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Let's talk about Forsberg...


He seems to have more talent than anyone in the league, but he's injured all the time. He's also at the end of his career. Is he a future Hall of Famer? Is he over-rated?


I'm still confused how our thread was a problem :thumbsup:

Edited by Hurlshot
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I'm also a bit pissed that our mammoth thread was closed down without any obvious (except for Volourn participating) reason.


Anyhow, I've always seen Forsberg as slightly overrated. I mean, sure he's probably the most talented player on the ice when he's healthy.. But he never is! The guy is a walking encyclopedia for hockey related injuries! During his career he's missed more games per season on average than Sundin (for example :thumbsup: ) had missed prior to this season altogether!


Swedish media regards him as a god. One reporter is so bad (Mats Wennerholm) that if Forsberg peed in his face, he would come in his pants. I hope that sounds disgusting, because that's exactly what Wennerholm's relationship to Foppa is.


If Forsberg had had 15-20 healthy years in the NHL, he would probably have been a Messier type icon. As it is now, I don't think he belongs in the Hall of Fame. Who knows, that may change, if he has one hell of a last couple of years and manages to bring the cup to Philly.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I'm still confused how our thread was a problem :)


They tend to shut them down when they get big.


I don't like when they get to big. I think anything over 50-60 pages should be closed and a new thread made.


But it was only on page 22! :wub:


In other hockey news:

Carlyle, Quinn fined for criticizing game

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But it was only on page 22! :)


In other hockey news:

Carlyle, Quinn fined for criticizing game


It depends how you have your browser set up and which browser you are using. It's about time the KOTOR III thread got restarted.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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"As it is now, I don't think he belongs in the Hall of Fame."


That's absolutely silly talk. Forsberg is one of the best players ever to alce up a paif of hockey skaes in the NHl, and has basically accomplished everything it should take to reach the Hall of Fame.


- Great point production


- Producing when it matters


- Winningthe Stanley Cup (multiple times)


- Being a dominate player


- Great two way player



You said it yourself. When he is healthy he is the best player on the ice or at least one of the best.


If this doens't make him qualify for the HOF with some of the not so great players already in the HOF; geez.


And, I say this while being non Forsberg fan.


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Oh course Peter Forsberg is a great player but does he have enough points to qualify him as a hall of famer.. Not yet


Career Regular Season StatsTotals Team GP G A Pts +/- PM PP SH GW S SPct

1994-95 Que 47 15 35 50 17 16 3 0 3 86 17.44

1995-96 Col 82 30 86 116 26 47 7 3 3 217 13.82

1996-97 Col 65 28 58 86 31 73 5 4 4 188 14.89

1997-98 Col 72 25 66 91 6 94 7 3 7 202 12.38

1998-99 Col 78 30 67 97 27 108 9 2 7 217 13.82

1999-00 Col 49 14 37 51 9 52 3 0 2 105 13.33

2000-01 Col 73 27 62 89 23 54 12 2 5 178 15.17

2002-03 Col 75 29 77 106 52 70 8 0 2 166 17.47

2003-04 Col 39 18 37 55 16 30 3 1 5 85 21.18

2005-06 Phi 7 0 12 12 7 2 0 0 0 16 0.00

Career 587 216 537 753 214 546 57 15 38 1460 14.79



If he can stay relatively healty over his time in Philly and rack up the points or lead Philly to a championship then I say he should be considered

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Well, points are a special issue. Nobody today gets 200 points like Gretzky did in the 80s, so it's a moot point. To me a guy who has won the Cup twice and been at the top of the scoring standings so many times is a definite Hall of Famer.

^Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum

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"587 216 537 753"


753 points in 587 games is pretty darn good. Sure, beats the Moose' PPG. And, look at his +/1. There's also the fact he's been at the top or near the top of th scoring race in multiple years, and 2 cups is enough. Just ebcuase someone has played 1000+ games or hasn't means nothing to me.


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753 in that many games is insane. I didn't realize he had that many. I also think it's kind of heartless to hold a guy out just because he got injured so many times. He might also make the International side of the HoF. I'm still in awe of that point total, particularly with the way the NHL has been in the last decade.

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I'd say vote him in, but there are still a lot of players that are in the queue ahead of him.


And any player who averages more than a point per game over their career has to be wicked good.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Phew! That's one of Toronto's few records! I believe they won 10 games in a row, from the season opener and forward when they set the record.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Does anyone else think thats crap?

Yeah, it's really weird. Can it really be legal to stop people from expressing their opinions? That would never be allowed in Sweden. It seems that fining someone for speaking their mind would violate every free speech law in existance..? I don't understand it, really.


I don't even think Quinn has been criticizing the game! He has said he doesn't like the way shoot-outs are more of a gamble than a fair result of every game, and that officiating has been inconsistant (which it has, since some refs seem to forget that hockey still is a contact sport). Not that big a deal in my opinion. Not worth getting fined for at least.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Maybe the NHLs new slogan should be 'Love it or keep your mouth shut!'.

I think Gary was sitting in his office bored and said, 'hey we're short revenues this month, lets fine somebody!'.


Coaches have been critical of rules, officials and just about everything else in the past. Maybe the league wants to set such a positive image for the game that they are willing to punish anyone who feels otherwise. It's a little Big Brother-esque, but who knows?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Well before everyone berates the NHL for there policy u have to look at the other leagues and compare..


The NBA fines owners and coaches just ask Mark Cuban from Dallas

THe NFL is no different and keeps a strict leash on owners and coaches(I could name them but I didn't feel I searching)


if the league (NHL) doesn't then you will get everyone complaining

You cares if the coaches like it or not they are responsible for the horrible trap that was played for the last 10 years. The players play for the fans, and fans want to see the best hockey they can as they pay alot of money


Granted things aren't perfect now but they will only get better as everyone from officials and players learn from experience


Yes there is freedom of speech , but is it really doing anyone any favors buy criticizing. No

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"but is it really doing anyone any favors buy criticizing. No"


Yes. Actually, it does. Criticism is what makes chnages occur. If the players,a nd coaches keep their mouths shut when a horrible call is amde or some other nonsense occurs than the refs and league will think they're eprfect.


Bettman is a coward. He's nothing more than a dictator, and (most) of the GMs are nothing more than his goons.


Shoot outs ar elame. Period. And, I hope more coaches and players vocie their opinion.


I hope one of these days, someone fights these fines which are nothing more than league sponsored theft. I would not be surprised if a good lawyer would be able to argue in court how they are illegal.




It should be called the BHL!!


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