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I wrote:

The fact is Blizzard takes a long time to develop games...but they've never had a failure. And before any of you sour pusses object, don't bother, just because you don't like a game doesn't mean it's not successful.


Hades_one wrote:

Only thing that Blizzard has done right in their games are the FMVs. Warcrap, Starcrap, and Diablow have all sucked.


Why do you post? That's a total waste of time. Are you going to argue that they were not successful games? Do you think your personal opinion is shared by the rest of the world?

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Don't bother. Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one and they stink.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Don't bother. Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one and they stink.

In praise of Mus?'s sig:


This is one of the oldest and most revered of all brand images. The Michelin Man, known as Bibendum, first appeared in a poster by O'Galop in 1896 and instantly became a classic. The artist redrew the poster for an encore in 1913, which is seen here in unusually fine condition. Bibendum is seen proposing a toast of road debris, which has reduced Tire X and Tire Y to deflated sad sacks.


The phrase Nunc est Bibendum means "Now is the time to drink" in Latin. Because the French did not understand its meaning, they thought that it meant something like "Here is Bibendum," hence explaining the naming of the Michelin man, which has stuck for more than a century. They surely understand the message of the poster, which is stated below: "Michelin tires swallow all obstacles on the road."






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Hahhaaa! :D Thanks meta.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I don't think they can tie up all the loose ends left from Brood Wars with just Ghost... Like did the Zerg make it to earth will the protoss make peace with their dark pals... Will Fenix come back from the dead again... AND WHAT THE HECK WAS UP WITH LT. DURON!

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I dunno, I think WoW is only so popular cos there's nothing better.


That doesn't necessarily mean it's good - mmorpgs have a habbit of boring the player without them realising it, and once a person is bored they can't be assed trying something new, so they get stuck doing the same thing.


It's a curious aspect of human nature.


I have over 200 levels across all my WoW characters - it took me that long to realise the poor predictive gameplay whilst lvling (for example there's always only one way to complete a quest, which most of the time involves killing X of Y, or some indefinite amount of Y to loot Z amount of K, whereby K only has a (A/B) chance to drop), the non existant dynamic world PvP (thanks to the introduction of battlegrounds nearly all PvP is heavily organised and ends up equating to a really poor RTS), and the extremely boring equipment grinding... all of that just plain sucks, but even when you realise it, it takes some considerable effort to pull yourself out of the addiction.


Boredom does that to you.



As for Diablo... I will never understood why that was so popular. Was it cos the Butcher was so iconic?

Edited by Moose

There are none that are right, only strong of opinion. There are none that are wrong, only ignorant of facts

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It took you 200 levels of WoW to realize it was a boring game? It sounds like you invested a lot of time in the game, I'm sorry you feel it was a waste. Personally, I've had a lot of great yimes in WoW. When I get bored, I'll stop playing, but I won't look back on that time with animosity.


MMORPG's aren't for everyone, but WoW is by far the best on the market right now. But it's also a game that is what you make it. If the social environment doesn't do it for you, then you'll get bored pretty soon. It's a static game, as are all games, but single player games have an end, and MMORPG's need to go on infinitely.


Diablo has serious atmosphere. The Butcher, the music, the weaponry...it was pretty far ahead of all the competition at the time.

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if anyone is looking for an MMORPG that is story-focused and that you can pretty much play solo (with AI-controlled hechmen) if you want, then Guild Wars is probably what you are looking at.

I beg to disagree. I have been playing Guild Wars PvE for a while and my impression so far has been that the story is weak. Not necessarily bad, but completely ordinary and uninspiring. Nowhere close to KOTOR-I/II. Hell, Diablo-I/II had a more intriguing plot than Guild Wars. I haven't completed the campaign, so there might be interesting plot twists coming up, but a good story always draws you in and constantly inspires you to keep playing -- something that I have not felt with GW. The gameplay, though, is pretty good. There's a great deal of variety, and it's pleasantly hard. But I don't feel any excitement at all about progressing the story further. It definitely does seem to be a very very PvP focused game, and PvP's just not for me. All IMHO, of course :-

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roshan, please find your old keyboard as I am having trouble re-encrypting your posts ...

What is wrong with my posts? Im merely expressing my preferrence for the demonic art in diablo 1 as opposed to the cartoony look of diablo 2.

Nothing wrong with them, I just miss all those 'i's ... :-




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If you are looking for a MMORPG that you can play solo...you really need to think about what the two M's mean. Every MMORPG allows you to solo for a bit, but if you expect to solo all the way through, you really need to go buy a single player game.

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If you are looking for a MMORPG that you can play solo...you really need to think about what the two M's mean.  Every MMORPG allows you to solo for a bit, but if you expect to solo all the way through, you really need to go buy a single player game.




You're clearly faulty opinion has been noted and disregarded :shifty:


The "MM" part can also refer to just the socializing, NOT just to the concept of team activity.


You have been denied :-

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Not so much roleplaying as it is stripping their female characters down to the knickers and abusing the "dance" emote. :blink:

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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If you are looking for a MMORPG that you can play solo...you really need to think about what the two M's mean.  Every MMORPG allows you to solo for a bit, but if you expect to solo all the way through, you really need to go buy a single player game.




You're clearly faulty opinion has been noted and disregarded :blink:


The "MM" part can also refer to just the socializing, NOT just to the concept of team activity.


You have been denied :)


Furthermore, most MMORPGers think of MMORPGing primarily in terms of competitive player economy, which attributes a common and collective but fluid value to everything from crafted goods to loot drops to having attained a given character level or gained a given title. And you don't have to group for PvE or PvP to be part of that economy. It's still there when you play solo, even if perhaps less obvious. Recent MMORPGs make solo engagement in player economy even more viable with a greater focus on (or less broken versions of) crafting, trading and vending of goods. In some games, being a very good crafter is more valued than being of very high level. At any rate, these game aspects are a darn sight better these days than they were in the days of AC1, when there wasn't even an interface for trading items (i.e., you traded by putting an item down on the ground and letting the other individual pick it up).


I've tended to be a more guild-focused and group-focused MMORPGer (prefer to play support classes). But I think that the essential character of an MMORPG which makes it distinctive has less to do with cooperation towards goals, though that is also very key, and more to do with player economy. You can in theory have (and have had, in a couple cases) an MMORPG with effectively no organised cooperative grouping. You cannot have an MMORPG without player economy, where player levels, equipment and possessions are without relative value.

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