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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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Not quite sure I understand  what you mean there, but what I ment was that you could get a limited exp for each ship you shoot down. The amount is dependent on the amount of punishment the ship can take before it brakes up.

in KOTOR II, turret game, if you let everybody pass, you had to kill 25 sith off of your ship (however this way you get exp)

instant freeze when you do that.


I don't recall getting experience for the ships shot down with the turret.


Also, Never had the game freeze when I let all the troopers on board.


Finally, you get 2000 XP for killing all the troopers with the turret, and less if you don't kill all of them (1000 XP, I think if you kill most of them). I don't know how much XP each one you kill onboard the Hawk is worth, though - and it's not worth the time or trouble, in my opinion to determine the "optimum" number of troopers to kill with the turret vs. letting them board. The experience difference can't be that great. You can get some loot from those you kill on the Hawk, though (but never anything really useful).


- shifting gears -


All this talk about the turret mini-game reminds me that I'm really itching for a great starfighter combat simulator. I wish I could find an old copy of the X-Wing series. All the space simulators nowadays seem to focus on fleet-level combat more than dogfighting. I used to love playing Wing Commander, X-Wing, etc. The only game I've found in recent years that comes close in that genre is Freelancer (which I still play occasionally) - but I'd love to see an "X-Wing" upgrade for current systems.


Does anyone know of anything that comes close that's on the shelves today? I don't care much about the story - I want to blast other starfighters into itty bitty pieces in glorius 3d sound with kickass video using relatively simple controls (I don't want to be forced to buy and 18-button joystick to enjoy the game).


BTW - I also don't want a console - I spend too much time (and money) on my PC as it is.

if you can find star wars starfighter more power to you, but i like battlefront for dogfights BF2 is better

also, you had better not xp if you want to play the awesome old games like xwing or tie fighter vs. x wing

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Reprogramming droids is quiet a good idea. We all know about the pacifist package for HK-47, more of these packages is a good idea.

I do however encourage that we do not want more droids in our party then HK-47 and T3-M4. I have never seen anyone who liked Goto, he was quiet useless and not interesting.

As for the party members, I think the Kotor I party members were much more diverse then in Kotor II. We should have it back.

all i noted about that package was that it was halirious :thumbsup:

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hey ive got an idea for kotor III


how bout the first half of the game you play as the exile  :D


and the second half you play as revan  :D


because for the first half the exile would be looking for revan and you find him somewhere in an unknown ancient sith ruins planet or something  :D


ok ok i know its crap  :thumbsup:



anyway at the end there would have to be some 3000 year galactic war and when it had finished the galaxy would have to spend 1000 years trying to repair its self

and that would be the answer to why in kotor the technology is the same as it is in the movies.its just the ships are of different design

um you are aware that everything that will ever happen in star wars history is set in stone by lucasarts

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Guest The Architect

I have sent an email to Obsidian Entertainment asking them just to read some of the ideas I posted for a story idea for KOTOR III and to see what they think. I've asked them to reply to me and I asked them that if they do like some of my ideas if I could have permission from them to send them all of my ideas (storywise). But the odds of them even reading what ideas I have are small, considering the fact my story is 'unsolicited', but I might get there attention if my story is solicited. So I have a question, how do I make my story so it's solicited? Because then at least they would read what I have to say.

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LOL  : 'sit war'  :(


But anyway: plz don't make fun of this, we have to be resourceful in suggestions and ideas.


BTW where to look for already closed I&S ?

Have already forgotten what i myself has posted  :ermm:  :huh:"  :D



So: where to find them? :p


First post of this topic. Or you know, you could use the SEARCH FUNCTION.

Edited by Surreptishus
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LOL  : 'sit war'  :(


But anyway: plz don't make fun of this, we have to be resourceful in suggestions and ideas.


BTW where to look for already closed I&S ?

Have already forgotten what i myself has posted  :ermm:  :huh:"  :D



So: where to find them? :p


First post of this topic. Or you know, you could use the SEARCH FUNCTION.

yeah the search function works good, but to your public profile and click find all post by this user

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Sorry if I am repeating what someone has said, but i think the game should continue with the exile. I have played both kotors and unlocked all the dialogues about the future. If i am right, than if Revan found the true sith in the outer rim. Kreya tells us that maybe he found something else out there. We also learn that Revan did not destroy all the ship sites. In his war, he only destroyed sites for victory and did not use the starforge like Malak. He felt restraint when using it. All this would support that he found the true sith when following Mandalorians. Also Revan was born outside the outer rim, and was always exceptional with the force. It would not be hard to believe that he infact may be a sith, raised differently however. Since kreya says that the sith world of korriban is a belief and not the race, it makes sense that maybe there is a sith empire, of true sith in uncharted territory. And the only reason the republic is not controlled is because the rakata were able to fight back the sith with the starforge. The sith would believe the rakata to still be there. I think Revan if good or bad, wanted to be able to beat back the true sith with an army of the republic. And the only way to stop it was going evil part of the way. If good, he would realize he must sacrafice himself for the empire which he loved. He went evil to kill a greater evil. All of this will explain what should happen in kotor3. Again we should take the role of the Exile, and Revan. Bastilla should make a return with all the robots in the party. In the story you would take the ship to the coordinates that were locked, but changed to help Revan by t3m4. In this one you would have to make an army both ds and ls, gain either dark or light jedi in the fight against the sith. It would be a war to save the republic if ls, or gain more territory if ds. There would also be a mission, where the group has to infiltrate the sith and gain technology and stop the sith ruler. The whole game if like this, would probably last twice as long as the others. Im done, and please, if you can prove me wrong, get facts or at least educated guesses from the game like I did, to prove me wrong. :thumbsup:

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HELLO ARE YOU ALL AWARE that everything that will ever happen in star wars history is set in stone by lucasarts


No. :thumbsup:

Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.

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HELLO ARE YOU ALL AWARE that everything that will ever happen in star wars history is set in stone by lucasarts


No. :thumbsup:

now you know


Wow, you learn something new every day don't you.

Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.

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Sorry if I am repeating what someone has said, but i think the game should continue with the exile. I have played both kotors and unlocked all the dialogues about the future. If i am right, than if Revan found the true sith in the outer rim. Kreya tells us that maybe he found something else out there. We also learn that Revan did not destroy all the ship sites. In his war, he only destroyed sites for victory and did not use the starforge like Malak. He felt restraint when using it. All this would support that he found the true sith when following Mandalorians. Also Revan was born outside the outer rim, and was always exceptional with the force. It would not be hard to believe that he infact may be a sith, raised differently however. Since kreya says that the sith world of korriban is a belief and not the race, it makes sense that maybe there is a sith empire, of true sith in uncharted territory. And the only reason the republic is not controlled is because the rakata were able to fight back the sith with the starforge. The sith would believe the rakata to still be there. I think Revan if good or bad, wanted to be able to beat back the true sith with an army of the republic. And the only way to stop it was going evil part of the way. If good, he would realize he must sacrafice himself for the empire which he loved. He went evil to kill a greater evil. All of this will explain what should happen in kotor3. Again we should take the role of the Exile, and Revan. Bastilla should make a return with all the robots in the party. In the story you would take the ship to the coordinates that were locked, but changed to help Revan by t3m4. In this one you would have to make an army both ds and ls, gain either dark or light jedi in the fight against the sith. It would be a war to save the republic if ls, or gain more territory if ds. There would also be a mission, where the group has to infiltrate the sith and gain technology and stop the sith ruler. The whole game if like this, would probably last twice as long as the others. Im done, and please, if you can prove me wrong, get facts or at least educated guesses from the game like I did, to prove me wrong. :thumbsup:

To play the Exile, to import the character you created in Kotor II, he/she is allready very powerful. It is better to begin with a level 1 to (if needed) maximum level 4 character.

Other than that, the story is quiet all right. On the moment I am reading a lot of Fanfic on www.kotorfanfic.com . One story that I do think is quiet realistic is from DarthMichael Webpage for his fanfic

All the main characters are back. Some new good characters are in there. I guess it might be a good idea to incorporate some of this story to the new game. It has almost everything: Good romances, also between other characters, missions, an all out war. Commanding an entire fleet. Perhaps it would be a nice idea to be a General on a cpaital ship for a moment to make a critical decision in the game. Anyway, I would recommend anyone to read the long, detailed storyline.

Off course, due to the flexibilty of Kotor we could not completely write this storyline to the game, Pretty difficult to let Revan Jr, obviously the main character fall to the DS, there are however nice elements which should be in Kotor III.

Master Vandar lives!

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But the odds of them even reading what ideas I have are small, considering the fact my story is 'unsolicited', but I might get there attention if my story is solicited. So I have a question, how do I make my story so it's solicited? Because then at least they would read what I have to say.


"unsolicited" means they did not initiate the communication. so, all fan ideas are, by definition, "unsolicited".


your best bet would be to find someone who runs in SW circles who has private fax numbers to game designers and/or LA/LFL continuity people. that way, everyone would have plausible denyability that the story did not come from a 16 year old fan with too much time on his hands.


but finding someone like that might be just as hard as getting a job with a game developer. sooooo, your best bet, ultimately, is to just snail mail your idea to Obsidian (I have heard that LA actually sends stuff back unopened). You will never know whether they read it until you buy K3 and, presto, there it is!

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Hi I'm new here I check out the boards every once in awhile and I had to add my two cents about Kotor 3. The first two games were great but I really don't want another game about Revan and the Exile I want a whole new story and new characters. There is about a thousand years to explore Why not set the game on coruscent or however its spelled with a new Jedi Order and you would start as a padawan with a master. I don't have any great ideas for the game just give us a new storyline. If you need to add in some history about what happened with Revan and the exile give us some stuff to read in the archives that explain what happened after 2 and people can read it if they want. It would still be cool to keep T3 and K47 around!

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A good idea to follow might be to make this new game (KotOR3) slightly different. One concept I've had for a roleplaying game for a long time is that the NPC leaders of various factions act independently of PC actions. That is, uninterrupted, NPCs would carry out a huge story. The simplest way of handling this is to create a huge war, so that NPC behavior will be very basic (NPCs are primarily potential companions, mission givers, opponents, busyworkers, or atmospheric, but with much overlap, depending on how much time is allowed).


The best way of inviting PCs into this massive action is to place them in the midst of a mission as retinue (so they needn't know what the heck they're doing or have only their simply described military duty) but with the larger storyline being introduced as this occurs. Very simple rules for NPC reactions to changes can occur. If player resolution of events is pretty much limited to success and failure (as in most RPG) rather than gradiant success, and players can only move to certain areas, then gameplay needn't be so varied that the designers are inable to account for player solutions.


Now, NPC missions offered can change depending on present faction needs, individual NPC needs, and NPC function.


Consider also that a wider playing field with free movement in outside areas (instead of the room with doors model) would allow players to enjoy what feels like greater freedom.


Now, most games work like this to some degree or another, but we most often see the open field in RTS and the open missions in MMORPG. Of course, most MMO do NOT offer changing NPC missions depending on game state and NPC role/situation in the game state.

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