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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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I'm not a professional writer and I doubt that LucasArts or Obsidian would ever want to discuss with me in detail my ideas.


even though it is a long shot, I would still encourage you to send your scripts in to both Obsidian and Lucas Arts. what I read was really encouraging and sounded like you were going in the right direction.


chances are, there is no money to be made here, even if they do use some or all of your ideas...but if your motivation is to see K3 get made and have a satisfying story, by all means, send some snail mail....it can't hurt.

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I'm not a professional writer and I doubt that LucasArts or Obsidian would ever want to discuss with me in detail my ideas.


even though it is a long shot, I would still encourage you to send your scripts in to both Obsidian and Lucas Arts. what I read was really encouraging and sounded like you were going in the right direction.


chances are, there is no money to be made here, even if they do use some or all of your ideas...but if your motivation is to see K3 get made and have a satisfying story, by all means, send some snail mail....it can't hurt.

you never know what they may like

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great thing for K3 unbroken swoop racing


I would prefer the "less is best" approach to Swoop Racing that we saw in K1.

Maybe one planet with the more advanced type but generally less is best for this type of minigame.


A multiplayer (not just 1 vs 1) version of Pazaak with voice over comments from the players would be sweet.

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I'm beginning to understand how some people can rack up 1000's of posts...


I have no suggestions but I'll add my 2 cents on whether or not I want a Kotor3 - I'd like one. But I don't feel a big need for it to be a direct sequel to the first two. I didn't like the unfinished ending of #2, but to me that's the past and I'd just be happy with a new game of similar quality/style/fun. I'm not sure any attempt at bringing back old characters to finish their stories would work for me in a game-setting...maybe some cameos or something. I'd prefer to have new characters to get to know and love/hate...to me that's half the fun of a RPG game. If I really want to see or hear Atton I can just play the Kotor2 again.


I understand that people like to see their favorite characters over and over again...which is why the entertainment industry -games, films, books - has a really bad case of sequel-itis...but I for one am kind of tired of that routine and I want new characters, worlds, and environments.


Being able to play a non-Jedi character class would be interesting - especially if you could play an alien. I also liked the idea of the frequent downloadable new content, say, 2-4 times a year or something, perhaps, even if I had to pay a few bucks for each one (say $5-10). One of the big selling points of MMORPG's is their constant updates...not just bug fixes but new levels and maps etc. I wish they'd do that for other types of games as well.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I wasn't suggesting that it be a MP game. Just the content updates part of it. :lol:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I fail to see how people got "I want Kotor2 to be MP" from my post. But whatever.


Edit - nevermind...I failed to notice the post several above mine. *self-rasberry*

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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All they really need to do is make the game more balanced...  Example: Force storm can't kill everything.


Forcestorm is wonderfull to get rid of large number of opponents. I killed everything fast with it at the end of the game in the sith base. :lol:


When you have three Jedi with it it becomes frightining powerfull. :ph34r:

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All they really need to do is make the game more balanced...  Example: Force storm can't kill everything.


Forcestorm is wonderfull to get rid of large number of opponents. I killed everything fast with it at the end of the game in the sith base. :lol:


When you have three Jedi with it it becomes frightining powerfull. :ph34r:

wow that took a lot of skill to figure out o:)"

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All they really need to do is make the game more balanced...  Example: Force storm can't kill everything.


Forcestorm is wonderfull to get rid of large number of opponents. I killed everything fast with it at the end of the game in the sith base. o:)


When you have three Jedi with it it becomes frightining powerfull. :ph34r:

wow that took a lot of skill to figure out :)"


Just wanted to point it out since some obviously couldn't figure that out when they said forcestorm was underpowered. Any more powerful and you would not need any companions at all in the game. :lol:

Edited by Spook
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Well,you've seen what female privates are like ( :lol: ).Imagine a female general,especially during her period...


Ah, that explains Malicore..... o:)"


The real reason why female Revan turned to the Dark Side and waged war on the republic perhaps?


Edit: And the real reason Bastila turned to the Dark Side was realising that the most powerful living Dark Lord in the galaxy was an adolescent with a mental age of 14

Edited by Dyan

HK47: Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blasters warm, meatbags.

Bastila to Revan: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met!

Canderous to Bastila: Insults? Maybe if your master had trained your lightsaber to be as quick as your tongue you could have escaped those Vulkars, you spoiled little Jedi princess!

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Well,you've seen what female privates are like ( :lol: ).Imagine a female general,especially during her period...


Ah, that explains Malicore..... o:)"


The real reason why female Revan turned to the Dark Side and waged war on the republic perhaps?




Seriously, in K3, I want to decide who dies. Properly dies. I want to see my own party characters cut down and stay down. I want to have the choice to execute them. I don't care if Jedi don't kill their prisoners - I want the option to duel my NPCs and kill them. And to see my own PC die. Properly die. Dead. None of this charge into combat, get knocked over and get back up again crap.

and be totally screwed when you get to a side quest where you have to have them sure why not

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There goes the whole "choice" thing, eh? Er I mean, there is no choice, only the force and destiny.

HK47: Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blasters warm, meatbags.

Bastila to Revan: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met!

Canderous to Bastila: Insults? Maybe if your master had trained your lightsaber to be as quick as your tongue you could have escaped those Vulkars, you spoiled little Jedi princess!

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