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Jade Empire sequel confirmed


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"Exactly JE is selling on Biowares merits, unfortunately it didnt manage to do as well as something that was licensed. "


Your point?




"KOTOR sold that in the first couple of months and at full price. That you would have to go back to a time where the market wasnt as large or active as it is now, well that just shows how you need to reach to make JE look succesful."



KOTOR has sold between 2-3 million copies, and has done so on two systems and with one of the most powerful IPs in existence. The fact you feel the need to say JE is a financial failure by comparing it to KOTOR shows how much of a success JE is sinc eit has sold 600k+ copies in 6 months on ONE system and with a new IP.



And, I thought success was all relative yet now you calim there's a set level of copies thatd etrmine what you think is a success or not. Does not compute.


JE amde money. JE is a success. You ahve yet to give any proof outside of your opinion.


Netx please.


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Your point?


KOTOR has sold between 2-3 million copies, and has done so on two systems and with one of the most powerful IPs in existence. The fact you feel the need to say JE is a financial failure by comparing it to KOTOR shows how much of a success JE is sinc eit has sold 600k+ copies in 6 months on ONE system and with a new IP.


And, I thought success was all relative yet now you calim there's a set level of copies thatd etrmine what you think is a success or not. Does not compute.


JE amde money. JE  is a success. You ahve yet to give any proof outside of your opinion.


Netx please.


It's pretty clear.


Dosnt matter how many systems. Your saying the exact same thing I said. Bioware can't rake in those numbers on it's own merits.


I set the criteria (known company , full development etc.), JE didnt meet those criteria, therefore it failed.


Compared to Biowares other games it failed.May as well accept it.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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"Compared to Biowares other games it failed.May as well accept it."


Really? BIO's only other non licenses non sequel project sold only 200k copies or so and it also was considered a financial success. Seems to me JE did better therefore you made up facts aagin.


You lose.


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"Compared to Biowares other games it failed.May as well accept it."


Really? BIO's only other non licenses non sequel project sold only 200k copies or so and it also was considered a financial success. Seems to me JE did better therefore you made up facts aagin.


You lose.


Now that is ancient history. Even more so than BG.How many people knew who bioware was before they got a break at Interplay.


For a company with Biowares current blog to only sell 600k have a game drop to bargain bin within a month or two and then be on budget within six I'd be embaressed :">

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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$40-$50 is not bargain bin.


And, why should BIO be embarassed by a game that was a finanical success?




Unlikely as it's on budget release way below that price anyway.


Thats like saying why should I be embaressed with a 65% pass when I'd been getting 90% + upto that point.


You don't cinema advertise a game then be happy when it sells half a million. Can't get much more failure than a cinema campaign and not even come close to breaking a million can you.

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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LOL, well it pains me to agree with Vol.


I think your focasing in on MONSTER HITS far to much Shadow.


Million + is a MONSTER HIT.


600k is VERY Respectable (and classified as a hit) and more then enough to warrent additional expansion.


Many a game out there would love to hit the 600k mark. Hell they would like to hit the 150k mark.


Also not fair to compare FF to JE. FF has what? 12 products out now? JE has one. Lets see what the sales figures are when JE hits expansion 12 (if it does), Im willing to guess it also will be over a million.


I know for a fact FF didnt sell 600k+ in its first time out on the market.


PS: I agree with you about game size and combat though. However I "THINK" Bioware has learned that point now! Im hoping anyways :)

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Note to oneself: Don't ever mention JE in any thread at the Obsidian boards.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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LOL, well it pains me to agree with Vol.


I think your focasing in on MONSTER HITS far to much Shadow.


Million + is a MONSTER HIT.


600k is VERY Respectable (and classified as a hit) and more then enough to warrent additional expansion.


Many a game out there would love to hit the 600k mark. Hell they would like to hit the 150k mark.


Also not fair to compare FF to JE. FF has what? 12 products out now? JE has one. Lets see what the sales figures are when JE hits expansion 12 (if it does), Im willing to guess it also will be over a million.


I know for a fact FF didnt sell 600k+ in its first time out on the market.


PS: I agree with you about game size and combat though. However I "THINK" Bioware has learned that point now! Im hoping anyways :)


Monster hits are things like FF/Dragon Warriors , GTA , Halo et al.


Well the market was a lot smaller back in the days of FFI.


Like I said though. If you can't break a million with cinema advertising (you know thats really ,really rare dont you ?) then you can't really claim JE as a hit.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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LOL, well it pains me to agree with Vol.


I think your focasing in on MONSTER HITS far to much Shadow.


Million + is a MONSTER HIT.


600k is VERY Respectable (and classified as a hit) and more then enough to warrent additional expansion.


Many a game out there would love to hit the 600k mark. Hell they would like to hit the 150k mark.


Also not fair to compare FF to JE. FF has what? 12 products out now? JE has one. Lets see what the sales figures are when JE hits expansion 12 (if it does), Im willing to guess it also will be over a million.


I know for a fact FF didnt sell 600k+ in its first time out on the market.


PS: I agree with you about game size and combat though. However I "THINK" Bioware has learned that point now! Im hoping anyways :-


Monster hits are things like FF/Dragon Warriors , GTA , Halo et al.


Well the market was a lot smaller back in the days of FFI.


Like I said though. If you can't break a million with cinema advertising (you know thats really ,really rare dont you ?) then you can't really claim JE as a hit.


Sure market was alot smaller back then in general.


But how big do you think the XBox only market is?


Its pretty limited as well.


BTW, what exactly do you mean by cinema advertising (im guessing your speaking about theaters but figured Id ask anyways).


I will say I see alot more advertisments on TV, in mags, ect for products like Madden Footbal, Wrestling, latest FPS (Call to Arms 2 being the most recent) and those dont shatter 600k or million marks.


Id even go so far as to say TV advertisements reach a FAR larger crowd then ones in theaters (and play alot more often... annoyingly)


Point is, you have set the bar way to high to honestly and fairly evaluate the games success.


Success is: Did the game reach its projected sales and make money! I personally dont know what Biowares Projections were but since they have CHOOSEN to do a sequel and have said it was a success, I gotta assume it did! Simple as that.


Was it well recieved? Yes

Did it make money? Yes

Does it have a continued following? Yes


Thats pretty much a recipe for success right there!


No clue where this million mark comes from but its pretty unrealist in todays gaming world to be honest, when releaseing on ONE platform only! If it released on PC as well as XBox, well then it better break a million, but it didnt so a mute point.


Last point to keep in mind is JE release AFTER XBox 360 was announced. Everyone already knew the platform was about to become obsolete. That means not many are going to run out and buy a XBox to try JE. Those with broken XBoxs arent rushing out to replace their systems. Timing is everything and JEs timing wasnt great for its platform.

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All this "JE was bargain bin after a month" tosh is utter nonsense! For us SoCal homies it was still $40-$50. So you can't blame that on the lame-fistedness of the Kanadian currency, since The Governator's state is one of the biggest economies in the world...even crushing the likes of most of you European peasants!

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For a guy who pretty much bashed JE and called it a fianncial failure (despite it selling 600k+ copies, making money, high reviews both player and professional, and winning awards); you seem awful quick in your willingness to spend more money on the game franchise. Hahahaha.



I don't think that makes any sense.


There are many games that have been financial failures that I would still have given money to sequels for.

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For a guy who pretty much bashed JE and called it a fianncial failure (despite it selling 600k+ copies, making money, high reviews both player and professional, and winning awards); you seem awful quick in your willingness to spend more money on the game franchise. Hahahaha.



I don't think that makes any sense.


There are many games that have been financial failures that I would still have given money to sequels for.

The point is Alanshu my friend, the number of sequels made for financial failures in any industry is low to none. By definition, a sequel is only going to be warranted if the original title was popular and successful (unless of course it's a pre-planned sequel such as Mass Effect 2 & 3, which JE of course was not).

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For a guy who pretty much bashed JE and called it a fianncial failure (despite it selling 600k+ copies, making money, high reviews both player and professional, and winning awards); you seem awful quick in your willingness to spend more money on the game franchise. Hahahaha.



I don't think that makes any sense.


There are many games that have been financial failures that I would still have given money to sequels for.

The point is Alanshu my friend, the number of sequels made for financial failures in any industry is low to none. By definition, a sequel is only going to be warranted if the original title was popular and successful (unless of course it's a pre-planned sequel such as Mass Effect 2 & 3, which JE of course was not).


That's not what Volourn was saying though. He was criticizing ShadowPaladin on his willingness to pay for a sequel as somehow invalidating ShadowPaladin's claims of financial failure.

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Sure market was alot smaller back then in general.


But how big do you think the XBox only market is?


Its pretty limited as well.


BTW, what exactly do you mean by cinema advertising (im guessing your speaking about theaters but figured Id ask anyways).


I will say I see alot more advertisments on TV, in mags, ect for products like Madden Footbal, Wrestling, latest FPS (Call to Arms 2 being the most recent) and those dont shatter 600k or million marks.


Id even go so far as to say TV advertisements reach a FAR larger crowd then ones in theaters (and play alot more often... annoyingly)


Point is, you have set the bar way to high to honestly and fairly evaluate the games success.


Success is: Did the game reach its projected sales and make money! I personally dont know what Biowares Projections were but since they have CHOOSEN to do a sequel and have said it was a success, I gotta assume it did! Simple as that.


Was it well recieved? Yes

Did it make money? Yes

Does it have a continued following? Yes


Thats pretty much a recipe for success right there!


No clue where this million mark comes from but its pretty unrealist in todays gaming world to be honest, when releaseing on ONE platform only! If it released on PC as well as XBox, well then it better break a million, but it didnt so a mute point.


Last point to keep in mind is JE release AFTER XBox 360 was announced. Everyone already knew the platform was about to become obsolete. That means not many are going to run out and buy a XBox to try JE. Those with broken XBoxs arent rushing out to replace their systems. Timing is everything and JEs timing wasnt great for its platform.


20 million + certainly large enough to support multi million sales without effort. JE coming from a known company, FFI coming from a company on the last throw of the dice as it were.


JE was played as part of the trailers in UCG cinema. It was also on TV , in magazines and had seriously overrated reviews from the usual suspects. If you can't break a million with that sort of advertising then your a failure.


TV advertising is easy to ignore, you just flick channels. Can't do that in the cinema.


Really dosnt matter where I set the bar , I'm not lowering it just to make Bioware fanboys happy.


That sounds like an excuse, especially as the Xbox unit is currently still in the top 10 chart as well as the PS2 (in it's respective chart).

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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The point is Alanshu my friend, the number of sequels made for financial failures in any industry is low to none.  By definition, a sequel is only going to be warranted if the original title was popular and successful (unless of course it's a pre-planned sequel such as Mass Effect 2 & 3, which JE of course was not).

Unless JE is regarded as a LOSS LEADER and, having established the franchise without losing TOO MUCH money, it is deemed a GOOD RISK to release a sequel (as a lot of the marketing can build on the existing noise) ...



... I might just being playing avocado ...




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Another good point.



Initial investment on an established IP would likely not be as high, and if it's losses were not significant, sequels that build on the exposure of the previous game can indeed be profitable.


Aye Alan, but Id argue that if JE signifigantly missed its projected salls figures as Shadow suggested (selling 600k when predicting over a million is a huge miss by any math) a sequel would not be forth coming.


More then likely JE achieved or beat its projected sales figures and thats why we are being graced with a sequel to it. Which in any form of reasonable logical thinking makes it a success.

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Exactly. If JE was expected to sell 1.5-2 mil copies like some claim (as to be in line with other BIO games), and it sold only 600k (and counting) copies; I seriously doubt it would even be close to having a sequel.


Hello, people. Wake up, and smell JE's financial success!


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There have been plenty of games that havnt done well and ended up with sequels.


They may re-examine the JE model and fix what was wrong with it. Or they may just feel that because they want a game out relatively quickly it's easier to do it you have something you can already work from.


But cinema advertising a game you expect to only sell half a million of, thats joke. The only conclusion you can reach from that is that JE did not meet the expected sales.


As for whether it made any money thats speculation.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I still wonder why it ended up in the 299:- range of games after only a few weeks in Sweden. I have a feeling they bought like 1000 copies and thought it would sell like water in Sahara.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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