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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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I want to see a choosable main character. I mean choose to play as Revan or the Exile and play two different intertwined storylines with completely different NPC's, planets, missions, the works. This would give a new storyline the second time around and it will expand on the idea of a free roam sort of game that KOTOR is. Plus Revan would kick the Exiles ass all the way back to the Unknown Regions

That would be a lot of work, not to mention a very difficult to near impossible storyline. I say we stick to the original, play the game LS or DS. Don't make it to difficult for the developers to accomplish.


That is a point that crossed my mind, but other games have succesfully accomplished similar feats. A game shouldnt just be a sequal with the same old stuff. Sequels should top the original by accomplishing something never done before. If KOTOR III were to do something like a split storyline, the game and the developers would gain recognition worldwide, kind of like when GTA III first came out.

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P.S. The Quaxoni is not such a good crystal, to be honest. Just Damage and some puny Force regeneration bonus.


Now on topic.


I don't want to almost convert all party members into Jedi. The possiblity of doing that to three or four is good, though.


:(:x )


Also, I am not very keen on seeing alien party members. Having one or two should be eniugh. A mostly human crew at least provides you with more than one romance option like KotOR I (Bastila for male; Carth for Female; Juhani does not count. Seriouly, how many people prefer her over the other two :) )

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I reject your reality, and substitute it with my own.


Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted.

John Lenon


This thread is a big "hey, f*** you!" to the humanity's intelligence.


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Everyone their favorite crystals I guess. True, I forgot the Solari. It is a great crystal but it occured to me that achieving a critical hit with the Juyo form / Ankarres Sapphire / Master Critical Strike is quiet easy. Watch the damage numbers on the screen especially when you are a Sith Marauder with a fully upgraded Personal Crystal. They will go in the 200's!

Master Vandar lives!

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Was I the only one that was an overanxious player the first time through in KOTOR, I washooked on the series by my friend and after beating the first one I couldn't get enough of the story line. I would try to breeze through, which made things a little tedious when I past key points without abtaining something or missing key conversation points and having to dig through the journal later.


there were points were my friend would be looking at my lightsaber and be like "What the hell dude, this isn't boosted at all, then he'd take twenty minutes and boost my whole party. My second play through was more thorough though, I enjoyed the lightside path much more in this game than the darkside path.

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Maybe this has been suggested before.


Lightsaber fighting styles. In Kotor 2 we have the saber/force forms. But THe movements are still the same as in the Pre-Empire era. The problem with that is that supposely Count Dooku's fighting style was used in ancient times, when it was common for a jedi to fight jedi. With their enemies beaten, the jedi order adapted to the times changing their saber styles to something better fit for blaster deflection, bodily amputation, etc.

Edited by the_cubanate
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May I suggest in Kotor III:


As for the Exile: he/she I think should have fallen DS no matter what happened in Kotor II, the Jedi see him / her as a danger and it would make perfect sense if he / she fell.


You are saying this because it fits your story, and meets your expectations. I hate when people do this. The whole point of an RPG like KotOR is to have a story unique to you. Personally I resent the idea of the Exile, or Reven being darkside, and that's good enough reason to have a choice in the next KotOR. What if I think that it makes perfect sense that we should have a monkey gun slinger be the main character, and instead of Sith have penguins?

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I would like it if you could that more party members with you,maybe even all,I don't like the fact that I can only take 2 out of 9 party members with me on missions.


The playable characters(your party):



The Exile

Bastila Shan

Carth Onasi

Canderous Ordo(Mandalore)




Mission Vao

Jolee Bindo



Visas Marr


Atton Rand


A real little army.:D


And maybe there should be some new playable characters,like an Rakatan Jedi or something.


The same  party members should be available no matter which gender you choose.


The Planets:


Coruscant(I think this is where the final confrontation should happen)



The Rakatan Planet




The ancient Sith Empire Planet




Aswell,the Yavin space station should be in the game again.


But the most important thing is: no GO-TO type character.


The biggest level a character can have should be moved to 100,which means alot more force powers and other things.


The charecters( at least Revan,Bastila and the Exile) should should have a high level at the start(maybe about 50 for Revan,45 for Bastila and 40 for the Jedi Exile),not like the previous games where you started from scratch.


Aswell,Atton(level 25),Bao-Dur(level 20),Mira(level 20) and the Handmaiden(level 25) should all be Jedi from the start.

You are not serious, are you?

And if you are, I am glad that you will not design this game.

Master Vandar lives!

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If there is anything that is already present in K1 and K2, it is having so much of randomisation. The d20 system is generally randomised, items are also randomised. The next thing that people would not want to look forward to is a rearrangement of what K2 has done to create additional random effects. Having a few force sentitive caves on different planets with a few unique crystals in each would add to the variability of planet locations.

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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I'd like to see a little be less random items and a little bit more of random events. Like on Tatooine in K1, no matter what when you turned that one corner of Anchorhead, you ran into 3 Dark Jedi. Same thing with Kashyyyk. I'd like to see these things happen more often, but not at the same time and place everytime you play through the game. It'd make the game a little easier (or harder depending on how you look at it) to replay game without getting too board with it.

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As a long-time veteran of Diablo II, I was a little more tolerant of the random loot generator. I didn't really mind finding the random things, but I'm thinking maybe they should pre-determine where the really powerful items in the game are. They did that a little in K2, such as with the PC crystal + armband, but not much else.

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As a long-time veteran of Diablo II, I was a little more tolerant of the random loot generator.  I didn't really mind finding the random things, but I'm thinking maybe they should pre-determine where the really powerful items in the game are.  They did that a little in K2, such as with the PC crystal + armband, but not much else.



That would make a lot of sense. They should also balnce out the random items by sorting them into catagories. As in, when you kill a Jedi/Dark Jedi you should get something like a crystal, saber, and robes instead of getting a repair kit and a droid upgrade.

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By the way, if anyone is thinking about having the opportunity to get a PC to level 100, think of how this would relate to the personal character crystal that is found in the cave on Dantooine: Getting most of the higher bonuses of that means having to level up your character. I am doubtful about having bonuses from a personal crystal for 100 levels. Besides, not every game has to be necessarily long and tedious.

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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"RPG's are based on three playable characters at a time and turn based combat. "


No. You win the noobie-award of being totally out of the loop.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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"RPG's are based on three playable characters at a time and turn based combat. "


No. You win the noobie-award of being totally out of the loop.

Yeah I know RPG's are role playing games, but then anything is an rpg. Every game I have played labeled as an rpg has fallen under these guidelines.

Edited by Akhan225
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And you've played how many?

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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No, I'm quite sure what a roleplaying game consists of. I'll just stronlgy suggest you play a heck of a lot more rpgs. Fast.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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No, I'm quite sure what a roleplaying game consists of. I'll just stronlgy suggest you play a heck of a lot more rpgs. Fast.

I was planning on it. Back on topic, i just dont think having 15 characters on screen at the same time is a good idea, as Jedi Master suggested a while back. That is what caught my attention.

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