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It's too bad Smiths' two point night couldn't convert into two points. At least we managed one. Check this out Alanschu. It's not quite as cool as getting your question asked on a podcast, but sometimes the Stoner Senses come through. Just forget about the score part.



I look forward to the next installment of the BOA on Monday. I just have to remember to vote first.


You should fix your post Delta, Vancouver moved into a tie with the Flames again tonight.

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Well, the 'Nucks smashed the Habs 6-2. Scored 6 in the first period then took their foot off the gas for the rest of the game. I tuned in 4 minutes into the game and heard the score and laughed. Its nice that they're getting some wins in after that big losing streak.


That tends to be what they do though. They kick massive amounts of ass in the beginning of the season, do horrible in the middle, then do well again at the end.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I hate the stupid ****ing divisional groups. Why the hell does Toronto have to face Ottawa 8 ****ing times?! WE LOST TO THEM 5 TIMES ALREADY! ENOUGH!


The last three games the Leafs were outscored 23-2. Only three more games to play then. We now have 5 losses in a row and we're facing Ottawa again on Monday. Stupid ****ing NHL and their unfair playing schedules.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I hate the stupid ****ing divisional groups. Why the hell does Toronto have to face Ottawa 8 ****ing times?! WE LOST TO THEM 5 TIMES ALREADY! ENOUGH!


The last three games the Leafs were outscored 23-2. Only three more games to play then. We now have 5 losses in a row and we're facing Ottawa again on Monday. Stupid ****ing NHL and their unfair playing schedules.


Do you feel any better now? :devil:

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It's not the NHl's fault that the Leafs don't know how to play against Ottawa.


Still, I agree that the new scheduling is far from ideal.


To me, every team should play every other team twice a year then the exrat games cna then be used against divional opponetns any maybe some bonus ones against conference foes. But, the idea that one can wait years to play a particular team is silly.


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Sundin needs to stay in the stands until his eye is 100% (or atleast close to 100%). As it is, he still has a lot of vision trouble from that eye.


I'm sorry, but the Leafs will be hard pressed to make the playoffs. I said it in the summer, and it's being proven correct now, John Ferguson Jr. did a poor job of assembling this club in the "new NHL".

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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So I went in to work today to pick up a jug of water. A guy there told me I won a Flames jersey in a draw. We had two. The other was an Oiler one. Color me dissapointed :huh:


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I hate the stupid ****ing divisional groups. Why the hell does Toronto have to face Ottawa 8 ****ing times?! WE LOST TO THEM 5 TIMES ALREADY! ENOUGH!


The last three games the Leafs were outscored 23-2. Only three more games to play then. We now have 5 losses in a row and we're facing Ottawa again on Monday. Stupid ****ing NHL and their unfair playing schedules.



As an Oiler fan I have to watch my team play Calgary, Colorado, Vancouver, and Minnesota 8 times each.

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As a Sharks fan, I'm in the only division where every team is over .500.  That's 32 chances to screw up.  The Pacific division seriously has issues.


The Northwest has everyone except Minnesota over .500 if you're counting overtime losses as well. One more win from them and they are at .500

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The "Montage by Covenant" (under showcase) was pretty neat. I've seen someone use that song for a MMA fight before (syncing the BOOM-lyrics with the heaviest kicks and blows) but it fit the Ovechkin hits pretty good too.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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"Ovechkin for Calder though!"


I'm bias most likely; but the Rangers' Henrik Lundqvist is just as deserving if not more so.


A 20-6-5 record, 2.14 GAA, .927 S%, and 2 shutouts (all near the top of the elague) is nothing to sneeze at in the new NHL espicially for a rookie netminder playing on a team that had missed the play-offs 7 seasons running with that team expected to be comeplet crap this year.


He also managed to take away the #1 Golatender spot early in the season too.


Ovechkin will likely win because he is getting all the hoopla along with the overrated Crosby. Though, Ovechkin is a worthy winner.





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Lundqvist has played well. Though, unfortunately for him, he's been under the radar over here.



I think I'm just happy that other rookies than Crosby are playing great. I was getting tired of hearing about "The Next One."

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I'm not really sure how Crosby can be considered overrated when he's second in rookie scoring and on pace for 90+ points as a 18 year old...


But anyways, yes at this point Ovechkin should get the Calder.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I think Crosby has lived up to his expectations (except making the Pens good...but he's not God.)


Ovechkin has just been spectacular as well. These two are top players at very young ages. Lundqvist is great too, but it seems like the Rangers are playing well in front of him as well. I don't think he'll be able to got in the spotlight enough to win the Calder.

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"Lundqvist is great too, but it seems like the Rangers are playing well in front of him as well."


Compare his stats to the Ranger back up. The Rangers are doing well for only two reasons - Lunqvist, and Jagr. the rest of the team is doing well *because* of them.



"I don't think he'll be able to got in the spotlight enough to win the Calder."


This is sadly true despite his stats being pretty much on par (a little below) the best goalie in the league Hasek. heck, depending what happens for the rest of the seasons, Lunqvist has a fair chance of winning the Vezina (but probably won't either).


The reason why I say Crosby is overrated is because he came in the league being bragged about how awesomely godly he was on the ice. He's been nothing but mortal. Is he having a good season? Sure. But, 90 points or so in new NHL is no longer that impressive; but Lundqvist's stats are.


I could live with Ovichkin winning the Calder (just bearely) 'cause his stats and playa re actually impressive; but not Crosby.


But, like I said, I'll be accused of biasness; but the stats back me up.


Espicially since I was one of the many who thoguht the Rangers would suck this year. LOL :D


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The reason why I say Crosby is overrated is because he came in the league being bragged about how awesomely godly he was on the ice. He's been nothing but mortal. Is he having a good season? Sure. But, 90 points or so in new NHL is no longer that impressive; but Lundqvist's stats are.


90 points in general isn't that impressive. 90 points by an 18 year old? How many 90 point 18 year olds have there been in NHL history? A handful at most.


I think he's lived up to his hype. Don't forget that Mario Lemieux got 100 points as a rookie, playing in a much higher scoring generation.


That's not to say I think he should win the Calder over Ovechkin. Or that Lundqvist isn't having an outstanding rookie season. But I think Crosby's numbers are VERY impressive for an 18 year old.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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