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Shocking News! Daikatana dude leaves Midway!


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I think Torment could pass Hasbro's guidelines and I'm fine with that.


I've read the guidelines and people need to understand first off that they are not hard and fast rules, but guidelines. Secondly, many of them are reasonable.

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I never once heard Troika blame Sierra for Arcanum. They seemed fairly proud of their first game, and I read interviews with Tim Cain where they openly took credit for their failings.


They said they made a good world in Arcanum with poor combat, and that ToEE had good combat with a poor story. They felt that they were still learning and that future games might bring everything together.


I'm sad to see Troika go because they were going to do a spirtual successor to Fallout. At the same time, they do need better programmers as their code is often really buggy.

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"When you get someone of the calibre of JE being part of the team, you know things are on the up and up."


I like JE; but he doesn't have that impressive of a resume when it comes to actual released games. Afterall, he's one of the ones responsible for IWD2, a sequel that destroyed most everything good about the original. Heck, the best thing about IWD2 was the reasonable way they switched over to 3E. Not much else was that immpressive. His two games that looked really awesome were VB and Jefferson yet they were both canceled so sadly we'll never know if that was wishful thinking on our aprts or reality.


Anyways, I'm sure JE will add a lot of the team; but people should stop treating him like some sort of Messiah. For one thing, I doubt he appreciates such silliness. He's gonna do his best, and that's all we can ask.




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"IWD:2 was also a horribly rushed sequel that almost didn't get released from what I understand. It's not a great example of what can be done given a reasonable development cycle."


Don't make exuses. KOTOR2 had a short development cycle relatively yet turned out good.



"Shocking news! Hades and Volourn have been known to be bitter and critical!"


A. Hades is irrelevant to this.


B. All I expected was a game that was as fun as IWD1. I didn't get that.


Game over.


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No. Not impressive. Perhaps, if they'd work with the cycle length and not against it then maybe it would work out more. Devs use 'short' development cycles as an exuse for not up to par work. Stop helping them.


If a developer has 10 month, a year, 2 years, 5 years, or 10 years; they should work within that time line not against it.


MANY games are made in a year or less and come out being extremely fun to play. Why? Because the devs work within the time limit, and not against it so they can use it a crutch. Go figure.


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No. Not impressive.  Perhaps, if they'd work with the cycle length and not against it then maybe it would work out more.  Devs use 'short' development cycles as an exuse for not up to par work. Stop helping them.


If a developer has 10 month, a year, 2 years, 5 years, or 10 years; they should work within that time line not against it.


MANY games are made in a year or less and come out being extremely fun to play. Why? Because the devs work within the time limit, and not against it so they can use it a crutch. Go figure.


For a year KOTOR II is impressive. Jade Empire was in development for like 10 and ended being half the size of a one year KOTOR II and doing nothing particularly exiting. Thats before you even get into those "debatable" things like the awful combat , one dimensional and non customisable characters etc.


Care to name some ? Because I cant think of any RPGs offhand that came out in a year.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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"Jade Empire was in development for like 10"


If youa re gonna make up crap; don't even bother.


Thats how long they were thinking of it and how long they had to come up with some sort of story concept. I pulled it off the Bioware website (w00t)


The stuff that did actually sound interesting like managing a villiage, sending your followers to do sub missions etc. All got pulled.


Obsidian had a little over 12 months to come up with a story, intergrate it into the previous one and make the game and you dont think thats impressive ? It's you who should not bother.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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"Thats how long they were thinking of it and how long they had to come up with some sort of story concept. I pulled it off the Bioware website"


Oh please. There's a huge difference between 'thinking about soemthing' and 'actual development time'. if you can't tell the difference there's a problem.



"Obsidian had a little over 12 months to come up with a story, intergrate it into the previous one and make the game and you dont think thats impressive ?"


Existing engine, existing story base, existing characters, help from bio, and the list goes on. No, it was not impressive. And, they aren't the first to mkae a good game in a year. They ain't special.


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Oh please. There's a huge difference between 'thinking about soemthing' and 'actual development time'. if you can't tell the difference there's a problem.



"Obsidian had a little over 12 months to come up with a story, intergrate it into the previous one and make the game and you dont think thats impressive ?"


Existing engine, existing story base, existing characters, help from bio, and the list goes on. No, it was not impressive.  And, they aren't the first to mkae a good game in a year. They ain't special.


Getting everything already in place gives you a huge head start. Even if you dont start production having your preproduction plans done is a big help.


Who else has made a comparable RPG in a year? Good game really dosnt cut it it has to be something with simliar production values because those are big time sinks too.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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guidelines is hardly a serious fear for Gromnir.


HA! Good Fun!



Does that mean you own either company and/or are working on the game?



what an interesting leap. well, not so much interesting as amusing.


Gromnir is a consumer... am the person they make games for. drak said he were worried, 'bout nwn2 'cause of guidelines.... an we responded that we feared the guidelines not at all. one wonders at how drag gots so far off course... 'cause it sure weren't Gromnir who led you so far afield.


is best to nip your foolishness in the bud.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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i do not fear the guidelines BUUUUUUT they restrict some good content that could be in.

"I'm a simple man, Hobbes."

"You?? Yesterday you wanted a nuclear powered car that could turn into a jet with laser-guided heat-seeking missiles!"

"I'm a simple man with complex tastes."

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