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Post Counts

Guest Lawman


52 members have voted

  1. 1. Post Counts

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What is needed is a system (like slashdot has, but probably not so complex) whereby posts (and therefore posters) are rated by the forumite peers.



peers? we got peers?


as for the rest of you... we would have laughed this thread away as typical of the kinda recent stoopidity that has become commonplace 'round here if not for the following:






honestly, we were more than a little disappointed in some of you folks, and when one considers our general low opinion of you peoples to begin with, that is saying something.


some of you clowns gots it backwards. treat n00bs like crap simply 'cause they is n00bs? bah. n00bs should be treated better and not worse. if you has been 'round for a while then you got no excuse for making fools of yourselves. n00bs got an excuse that the regular posters do not: they is new. n00bs is the only folks that get Gromnir patience and they always get at least one free shot at us w/o reprisals. we got more concern for n00bs, not less, 'cause the quickest and bestest way for these boards to improve is for them to be getting new ideas and perspectives, and the best way for that to happen is for new people to wanna stick 'round and contribute.


if it were up to Gromnir, there would be no visible post counts, but unfortunately, that would not stop some o' you peoples from treating new folks poorly.



"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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if it were up to Gromnir, there would be no visible post counts, but unfortunately, that would not stop some o' you peoples from treating new folks poorly.


I think it was more about his use of [] that irked so many. People who write their posts unconventional way always brings somebody to complain about it.

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if it were up to Gromnir, there would be no visible post counts, but unfortunately, that would not stop some o' you peoples from treating new folks poorly.


I think it was more about his use of [] that irked so many. People who write their posts unconventional way always brings somebody to complain about it.

It's annoying. IT'S LIKE USING ALL CAPS or using l33t $p33K. Just type bloody normal.

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I think it depends on the n00b. Some take best to a bit of a hostile reception for they think "Ah, this is an exclusive club which I will enjoy once I break in". Some need kid glove treatment. And some come in with a mean attitude and need immediate lightsaber duelling followed by defenestration.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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if it were up to Gromnir, there would be no visible post counts, but unfortunately, that would not stop some o' you peoples from treating new folks poorly.


I think it was more about his use of [] that irked so many. People who write their posts unconventional way always brings somebody to complain about it.


we call bs. reread the thread we linked. how many pages? were not simply 'bout style of posting. ain't gonna buy the revisionist history. is bs.

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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"It's annoying. IT'S LIKE USING ALL CAPS or using l33t $p33K. Just type bloody normal."


I suppose just telling them to stop that is somehow out of the question? You know, instead of flaming and spamming the thread to hell?


Curiously, though, the guy had two perfectly normal posts prior to that one.


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I think it depends on the n00b. Some take best to a bit of a hostile reception for they think "Ah, this is an exclusive club which I will enjoy once I break in". Some need kid glove treatment. And some come in with a mean attitude and need immediate lightsaber duelling followed by defenestration.




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if it were up to Gromnir, there would be no visible post counts, but unfortunately, that would not stop some o' you peoples from treating new folks poorly.


I think it was more about his use of [] that irked so many. People who write their posts unconventional way always brings somebody to complain about it.


we call bs. reread the thread we linked. how many pages? were not simply 'bout style of posting. ain't gonna buy the revisionist history. is bs.


His posting style was what started it all after that things just got out of hands.

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What is needed is a system (like slashdot has, but probably not so complex) whereby posts (and therefore posters) are rated by the forumite peers.

peers? we got peers?


as for the rest of you... we would have laughed this thread away as typical of the kinda recent stoopidity that has become commonplace 'round here if not for the following:






honestly, we were more than a little disappointed in some of you folks, and when one considers our general low opinion of you peoples to begin with, that is saying something.


some of you clowns gots it backwards. treat n00bs like crap simply 'cause they is n00bs? bah. n00bs should be treated better and not worse. if you has been 'round for a while then you got no excuse for making fools of yourselves. n00bs got an excuse that the regular posters do not: they is new. n00bs is the only folks that get Gromnir patience and they always get at least one free shot at us w/o reprisals. we got more concern for n00bs, not less, 'cause the quickest and bestest way for these boards to improve is for them to be getting new ideas and perspectives, and the best way for that to happen is for new people to wanna stick 'round and contribute.


if it were up to Gromnir, there would be no visible post counts, but unfortunately, that would not stop some o' you peoples from treating new folks poorly.



You shame those amoungst us who, in their exuberance to prove themselves in verbal combat with each other, have slaughtered an innocent.


I take your point about peers; let's just say it was meant in the broadest possible definition ... :)




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I don't think they should count. Why should spammers get a false sense of authority (apologies to our fine moderator) because of a high post count when they haven't contributed anything worthwhile to any threads?


Of course the reverse of that is that thoughtful members who make all their insightful contributions in WoT "look like noobs," but anyone who has followed the fora for a while will give respect to those who deserve it.



"fora for a" oh man, sometimes I crack myself up.

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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