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Which character did you like as a historian?  

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  1. 1. Which character did you like as a historian?

    • Kreia
    • Atris

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Kreia all the way, She is definately darkside but I did not really see her as 'Sith', as she says to Atris about Sith teachings:-


"There is no truth there, but it is a step in the right direction".


Well it was something like that anyway. Seems to me she meant it as a step in embracing a wider view of everything.


As for the previous post about Jedi not being manipulative, hang on a bit. Jedi are completely manipulative, it may be for what they consider the greater good but what that boils down to is 'the end justifies the means'.


It all comes down to your own point of view, as said by Obi Wan himself.


Kreia tells you the consequences of your actions. She tells the Exile that everything one does has its own depth. You can change the future for the better or worse just by trying to help or trying to hurt people within the game. Kreia's character was better because she tells you why you're right or wrong. (Even if she is "evil") Atris never tells your character why one cannot reform or prove that they can change. Kreia embraces that people can change through only one small push.

Kreia gets mad at you no matter what you did.... ;)


Not true. If you use subtle manipulation (offer your alligence to both sides on Dantooine and convince the Refugees to give in to the Exchange), she'll praise you. She cares nothing about your alignment, only your ability.

It's much easier to gain influence with Kreia when playing DS though.


True. And she is dark, I don't deny that. But does that automatically make her evil?


Is the Dark Side truly evil? Most of it's followers are, but that doesn't mean it itself is evil. If a Jedi has to use a DS power to defeat a Sith, does that make them a Dark Jedi? Or is it possible that Light and Dark are simply that, like black and white magic in Final Fantasy, with no effect on alignment or alliegences whatsoever?


And maybe, just maybe, I need something better to do.





Just maybe...

True. And she is dark, I don't deny that. But does that automatically make her evil?


Is the Dark Side truly evil? Most of it's followers are, but that doesn't mean it itself is evil. If a Jedi has to use a DS power to defeat a Sith, does that make them a Dark Jedi? Or is it possible that Light and Dark are simply that, like black and white magic in Final Fantasy, with no effect on alignment or alliegences whatsoever?


Thank you.


Though, in truth, there is no light or dark side of the Force. The Force is simply there and itself. But it is what the person has in his or her own heart, and what they are willing to do, that makes the difference.


Kreia is neither Sith nor Jedi. She was a Jedi Master at one time, and she was also a Sith Lord (or Sith Lady to be exact) at one time. However she found that neither code or dogmatic view held much truth.


And besides, we're talking about someone who wanted to destroy the force, here.


And you have just proven our point. Trying to kill the Force would make her no more a Sith than it would a Jedi. Remember, the Sith live, hunger, and die for power. The power of the Force. No, that was not a Sith thing she was trying to do. It was the polar opposite.


Yes, she did use the PC as a means of getting revenge, but she did so all the while fulfilling her primary goal. She felt that the Jedi Masters and Sith Lords were too powerful - yet too ignorant of the Force and common knowledge - to be walking around with their power unchecked. She tried to, in a sense, bring balance. And she knew that if her ultimate goal (killing the Force) was not achieved, then she atleast would have done something.

"Learn to harness your anger and control your fear. Dominate your emotions! But do not let them overcome you; for they can surely cause you to fall to the dark side.

If you expect to win against a Sith then you need to fight like a Sith! If you do not, you will always be met with defeat."

-- Jedi Master Seraphis Dakari

True. And she is dark, I don't deny that. But does that automatically make her evil?


Is the Dark Side truly evil? Most of it's followers are, but that doesn't mean it itself is evil. If a Jedi has to use a DS power to defeat a Sith, does that make them a Dark Jedi? Or is it possible that Light and Dark are simply that, like black and white magic in Final Fantasy, with no effect on alignment or alliegences whatsoever?


Thank you.


Though, in truth, there is no light or dark side of the Force. The Force is simply there and itself. But it is what the person has in his or her own heart, and what they are willing to do, that makes the difference.


Kreia is neither Sith nor Jedi. She was a Jedi Master at one time, and she was also a Sith Lord (or Sith Lady to be exact) at one time. However she found that neither code or dogmatic view held much truth.


And besides, we're talking about someone who wanted to destroy the force, here.


And you have just proven our point. Trying to kill the Force would make her no more a Sith than it would a Jedi. Remember, the Sith live, hunger, and die for power. The power of the Force. No, that was not a Sith thing she was trying to do. It was the polar opposite.


Yes, she did use the PC as a means of getting revenge, but she did so all the while fulfilling her primary goal. She felt that the Jedi Masters and Sith Lords were too powerful - yet too ignorant of the Force and common knowledge - to be walking around with their power unchecked. She tried to, in a sense, bring balance. And she knew that if her ultimate goal (killing the Force) was not achieved, then she atleast would have done something.


Finally, someone who agrees!


On a slightly related topic: One thing that bothered my about Episode 3 was the fact that the ability to conserve or return life was "dark" because it was unnatural. All Force powers are "unnatural", including healing powers (which is light). Perserving life is simply an advanced form of heal, so wouldn't it also be "light side"? :lol:


PS: She wanted to kill the Force because she is not a Sith and because she is not a Jedi.


Whenever something bad happens, what do the Jedi say? "It was the will of the Force." She hated the fact that the Force has a will. She hated the fact that innocent people suffered and died because of the will of the Force. She hated the fact that entire worlds and civilizations could be destroyed and the only excuse the Jedi could give (or reason, for the Sith) was "the will of the Force."


She viewed the Force an an uncaring, stagnant, mayby even hypocritical entity that needed to be done away with. She believed that that would be the only to finally bring peace to the galaxy; for all who would be strong enough to deafen themselves to it and survive...like the exile.


And that, my friend, is why she loved the exile and found him/her precious.


All Force powers are "unnatural", including healing powers (which is light). Perserving life is simply an advanced form of heal, so wouldn't it also be "light side"? huh.gif


He meant in the sense of the way the Jedi (and common public) viewed Force powers.


Also, the Jedi try their best to believe in the natural flow of things. Healing a wound will not inhibit that flow. But to preserve your own (or someone else's) life for your own selfish means, and not becoming one with the Force...that is a whole new matter.

"Learn to harness your anger and control your fear. Dominate your emotions! But do not let them overcome you; for they can surely cause you to fall to the dark side.

If you expect to win against a Sith then you need to fight like a Sith! If you do not, you will always be met with defeat."

-- Jedi Master Seraphis Dakari

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