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Attention Carth fangirls...

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His heroes failed him, his mentor turned against him and destroyed his homeworld. Everything he had was lost to him; his home, his friends, his family. But even before then, the war had kept him away, so even the memory of what was lost was denied him. When he finally finds it in himself to trust again, to love despite knowing the pain it can bring, he finds out the one he loves is Revan, the one responsible for all his pain.


Yeah, he's such a big baby. Who would be emotionally scarred by something so trivial? :rolleyes:


And yes, I know it's a game, and in reality I don't care all that much. But it annoys me when people call him whiney, yet they feel for Bastila's mommy issues just because she has big pixels.

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Carth and Revan sitting in a tree...

Eww no. Revan and Bastila. :x

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I don't want to do this but I have to back up my little friend Darkside here... Carth is a whiner, but he has good reasons to be... and I found Bastila far more annoying... I'm a snobby, righteous British girl and there's only enough room for one of those on my Ebon Hawk!




P.S. Nice to see you back LB... pop in more often :x


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I liked Carth. A nice fellow and an okay tank. What more does a NPC need to be?


But could we please not form fanclubs for characters here? That's what killed Bio's SW-boards.

Edited by Musopticon?
kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I liked Carth. A nice fellow and an okay tank. What more does a NPC need to be?


But could we please not form fanclubs for characters here? That's what killed Bio's SW-boards.

No chance of that happening with me since my fangirlism has subsided... it's not easy to keep my fangirly attention for very long... :wub:"




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Yay! I'm so glad you're back! :D


Have you gone any wicked art while you've been absent? I MS Paint doodled Greedo just after I saw you had returned... I remembered how amused you were by my Greedo and Visas comic :-




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I can't believe I called you LB before.. woops! I meant Dl.. damn letters


I've been doing that too much lately, reading things and saying/writing them when I mean somthing else. I was talking to a friend the other day and I read Pharmacy on a building and instead of saying how are you doing? I said "Hows your pharmacy?" I was so embarrased :wub: Hes cute too =/


Anyway! I have some new art but it isn't scanned in and it isn't star wars stuff. Panthers and stuff. I have been thinking of working on a collage of all characters in kotor using some of the characters I've done already though.


Good to see you are still here though Dl, you are definatly the secret ingrediant to the coolness of these forums :p

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