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What Games Do you Want To See For Xbox360?

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Consoles games > PC games :thumbsup:

Speaking of a funny statement.


A good console is a broken console.

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Consoles= kids and teenagers

PCs= Mature adults



Keep preaching to the heretics. :thumbsup:

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Consoles are good at what they do, but it's a completely different market.


Halo is the best console FPS out there, but as a PC game? guffaw.


However, those of you who enjoy beat-em-ups (haha, that expression is so 80s) will know that consoles are your only option unless you want to play Oni (who wouldn't?!), and likewise with 'console style' RPGs.


Having said that, while I enjoy many console games I have always been a PC gamer, and it IS easy to say that PC games generally have 'more intelligence' due to the nature of their platform. It's also easy to say that people who get high and mighty over this are full of it.


As for the 360, the only things that even remotely interest me at the moment are the Mistwalker games


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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I find it quite welcoming.


Perhaps a certain maturity level is required to appreciate various consumer electronics.


Oh well, someone on another forum told me to register here and discuss the console with some of the naysayers, but it appears as though the entire forum is bias beyond logical comprehension.


Take care. :thumbsup:

^ Epiphany.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I have very good reasons to dislike the X Box 360. Antiquated technology, an oversized PSU that overheats, and the overall quality of the games are not a significant improvement over their X Box/PS2 counterparts. Add in the fact that they do have a fairly limited backwards compatibility I just don't see why people want this system.

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I think the X360 has more or less delivered on what it promised -- better graphics, a more seamless integration with its Live service, and a less ugly console box. You can't really complain about its technological prowess, at $400, it gives you performance that is more or less at par with a contemporary $2000 gaming rig (I don't think the HDTV price is relevant). I don't know *what* people were expecting from its graphics, but from the screenshots of PGR3 and NFSMW that I've seen, they're pretty darn nice.


Of course, it will fall behind pretty soon, but that's how it's always been for consoles. In fact, I look at that as a positive aspect -- you're not forced to upgrade your graphics card every year in order to be able to play the latest games.


Games themselves are a hit-and-miss affair. Personally, I don't see a single game as of today that will make me buy the console, but hopefully that will change. Right now, though, yeah the selection is pretty crappy. But isn't that what this thread was about to begin with? What are the games we'd *like* to see on the X360, games that would make us want to buy the console?

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look guys, the reason the Xbox 360 did not have all the bells and whistles that it could have had is the price point....$299 wo hd, $399 with hd BEFORE THE PRICE DROP. that is going to be awfully hard to beat.


Sony only sells premium products. They are going to end up with a powerhouse that costs $600 and does not even have live support.


It's all about allocating resources in the smartest, most efficient way.


Having said that, there are tons of RPG and Adventure games that I need to catch up on for both the current gen Xbox and PC....I will not be getting a 360 any time soon....but that doesn't mean it's not a good deal.

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It would be a good deal if I could surf the web, work my word processing programs, make use of the Adobe proudcts I have, and so forth and so on. I use my PC more than just games and until a console can offer the same level of productivity then it is just a toy.

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The X Box 360 does have better graphics but not significantly better graphics.  I have a decent PC and I just don't see the reason to spend another $400 on a console that does less than what my PC can do.  It silly to do so.

I agree wholeheartedly. In fact, even for people who do not have up-to-date PC's, the X360 probably does not appear very attractive now simply because of the lack of good games, but that does not mean it is a failed product. My point was that technically, the console itself has achieved what it had set out to do (significant performance improvement over the previous generation Xbox, at par with modern PC's), and now it is up to the games to ensure profitability -- as has always been the story with consoles. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the product (except maybe those PSU related problems which will likely be fixed in the next revision).

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It would be a good deal if I could surf the web, work my word processing programs, make use of the Adobe proudcts I have, and so forth and so on.  I use my PC more than just games and until a console can offer the same level of productivity then it is just a toy.


You know, I heard they were going to do that. Apparently, they scraped the idea at some point. But the rumor was there was going to be 3 Xbox 360s, the higher end one being a multimedia-focused PC.

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They? They who? :p


It was widely believed even by industry insiders that Microsoft was going to have 3 versions of the new Xbox, with the high-end being a PC with a keyboard, etc.


It was a rumor but a rumor that was, apparently, planned at some point.

We now know that they did not do that with this upcoming generation of devices.


But the bottom line is that gaming consoles are morphing into "content devices" and will, at some point, have more PC abilities and interfaces (but just not this generation).

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I thik the X Box 360 standardized PC, a PC that can handle X Box 360 games and PC game and utilities, would definitely sell.  It would more than likely bring the last remnants of the PCers on the console side of the force.


I think it was ultimately abandoned due to trench warfare tactics over the low price point...it also helps a bit with the antitrust image.


but I think it is coming eventually.

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Well they could make an OS expansion to Windows XP that they could sell which will hold the X Box 360's OS system which would let the PC users run X Box 360 games without them shelling more hardware. You would still need a moderately good system to run the games so one can have the PC so it will overall cost more for the consumer to use a PC yet still keep these people to have avaiable to them the X Box 360 games.


Sell the X Box 360 software for $99, and Microsoft doesn't have to worry about any hardware malfunctions or issues of understocking electonic components.

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Making 360 games compatible for Windows would be a stupid move for MS, because MS wants to sell their 360 console that don't cost them money.


Wait, if each xbox360 sold means that Microsoft loses money then shouldn't all the linux losers be buying them?


...not that i'm trying to get more off-topic prejudice thrown around this thead.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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I think the X360 has more or less delivered on what it promised


Of course, it will fall behind pretty soon, but that's how it's always been for consoles. In fact, I look at that as a positive aspect -- you're not forced to upgrade your graphics card every year in order to be able to play the latest games.

Very good point. People can get a console and be confident that they can have 3-4 years worth of modern/current/new games on it. with a PC it is different, since the new games use the newest technology available, so to an extent there is some constant upgrading.

It would be a good deal if I could surf the web, work my word processing programs, make use of the Adobe products I have, and so forth and so on. I use my PC more than just games and until a console can offer the same level of productivity then it is just a toy.

another good point. in my mind there isn't a question about which is superior, the console or the PC. the answer is definitely the PC, since it can do infinitely more (well, maybe not infinitely, but easily a whole lot more).


but compare Hades' point to Angs'. i guess it really depends on your preferences... i mean, could you buy a bare minimum PC that does all the multimedia functions, and then get a console to use for gaming? and thereby complete your multimedia needs? sounds good to me... but maybe it doesn't sound good to others... but why are we talking about this in this thread?


I still want to see NWN2 for the 360! :p

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Consoles games > PC games :blink:

That is quite funny. I laugh at you. :)





I'm sure you'll be laughing as you play the same old games over and over... and over.. and over..... while I'm playing new games :p


I guess thats the problem with being an old school gamer... Your world is being replaced by something different.

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