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Celebrity shark bait.

Darth Sirius

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Nothing.  If you want an entertaining liar who lacks all credibility, no-one beats Michael Moore.  He's definitely someone you want arguing for the other side in a political debate.


Seriously, Democracies run best with an informed and conscientious electorate.  Michael Moore believes the ends justify the means, but those means call for the spread of nothing less than actual lies.  In the end, the means are quite destructive.  Mr. Moore's cure is worse than the illness he seeks to treat.



Ever notice that Democrats running for office never quote Moore, or look for his endorsement? Most smart Democrats stay very clear of him.


He is a documented liar and I loathe his kind.


Natalie Portman puts in a top-notch performance in almost every single movie I've ever seen her in. George Lucas is a poor director when it comes to getting good performances, and an even worse screenwriter.


If you get the Episode II DVD and watch the cut scene's with Padme's family (the few they showed) you see that Lucas cut out the only scenes that gave Padme character, or sold the romance.

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LOL. I have to admit that I rather like Portman. Not the greatest actor, but I'm a sucker for dark hair and eyes.


Hmm, I really would hate to see someone fed to a shark. ...But I guess, in a joking sort of way, I'd like to George Cloony fed to something. He's not a back actor, but his range isn't all that great and folks claim he's great.

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I think Clooney is suave. He has the EXACT same demeanor in every role, so I'd say he is a poor actor. But if he were British, he'd make the perfect Bond.


Hell, screw the accent and cast him as Bond anyway.


Now MGM is talking about Karl Urban as bond, and he neither has the presence nor the accent.

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Natalie Portman puts in a top-notch performance in almost every single movie I've ever seen her in.  George Lucas is a poor director when it comes to getting good performances, and an even worse screenwriter.

I guess that's where our opinions differ then... :p




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If you get the Episode II DVD and watch the cut scene's with Padme's family (the few they showed) you see that Lucas cut out the only scenes that gave Padme character, or sold the romance.

I've seen them, and I was disappointed they weren't in.


The way it was was like, scene 1: They meet, scene 2: They are married. <_< They cut scene 1.5 for some strange reason.




Now MGM is talking about Karl Urban as bond, and he neither has the presence nor the accent

Thats Eomer right?

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On a side note, I watched footage of a man being eaten alive by a lion (On Consumption Junction) and that visual will probably never leave me. For a while I thought shock sites were cool, but after seeing a few rather visual deaths caught on camera, I don't think I'll be going back.

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There was only one real Bond, and that was Sean Connery. He's too old to feed to a shark.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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The old Bond movies are overrated, they've been running all the old ones lately and they just plain suck in my opinion. I prefer the new ones with Brosnan, that dude has friggin' style.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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The old Bond movies are overrated, they've been running all the old ones lately and they just plain suck in my opinion. I prefer the new ones with Brosnan, that dude has friggin' style.



I disagree (surprise!)


I actually rewatch the first 4 bonds awhile ago, and there were sooooo much better than I remembered. "Dr.No" and "From Russia with Love" are just terrific. The "judo chop" stuff is funny tho.


The new bonds are so over the top I feel like I'm watching "XXX" again.

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Thats like blaming the hammer when an idiot hits you with it! :wacko:"

Not at all... I'm not the type of person to do that


Every scene she was in made me wish she got lightsabered... and to be almost completely controversial but honest here, I didn't even rate her performance in Leon

Actually, I'd agree with you on both counts. I think Ms Portman acted well for a ten year old (or however old she was in Leon / The Pofessional), but that's not saying much. I also think she was carried by the performances of Jean Reno and Gary Oldman, especially after seeing her later attempts at acting.




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Theres so many, I don't know where to start, oh wait, yes I do.




Joel Shumacher.


You know its funny, you can talk about killing as many celeb, as you want, but say you want to kill the president, and you're on "probation" on these boards

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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If I'm not mistaken if you're a US citizen that says something like that about the president, you find yourself in prison.



You're mistaken

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Fair enough. I'll answer that.


Speculating, in an obviously humorous manner, about throwing celebrities to the sharks is different from saying, "Hey, let's assassinate the President." Moreover, even if you did write, "Hey, let's assassinate Garth Brooks," there wouldn't be nearly as many angry folks sending PMs and emails regarding the incident. Moreover, there is infinitely less chance that the secret service would be interested. You see, on the IP boards, some fools would joke about assassinating the President. Then some hot blooded fools started taking this seriously and writing things that were meant to be taken seriously even if the fool in question meant them as jokes. Finally, we actually did get complaints. YoP was closed and the boards themselves almost went out the window.


So, I will take a bleary view of citing the President specifically.


Nevertheless, if I get the impression folks are going to get all serious and start calling for celebrities blood, I'll close this thread. If a member comes out and says something like, "we need to kill Sally Fields," then I will give them an unofficial warning. In all cases I'm going to use my discretion.


So, I put you on moderated status, but I have been very careful to put your posts through whenever I see them, including one that questions my decision. Please send other questions regarding my decision to me personally. I don't mind PMs. I actually try to answer them quickly and honestly.


Now, back to speculating on sharks' eating habits.


Anyhow, I already said I didn't want to feed anyone to a shark

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Fair enough.  I'll answer that.


Speculating, in an obviously humorous manner, about throwing celebrities to the sharks is different from saying, "Hey, let's assassinate the President."  Moreover, even if you did write, "Hey, let's assassinate Garth Brooks," there wouldn't be nearly as many angry folks sending PMs and emails regarding the incident.  Moreover, there is infinitely less chance that the secret service would be interested.  You see, on the IP boards, some fools would joke about assassinating the President.  Then some hot blooded fools started taking this seriously and writing things that were meant to be taken seriously even if the fool in question meant them as jokes.  Finally, we actually did get complaints.  YoP was closed and the boards themselves almost went out the window.


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Britney Spears. Oh yes. That would be like, doing the world a favour by not diluting ze gene pool, too.

"McDonald's taste damn good. I'd rtahe reat their wonderful food then the poisonous junk you server in your house that's for sure.


What's funny is I'm not fat. In fact, I'm skinny. Though I am as healthy as cna be. Outside of being very ugly, and the common cold once in the blue moon I simply don't get sick."


- Volourn, Slayer of Yrkoon!


"I want a Lightsaber named Mr. Zappy" -- Darque

"I'm going to call mine Darque. Then I can turn Darque on anytime I want." -- GhostofAnakin

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