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Spider-Man 3


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Screw Sandman, I want Venom!


You're getting both unfortunately. I'm hoping they just introduce the whole Eddie Brock conflict in this one and turn him into Venom in Spider-Man 4 instead of wasting Venom by having him share a movie with Sandman.


I bet you they introduce the symbiote costume in this one and it combines with Brock at the end.


I doubt "Venom" is in this one as a main villian


Well, Topher Grace is playing Eddie Brock, so I'm really interested in how they go with that. It seems like they must be going with the whole mirror image of Peter, only not raised by Uncle Ben kinda thing, which IMO would make him a much more interesting character.


Oh, and to Baley: I agree, we need a Lucifer movie, guess Paradise Lost will have to tide us over until then though. Also, Galactus is a F4 or Silver Surfer villain, so I doubt we'll ever see him in a Spider-Man movie. My guess is they're going to make him the villain for the Silver Sufer movie, since I heard they're going with either the Mole King or the Puppet Master in Fantastic Four 2.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Oh, and to Baley: I agree, we need a Lucifer movie, guess Paradise Lost will have to tide us over until then though. Also, Galactus is a F4 or Silver Surfer villain, so I doubt we'll ever see him in a Spider-Man movie. My guess is they're going to make him the villain for the Silver Sufer movie, since I heard they're going with either the Mole King or the Puppet Master in Fantastic Four 2.

Will they milk every Marvel comic in existence?

What's next a Magneto movie? Oh wait...


Anyway I was joking about Galactus,but seeing just how many movies they're making these days it might not be long until we see a Spiderman 29: The X-Men Adventures of the Fantastic 4.

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it might not be long until we see a Spiderman 29: The X-Men Adventures of the Fantastic 4.


Well... Marvel started their own movie studio so they don't have to license the rights to other studios to make movies. So once all the licenses are up and the rights revert back to Marvel... we could start seeing crossover movies. Or at least references to other marvel characters. I'd love to see Punisher and Daredevil cross paths.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Spiderman 3? Urgh... :)


Everyday, I despise Hollywood that bit more... more sequels, book adaptations, reimaginings... there's so many fresh-out-of-college film students who have original scripts that just don't get a look in because making something mediocre like Spiderman 3 ( <_< ) is a much safer bet




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Its become par for the course to expect a multi film franchise these days. With something like Spiderman i dont mind as there is a wealth of good stories in the comics from which to choose.

Yeh, a wealth of good stories that has been badly adapted, directed, acted and produced... :p




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Spiderman 3? Urgh... :o


Everyday, I despise Hollywood that bit more... more sequels, book adaptations, reimaginings... there's so many fresh-out-of-college film students who have original scripts that just don't get a look in because making something mediocre like Spiderman 3 ( <_< ) is a much safer bet






Greatness is just lost on some people. :D

Edited by Mothman
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Spiderman 3? Urgh... ;)


Everyday, I despise Hollywood that bit more... more sequels, book adaptations, reimaginings... there's so many fresh-out-of-college film students who have original scripts that just don't get a look in because making something mediocre like Spiderman 3 ( <_< ) is a much safer bet






Greatness is just lost on some people. :D



Yeh... you stick to the great movies Hollywood churns out and I'll stick to cinema from elsewhere :-




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There is no such thing as an "original idea" anymore.

Edited by thepixiesrock

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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Yeh... you stick to the great movies Hollywood churns out and I'll stick to cinema from elsewhere  :)




Oh, come on. Even you have to admit Spiderman was better than a lot of the attempts to make comics into movies recently. Heck, it's probably better than the bulk of trash Hollywood churns out each year, original ideas included! ;)In my humble opinion, of course.


I do agree with you on the originality, though. Hollywood has become so dependant on sequals and remakes it's pathetic. Although I think one reason why is that a popular idea put on the screen might catch more attention and make more money than an idea nobody's heard about before. Example: The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. :o But I'm not saying originality doesn't make money, just that it's probably easier for Hollywood to recycle ideas then create new ones.

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There is no such thing as an "original idea" anymore.

That's true... however, original scripts do exist :o


Did, the man tell you that?

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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