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Planescape Torment question


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Sounds cool - I remember finding a Lady doll though I didn't piss her off at the time.  Will try it now.  Why's it needed?  I played through several times without getting mazed.  The only maze which is compulsory is Ravel's.

Amazing! :-


There is another way to get mazed. You can become a worshipper of Aoskar, the original deity and lord of Sigil before The Lady kicked him out and took the place for her own. There is a temple and priest in the Alley of Dangerous Angles (name?) where you can ask about it.


To get out of The Lady's maze, you need to go through a portal, then walk all the way back to the portal and step into it again without using any other portal to teleport in the mean time. Of course, I can't remember which portal it is now or even if it's the same from time to time :lol:


Some nice hammer and a frame and part of your back history in there IIRC.

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Surprisingly I can't find the lady's rag doll at Pharod's vault - I remember it being there the last time I played it... Anyawy will resort to Aoskar now.


Just make sure you agree to join right away. The second time you try to talk to him he will no longer talk.

Well, except if you bring Morain(?)'s Box. But if you don't give that one right away he will do his "refuse to talk" thing again...and you have an unfinishable quest.

(Had to replay a large part due to that...damnit)


Irritation lvl almost as high as that stupid Print Shop dude, who locks his shop and thereby tries to screw the Main Quest... :lol:


Well, except if you bring Morain(?)'s Box.

You mean Morridor's Box?



Edited by Battlewookiee
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Well, except if you bring Morain(?)'s Box.

You mean Morridor's Box?






Anyone knows what is so special about Old Coppereyes in Dustman Bar?

He is impossible to kill, looked at his hitpoints through Infinity Explorer - 30,000 HP!


He only gives me a Dustman contract, that's all.

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Anyone knows what is so special about Old Coppereyes in Dustman Bar?

He is impossible to kill, looked at his hitpoints through Infinity Explorer - 30,000 HP!


He only gives me a Dustman contract, that's all.

He's there so you can sign a Dead Contract - nothing more...but I suspect his near invincibility was just for a laugh.

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It's occured to me that some of the art in Torment is amazing. They've basically made new art, animation, spell effects (one of my favs), interface etc just for the game - tons of work and time for just one game.


Maybe that's why it wasn't considered a success relative to its sales - the resources invested in the game were very high.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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The good thing about Torment is using the area files for Baldur Gate mods and some of the soundsets are good. Never saw any use for the game since it was dull.

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"It's occured to me that some of the art in Torment is amazing. They've basically made new art, animation, spell effects (one of my favs), interface etc just for the game - tons of work and time for just one game."


This is not a rarity in the gaming world. In fact, I believe it is the norm.


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