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Looks like Blu-Ray wins.


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Probably not, but since you will only have a single blu ray disk as opposed to multiple DVDs rubbing on each other with nothing in between (anyone familiar with PC games will understand what I mean) it should mean they are less prone to scratching.


Storing them shiny side up is pretty handy to avoid twist scratches in some packaging. But dosnt help if there is more than one disk.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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So what games will PS3 have anyway? The usual fanfare or will they have games from publishers like Obsidian, Bioware, or Bethesda? You know, game developers that I like. All I see from doing a games search for PS2 is a bunch of japanesse RPGs *yuck* with lamers US RPGs like Bard's Tale remake and BGDA.

Edited by Hades_One
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BioWare has a deal miwth MS so they wont be releasing anything for the PS3.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Yep, that is true.


Like I said before all this technology is nice and good but it is worthless if it just doesn't have the games to play on it.


YAY! I GOT THE UBER TOY BUT I CAN'T DO ANYTHING WITH IT! Pretty lame, eh? There will always be technological advance. There will always be a shinier new widget that everyone on gets excited about. That is nice, but if it has no substance or practical use for me then it is worthless.


PS3 is probably the most advance console to be released but it is meaningless to me if it doesn't have the games I want to play.

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AT the moment they've got the HDdvd at 30GB capacity, yes blu ray is reporting dual layer at 50GB but is that extra space useable? (for movies at least there is a ceiling beyond which the extra space is moot)


Intel and MS backed hddvd cos they reckon blu ray wont allow network streaming or something. Blu ray said this is absurd as the copy protection for blu ray is based upon the same thing as hddvd -- bleh at this point the arguments are technical.


HD has an advantage in that the discs can be produced using teh same eqipment as for current gen DVDs. For blu ray new machines and processes must be used and no doubt the extra cost will be passed on to the consumer.

This was posted on slashdot last week:


Why Microsoft Hates Blu-ray

  • from the daggers-drawn dept.
    posted by Zonk on Friday October 07, @18:40 (Movies)

An anonymous reader writes "The private feud just became public. Apparently, Gates yelled at Sony's CEO because the new copy protection Blu-ray has adopted would prevent players from streaming content to the Xbox 360. Since the PS3 will have Blu-ray support but the Xbox 360 only has a plain DVD drive, this means PS3 will be the only console that can play HD movies. Also, Paramount just announced support for Blu-ray and Warner Brothers may also jump ship. Will VHS vs. Betamax turn out differently this time?"

Slashdot Stories for 2005-10-08




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Yep, that is true.


Like I said before all this technology is nice and good but it is worthless if it just doesn't have the games to play on it.




Bioware only released two Xbox games, both of which you could hardly call their best work.


They are also supposed to be making a handheld game, which means either Nintendo or Sony.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I don't play handhelds so that doesn't matter much to me. Their worse work was NWN and we are never going to get the quality we got from BG2 in any future game from them so I pretty much stop using that as a gauge. However KotOR and Jade Empire were light years better than any JRPG for the PS2.

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I don't play handhelds so that doesn't matter much to me.  Their worse work was NWN and we are never going to get the quality we got from BG2 in any future game from them so I pretty much stop using that as a gauge.  However KotOR and Jade Empire were light years better than any JRPG for the PS2.


Subjectively speaking for you maybe. Objectively speaking not a chance.


See despite all your protests about Bioware your pretty much stuck with them as they are the only game in town right now :-

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I would agree with KotOR being better than any RPG I've ever played on the PS2. Jade Empire on the other hand.. I've played lots of RPG's on the PS2 that I would call better.

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I liked Jade Empire more than any Final Fantasy game I played, Better than Wild Arms, better than the Lunar series, better than the Star Ocean games (boy did they suck), and from what I have seen of Kingdom Hearts (I hate Disney) it looks better than that game to boot.

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better than the Lunar series,



I hope you know, this means war.

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Hey, I love the Luanr series but time to move on. JE beats the game in terms of graphics, gameplay, and funky kung fu action. Hell, the peole in JE actually look like people. Story wise I got the same level of enjoyment out of both but JE beats tLunar in sheer presentation and visual impact.

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There were many aspects I didn't like about Star Ocean. Some of them is prevalent in nearly all JRPGs. I couldn't make my character. If I can't make my own character that is the first strike against the game. Not a fatal strike, for games that have that little feature can still end of being one of my favorites if they have other features I like. Planescape Torment being one of them. Also Star Ocean story was boring me to tears. I was almost yelling at it to get to the point already in nearly every single conversation I got myself into. Lastly the whole recipe system was completely whacked. I don't want to speed hours on end added things to other things then add more things and hope to get something decent. Also there was absolutely no instructions how to make things.


If I have the components and the skill to make things just tell me how to do it so I can get back to the game.


KotOR and KotOR 2's item creation system was very straight forward, easy to use, and effective during gameplay. Far far far far far better than Star Ocean's.

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There were many aspects I didn't like about Star Ocean.  Some of them is prevalent in nearly all JRPGs.  I couldn't make my character.  If I can't make my own character that is the first strike against the game.  Not a fatal strike, for games that have that little feature can still end of being one of my favorites if they have other features I like.  Planescape Torment being one of them.  Also Star Ocean story was boring me to tears.  I was almost yelling at it to get to the point already in nearly every single conversation I got myself into.  Lastly the whole recipe system was completely whacked.  I don't want to speed hours on end added things to other things then add more things and hope to get something decent.  Also there was absolutely no instructions how to make things.


If I have the components and the skill to make things just tell me how to do it so I can get back to the game.


You probably should have read the cyclopedia.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Bottomline, the Star Ocean's item creation was not very intuitive and overly convoluted.


Anyway, like I siad if PS3 gets games that I will like I'll buy one. No doubt about it, I most certainly will., but if it doesn't then it would be silly of me to have a console that I will not play.

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Bottomline, the Star Ocean's item creation was not very intuitive and overly convoluted.


Anyway, like I siad if PS3 gets games that I will like I'll buy one.  No doubt about it, I most certainly will., but if it doesn't then it would be silly of me to have a console that I will not play.


Personally I found it pretty straightforward, but then I have more experience with those type of things I expect.


Star Oceans creation served a purpose beyond that in KOTOR as well, in case you have forgotten.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Its been years since I have played Star Ocean.  In the myriad of JRPGs there have only been one series I liked and that was Lunar.  2 PS1 games is not enough warrant to buy a PS3 console when I can play them on my old PS1.


No one is asking you to buy a PS3. Actually your one of the few making sense when it comes to the 360, you will buy one for the games irrespective of the machines tech and thats something I can respect.


You will likely end up getting one anyway, as well as every JRPG released o:)

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I'm quite the opposite. I'm buying the machine based on its specs, not on the games. I'll find games I like on either one.

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