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On Nar Shadda, there is a ithorian named lassavo. When you help him out , you have the option of asking him to transport a family off the planet. When you do this he complains about other species taking advantage of his people. He then continues to say that the ithorian supremacy league would show us all. Could this be a hint as to what kotor3 is about?




Discover the meaning of this sigil and you shall rule the universe.

And I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying

Are the best I've ever had


ummmm up yours? is that the meaning?

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.


I really highly doubt that something to do with the ithorians will be part of the main plot of Kotor3, even though a fairly main part of kotor2 was helping them on Telos. Just would seem a bit silly to base it all on the Ithorians.


P.S A wall Archmonarch!!! It is a wall!! (w00t) :*


You should post all KotOR3 suggestions and comments (however appropriate, bizarre or idiotic) in the thread provided in the General Forum.




ummmm up yours? is that the meaning?


Actually, it is the mathematical notation for perpendicular. As I knew that, I now rule the universe. Thus, my nick.

And I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying

Are the best I've ever had


The Ithorian Supremancy League? Uh, riiight.... If this was part of the KotOR 3 storyline I'd learn to mod and construct one myself that totally changed the storyline so I could slaughter the lot of them. :luck:



KotOR II: After the Credits Rolled: Read

Force Sight: Read


Gaming Blog: Read

The Ithorians are a bunch of weak retards. They cried for help when Czerka was edging them out of the Telos restoration project.  :lol:

Yeah, when they shoulda' went to the Czerka HQ guns blazin' and killin' any Czerka dude and dudets that were there, thats what I woulda' done, eliminate the problem at it's source ;):luck:


But that would have gotten them kicked off of citadel station and the restoration project would be dead. Czerka had the legal advantage and the Ithorians had no legal recourse unless they had hard, undeniable proof of Czerka's wrong-doings.

But that would have gotten them kicked off of citadel station and the restoration project would be dead. Czerka had the legal advantage and the Ithorians had no legal recourse unless they had hard, undeniable proof of Czerka's wrong-doings.

yeah i'd blast my way through to the archives grab the proof and show the council ;) , and they wouldn't have legal advantage, they're all dead :-


But blasting in would have gotten them kicked off of citadel station too. Even if they got the proof of Czerka's illegal activities it would do them no good. And with Czerka and the Ithorians kicked off the station no one could run the restoration and Telos would die again. That's what I'm saying.

But blasting in would have gotten them kicked off of citadel station too. Even if they got the proof of Czerka's illegal activities it would do them no good. And with Czerka and the Ithorians kicked off the station no one could run the restoration and Telos would die again. That's what I'm saying.

oh well, bye bye council, there now I am the leader and i say Ithorians rule project. :devil:


You obviously have vast and deep insight into the realm of politics. :devil:

And I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying

Are the best I've ever had

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