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That really chaps my hide. Pride is a stupid reason to refuse aid. I'd like to have some sort of reasoning as to why the Bush administration has refused aid. ..And why don't we have national guard out there keeping the peace. This is ridiculous. I don't want to jump the gun, but I'm really curious as to why we're taking an almost wait and see approach.

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That really chaps my hide.  Pride is a stupid reason to refuse aid.  I'd like to have some sort of reasoning as to why the Bush administration has refused aid.  ..And why don't we have national guard out there keeping the peace.  This is ridiculous.  I don't want to jump the gun, but I'm really curious as to why we're taking an almost wait and see approach.



It's a social experiment.


Soon Bush will have a helicopter with a giant magnifing glass attached fly around burning people to a crisp.

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That really chaps my hide.  Pride is a stupid reason to refuse aid.  I'd like to have some sort of reasoning as to why the Bush administration has refused aid.  ..And why don't we have national guard out there keeping the peace.  This is ridiculous.  I don't want to jump the gun, but I'm really curious as to why we're taking an almost wait and see approach.



It's a social experiment.


Soon Bush will have a helicopter with a giant magnifing glass attached fly around burning people to a crisp.


Thanks alot! Now I have to clean the coke off my keyboard and moniter. :angry:

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I think that ultimatly bush is trying to put on a stoic face and not show weakness. if he shows weakness the terrorists will strike like starving predators :ph34r:

I have never been able to figure him out...

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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While I think this event was to big to really be prepared for, it was forseen as a real threat for quite some time.


The blame for this lack of response falls on Bush and many past presidents and trickles down from there, imo.


"Unacceptable" is the only word I can think of.


The scare part is the mayor is basically like "O ****!" and no one is stepping up to say "No, it's not that bad, we have the situation under control". That tells me how bad it really is, if this administration can't hide it or making a creative talking point to side step it, you know New Orleans is in a world of ****. Literally.

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Get this:


"There's so much violence going on even the (police) SWAT team has locked themselves in their building." - an australian tourist



But this is maybe more shocking:


Budget cuts delayed New Orleans flood control work


Tensions over funding for the New Orleans levees emerged more than a year ago when a local official asserted money had been diverted to pay for the    Iraq war. In early 2002, Parker told the U.S. Congress that the war on terrorism required spending cuts elsewhere in government



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Saying the war in Iraq is responsible for New Orleans is just flat-our ridiculous.


Homeland Security budget concerns stemmed from terrorist attacks on US soil, not the war in Iraq.


People need to get their facts straight. And ultimately, each state and city makes their own decisions where to spend money, so pointing fingers at Bush is misplaced here.


I can't believe how blind people have become by partisian politics and hatred that they can't differentiate fact from fiction.

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I'm saying that because sombody decided that they didn't have enough money to line their particualr district with hedgerows, they decided to ignore somthing that was very likly to happen? that's a little short sighted... then there are the blind ones who dismiss mother nature as a possible sourse for trouble...

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Also, even if it is somewhat true that the war in Iraq contributed to lack of monies for levees, it really won't come down on the politicos at all. 99% of the voting populace will have forgotten about this in a month or so, even though New Orleans is still underwater, and they'll just be complaining about how high gas prices are.

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I think originally building a city below sea level wasn't too bright. Not maintaing levies when the entire safety and security of your city depends on them isn't bright however either.


I also think those that chose to remain and wait out the hurricane when they were told to evacutate last week weren't that bright either.


Yet what is done is done. The most important thing right now is a quality evacuation plan and trying to save as many lives as possible. Then you see about pumping the water out and then consider if reconstruction is possible.

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If we foreigners think we can just laugh this one out we should bear in mind a couple of facts:


1) A lack of foreign assistance could sour domestic US attitudes to the 'outside' world.

2) The affected states contain several refineries. High gas prices and shortages thus resulting will affect the US economy. When the US economy sniffles, we get shivers.

3) Louisiana is a transhipment point for much of the USA's grain and other exports. Harvest begins in a couple of weeks.

4) With SA down, we may have to start reviewing our own Hentai dating games.


We need to act swiftly and decisively. I vote for sending in bands of chirpy ****neys to infuse the yanks with Blitz spirit.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I just heard on CNN that there was an explosion in New Orleans, and that there is an orange glow in the sky.

What in hell caused it? :lol:

I don't know. Apparently they believe the explosion was over by a railyard, and hazmat teams are going in to investigate.

Great, just when it couldn't get any worse :ermm:

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"They have M-16s and are locked and loaded. These troops know how to shoot and kill and I expect they will," Kathleen Blanco said.


Er... excuse me while I wet myself with glee. I'd rather have 300 'logistics-tested' men than 300 'battle-tested'.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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