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Double-bladed saber vs 2 Single Sabers

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Guest The_lone_exile

I hear people say that the double bladed saber is better, but in my opinion 2 individual sabers can be amazing if upgraded correctly, what do u think?

Guest The_lone_exile


Guest The_lone_exile

why do ppl ignore me? lol

Guest The_lone_exile

yea thats true, but i was thinking if u get keen in both single sabers and use master critical strike plus the form that increases ur critical multiplier (cant remember what its called), then the 2 single sabers can be better, not to mention the 2 hit bonus from master speed <_<


Aww - poor baby. We made you wait, what, 9 minutes for a response. :thumbsup:


And twin sabers offer the most improvement as they effectively have double the possible upgrades.

Guest The_lone_exile

yea sry about that im kinda impatient :thumbsup:

Guest The_lone_exile

anyone have any recommended builds for a 2-seperate saber weapon master.

Guest The_lone_exile

lol thanks jodo


well it really depends what sorta build you're looking for...


if you're going for critical strikes, then add crystals/upgrade that add to multipliers etc

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I usually use what looks cooler. If the penalties for two handed or whatever had more of an effect on combat (ie. making combat more difficult), then I might worry about which style has what penalties attached. But as it is, combat was just too easy to worry about that.

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The singular bladed saber provides more control with a precise and more accurate slice while the double bladed represents more power and more domesticated swings.

I hear people say that the double bladed saber is better, but in my opinion 2 individual sabers can be amazing if upgraded correctly, what do u think?


It depends on what you intend to do. If you're going for pure damage output, then double sabre is *far* more effective:


1. The base damage is higher than single-bladed sabres.

2. It's balanced. No need to worry about finding a short sabre to minimize the offhand damage penalty.

3. The "damage" upgrades are easy enough to find or make, but the "damage" crystals are not. In any given game, you're unlikely to see more than one crystal that does more than +1d8 (and even that is uncommon), so it just makes sense to use a single sabre and get the same crystal effect on both blades.


There's only one thing that would change this: which special attack you use. If you use flurry or power attack, then the sabre with the greater base damage will do more damage. If you use critical strike, then the sabre with the greater critical range (short sabre) would be best. A pair of short sabres with crystals that have the "keen" property, coupled with maxxed Critical Strike is a *really* potent combonation that far outweighs the difference in base damage from the smaller sabres: you crit on 10-20 (I think, could be 12-20), and your crits have a chance to stun your enemy. For comparison, in such a situation a double-bladed sabre would crit on either 15-20 or 17-20 (again, need to check the numbers but it isn't that important :D ).


That said, I usually go for flurry/Master Speed combonation for 5 attacks/round and try to maximize the unmodified damage output. When you're hitting for 50-70, 5 times per round, crits become less important.... :thumbsup:




On the other hand, if you don't care much about your damage output and just want stats/bonuses, then dual sabres all the way: you can use 4 crystals instead of just 2.


I think the double upgrades and crystals that you can stuff into 2xsingle is significant. Usually you'll have crystals that can bump your stats and that's always nice.

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when I plan on dual wielding I usually am planning on power and damage so I go with the double-bladed saber. I like to upgrade the lightsaber with items that increase damage. I generally use master flurry and master speed plus juyo for a devestating 8 hits a round.

If you use critical strike, then the sabre with the greater critical range (short sabre) would be best.


short sabers have the same critical threat range as regular sabers (19-20) :blink:

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!


I always use a single saber. Simply because then I don't get the dual wield feat and i just get the dueling feat, plus i have more lightsabers and crystals to give to my poor little converts

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Two singles or duel wielding. This way I have two that I can upgrade differently depending on what crystals I have.

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I go double-bladed (and reload the game until I get them as rewards) because, first, I want as much damage as possible (and upgrade my sabers with direct damage components), second, I want it early, when I build my first saber, third, I want all Jedi in my party to wield lightsabers, and fourth, I don't have enough crystals to fill all of them. I don't have Kreia in the party unless I have to, and when returning to Onderon, I give her Freedon Nadd's lightsaber. (Because of her "neutrality", an orange one suits her best anyway.)


Overall I really don't think there is much noticable difference. For most of the the game you will have one round one kill with either double bladed or two single blades, so my sugggestion would be to go with which ever you think looks best/has the best attack animations. :cool:

Guest The_lone_exile

just a question about reloading to get different items if u dont like the ones u find...if u visit the place once already, then try coming back later and reloading it b4 the load screen to get the diff items, will it work? for example vogga's safe, cuz the chances are ur going to go there 1st to kill lootra to get the light saber part, then come back to put the hounds to sleep and go into the room for the items.


WTF i was new u guy Treated me Like - - - -

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