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NVidia Video Drivers

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I had heard of a lot of people having problems, specifically on Dantooine, with temporary loss of framerate and/or warping. I had not experienced this myself... until I updated my NVidia drivers. Don't know how many cards this will apply to nor did I actually run a detailed search to see if this was posted previously. It definately applies to my FX5600 series card and I thought I'd share the info.


I was using 61.77 version of the NVidia drivers when I first purchased the game and ran with no real issues. I did experience some sluggish performance on Malachor for the video quality settings I chose to use so I decided to check for a driver update to see if it would help (it was worth a shot I guess). So I updated to the current 71.89 drivers. Immediately following that everytime I entered Dantooine near Khoonda my framerate would lag out and my character would often warp as far as across the entire zone even getting stuck in walls occasionally. I rolled back to 61.77 and the problem went away. I have not tested version 66.93, as 61.77 works fine... though I probably should.


Just thought I would share this info with anyone having the same issue in Dantooine: Try going back to an earlier driver version. Hopefully it gets fixed in a future driver release.



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I also experienced this, but only on my ATI card, i assumed it was an ATI only problem. I'm kinda glad to know it isnt, and that it is infact an issue with the game (or both graphics card drivers, depending on the way you look at it...).


Though i wonder if this is the same problem to do with vertex buffering? did you try the "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" fix? Explained in this thread


It most be a way that cards are now using vertex buffers, if it worked in an old version of your drivers but not a new one. This is good news though, means theres more than one way to fix the problem (if it is infact the same problem) if your an Nvidia user.


Very interesting info, thanks for sharing it, i'm sure it'll help people :-

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The 77.72 drivers gave me some troubles with videos...Started getting really maxxed out gamma resolutions even though everything was set at default levels. I found out that it is a bug within the 77.72 drivers but a work around for it is to go to your color correction settings of the NVidia Desktop Manager & on the 2 drop down arrows make them both read "All" & "All Channels". That should fix that issue.

(Dual-Boot)Windows XP Pro (32 - Bit) SP3 & Windows Vista Ultimate (SP 1) 64 Bit | Intel Dual Core 2 Quad 6600 @ 2.4 Ghz | 8 GB Corsair DDR 3 Ram 1600 mhz | GeForce 9600 GT 512 MB PCI Express X 3 SLI enabled | NVidia Forceware Drivers 181.22| EVGA nForce 790I-SLI Ultra MOBO | Thermalake 850 Watt PWR |

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I use the 80.40 drivers and they are the fastest for me yet. Now I had to enable disable vertex buffer objects=1 in kotor 1 too. :p

Care to tell where you got a hold of the 80.x branch? :p


And I HAVE to use the 77.x branch, because my MSI 6800 is not supported correctly in the 6x branch.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had major low framerate/warping problems in K1 on Dantooine and the Star Forge Planet with my 5700 Ultra ... if I disabled grass and blur, it eliminated the problem.


The only place I've had any trouble in K2 (not with my old 5700 Ultra but with my new 6600 GT - odd ...) was on Dantooine, and only when Koonda was in view ... I think it had to do with the fog coming out of the vents. Of course, with my new card, I'm playing 1280x1024, 4x/4x, and all the effects on ... with my 5700, I knew better than to push the graphics quality that high.

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I have to agree with the assessment, when I upgraded to the 7x.xx series of drivers, I started to have trouble in Dantooine.


Funnily enough, it happens in K1 too, but again just in Dantooine.  It's really weird.



Well I don't have any Trouble with my 6200 256MB card with the latest driver try turing v-sync on in the graphics portion of the game if you don't already have it on because that tends to fix most grapics issues I turned it off once an then I had this issue so make sure you have v-sync enabled when you are in the game. I've never encountered this issue with v-sync on but the funny thing is that Kotor 1 thinks my grapics card doesn't meet the recommened requirments :) a nother issue is that FX cards don't support direct x 9.0c completely so that might be a problem also


where are you people finding the 6800 series cards I've looked at newegg and they don't have them but this is not something I'm going to get any time soon just a quiery is all

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New Egg's site has them...http://www.newegg.com/ProductSort/SubCateg...?SubCategory=48


I saw at least (4) 6800's on the 3 pages of graphics cards. Apollo, BFG, & EVGA all had them.

(Dual-Boot)Windows XP Pro (32 - Bit) SP3 & Windows Vista Ultimate (SP 1) 64 Bit | Intel Dual Core 2 Quad 6600 @ 2.4 Ghz | 8 GB Corsair DDR 3 Ram 1600 mhz | GeForce 9600 GT 512 MB PCI Express X 3 SLI enabled | NVidia Forceware Drivers 181.22| EVGA nForce 790I-SLI Ultra MOBO | Thermalake 850 Watt PWR |

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So true. Pay heed to this man.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I personally love my 6600. :thumbsup:


Although, my Athlon 2600 is bottlenecking it.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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