils Ekman are up on the trading block. They've gotta be able to pull in a more experienced defenseman with those two. I also expect some grit to be added. Edmonton beat them solely on grit.

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Was I the only one that was thinking EXACT REPLAY of game seven between Calgary and Tampa from '04? Canes come out to a two nothing lead through two periods only to have Edmonton turn it up and score a big goal, but are unable to get the equalizer. Except for the empty-netter, it was the exact same game. O.O

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Not only that, but Ward makes a huge save to keep the lead just like Khabibulin did against Leopold.


I thought the similarities were erie.


The only difference was that I wasn't nearly as pissed off this time when the Alberta team lost. Not sure why, but I guess it was the fact that Edmonton didn't end up blowing a 3-2 series lead... <_<

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