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NHL Scoring Leaders


1. Daniel Alfredsson, Ottawa, Right Wing, 15 Games, 15 Goals, 16 Assists, 31 Points

2. Peter Forsberg, Philadelphia, Center, 16 Games, 6 Goals, 25 Assists, 31 Points


Swedes dominating the scoring charts so far! Sweet! >_<)

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Forsberg is just utterly insane. Still, it's a long season, and I'm sure some odd injury will afflict him eventually. Alfredsson is also the catalyst for all those great players in Ottawa. I honestly think the Senators would play pretty average without him.

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I'd tend to disagree with you on that one, Hurlshot. I think that Spezza and Heatley together would still be mighty effective. If Havlat was on the top line instead I think the trio would still produce without Daniel. TSN was saying last night that Alfreddson is on pace for a 170 point season. Yikes.



And every night I say a prayer that Fosberg will go down to injury. At least until I reclaim the top two spots in my hockey pool.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Alfredsson is also the catalyst for all those great players in Ottawa. I honestly think the Senators would play pretty average without him.


I don't totally agree! Having Alfredsson on your line can't hurt and he's been very consistent over his career, however Spezza and Heatley were on fire well before Alfredsson joined there line..


Having such a balanced offensive attack with Havlat, and even Chris Neil is scoring keeps opponents defences off-balanced


And with a team that has great speed they can interchange different players between there top three lines and still play great



Does anyone think we could have a 150 point player this year! While I think there will be numerous 50 goal scorers 150 + points would seen to be quite difficult, thats quite a high pace to keep up over the whole season

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I don't dare predict anything about the scoring title or Richard trophy. But I really hope that the referees straighten out their inconsistency and still manages to keep the strict interpretation of the rules all season long. And in the play-offs (even though I have no idea what will happen then).


If teams learn to play without drawing 10+ penalties every game, then reaching 150+ will be very difficult. If this style of play keeps up then I wouldn't be surprised if someone like Heatley could break that barrier. I would love to see those kinds of numbers again. I mean.. Gretzky.. 200+ points.. :p

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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In a sad bit of news, i have to admit I was wrong. Seems scoring is up. Seems liek the new rules have helped in that regard.


In some even sadder news, NHL this year is friggin' boring. I can no longer watch entire games. It has fallen into the MLB and NBA trap. Entertaining when something importnat is happening or late in game; otherwise it puts me to sleep.


When I cna't even more overly excited that my Rangers are doing better than expected there is something wrong with the game.


YAY! The teams score an extra goal per game. Big deal when it's a boring one.


All this means that what once an awesome accomplismnet - averaging a PPG - means nothing now.


Congrats, NHGL. Youa ccomplished your goal of more goals. Now make the game as exciting as before.


It's sad that I was more xcited in the 7 seven seasons the Rangers missed the play-offs then I am right now.


As an example, i used to be able to watch Hockey Night in Canada even though I'm not a big fan of the Leafs; now I can only watch my rnagers for 30 minutes at a time.


Liek tonight. I'll probably turn on the Leafs-Rangers game once and awhile to check up on it. It used to be, I'd watch all 3 or so hours of.




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In some even sadder news, NHL this year is friggin' boring.

Yeah, well, tough luck. You like wrestling. I'm sorry the NHL doesn't have any chairs to throw on the ice or fake blood to drool on yourself, but that's just the way it is.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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"Yeah, well, tough luck. You like wrestling. I'm sorry the NHL doesn't have any chairs to throw on the ice or fake blood to drool on yourself, but that's just the way it is."


That's funny. It's even more hilarious if you recall that I'm a big proponent of taking fighting completely out of hockey. I think fighting has no part in hockey nor do I find it entertaining to watch real life peopel fighting. Wrestling is not real. It's a tv show like Law and Order or the Sopranos. Wrestler are actors. Actors who do their own stunts; but actors nontheless.


To compare my enjoyment of wrestling which involves FAKE violence with fighting in hockey which is real violence doesn't make any sense whatsoever.


And, I don't like wrestling because of the silly chair throwing or the fake (and even real) blood. I like it because of the characters, stories (even if they are over the top and silly much of the time) which is the same reason why I like playing RPGs like PST (which is also over the top, hahahahahah!!!)


Game over.


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In some even sadder news, NHL this year is friggin' boring.

Yeah, well, tough luck. You like wrestling. I'm sorry the NHL doesn't have any chairs to throw on the ice or fake blood to drool on yourself, but that's just the way it is.


Im not enjoying the new NHL either, they have taken the physical play (not to be mistaken for fighting, hooking, slashing, or chair swinging) outta the game.


Games now just feel like the All Star score fests they have each year. No contact, just back and forth scating and shooting. Rather drab to be honest.


It lacks passion over all now.


Course Ive always been a fan of the Cam Neely's, Gary Roberts, Shane Corson's style of play, gifted but physical. They worked for their points and the game was better off for it.

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Holy **** the Ducks just dumped Sergei Federov on Columbus for pretty much a bag of hockey pucks!!


With this 6 million dollar price tag its called a salary dump, and Fedorov will not solve Columbus's woes


2003-04 Anh 80 31 34 65 -5 42 9 2 6 268 11.57

2005-06 Anh 5 0 1 1 -1 2 0 0 0 18 0.00


Burke wanted him gone so badly he is not the same player that he was in Detroit and Columbus will soon find that out

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Federov is gone from the Ducks? What an odd trade. I think he can still be a dangerous player...they only had him 5 games this season. I guess that's a boost for the Blue Jackets, but I don't think it will save either team.


Wrestling is a sport first and acting second. Most of those guys are extremely athletic, and they use it out in the ring to entertain. It's not like they get jobs based on thier acting skills. And how many actors retire due to injuries? Most wrestlers do. Hulk Hogan has doesn't have fake hips and knees because he was pretending to wrestle.


I hate fighting and I love the new NHL. We get to see actual skill now.

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"Wrestling is a sport first and acting second. Most of those guys are extremely athletic, and they use it out in the ring to entertain. It's not like they get jobs based on thier acting skills. And how many actors retire due to injuries? Most wrestlers do. Hulk Hogan has doesn't have fake hips and knees because he was pretending to wrestle."


Wrestling is not asport. Wrestlers may be athletes; but wrestling is not a sport. A sport is competetive. Period.


Hulk Hogan doesn't beat Ric Flair because he was better in the match. Ric Flair doens't beat Hulk hogan because he was better in the match. They win because it was SCRIPTED.


This means is wrestling is not a sport. Period. It's a male soap opera. Not competition. Just admit it.



"It's not like they get jobs based on thier acting skills."


It sure helps. That's for sure. I guarnatee a wrestler who can act is more likely to be hired by the WWF than one who can't if all other things are equal.








Federov may not be in his prime; but he can still be a solid player. Then again, both of the teams involve plainly suck so this trade will chnage nothing.

Edited by Volourn


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Ya theres nothing like wrestling. To see two sweaty combatants wearing skin tight outfits grabbing on to each other until one overpowers the other and lies on top of him while he's in total submission, his hot breath on the back of his neck. Yep, and those interviews between fights, where the average citizen gets a real glimpse into 'roid rage and what ever happened to that kid who was 6 foot tall in 6th grade and dropped out. Oh ya.



That being said, I am a little dissapointed about how "soft" the NHL is. I was a big Cam Neely fan growing up as well, and the physicality of the game as always enhanced the play. I really hope that the NHL takes a number from the NBA in how they call hand-checks and physical play under the basket pretty tight early into the season, but once teams get established in their offense they slowly allow teams to get more physical. Right now the NHL is to pee-weeish.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Got to love this Avery guy:




In Sweden, freedom of speech doesn't apply to hockey teams, as the coach decides which players are allowed to voice their opinions. Maybe LA would be better off trying that approach with this guy.


Oh, and the Leafs win against Rangers!! Woowoo!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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"Oh, and the Leafs win against Rangers!! Woowoo! "


Not surprising. The Rangers suck. Just wiat. They will miss the play-off.


As for Avery, I think it's dumb. Getting fined for recieiving a penalty is stupid. The NHL should just fine any player who gets a penalty - be it 'diving', tripping, elbowing, charging, or whatever.


I think the whole idea of 'diving' being a penalty is just plain stupid. I say let the player dive, and while he's diving the other team will have a 5 on 4 skaing down the ice. Hahahah.


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I think the whole idea of 'diving' being a penalty is just plain stupid. I say let the player dive, and while he's diving the other team will have a 5 on 4 skaing down the ice. Hahahah.


If it only could work like that

If there were no diving penalties Avery and others would be diving all over the place trying to get a penalty called against them. unless they no longer call penalties in those situations

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