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See will not talk to me after the dialague between her and your character after the blind dark jedi join's you my influnce is 58 with her whats wrong?



There are two conversations / cut scenes that can be triggered, if your influence is significantly higher with Visas than it is with Handmaiden.


1) If your influence with Visas is about 15 points higher, then you'll get a scene where Handmaiden is practicing her unarmed combat moves, and Visas has a conversation with her. Visas asks her what you look like. Overall, no harm done.




2) If your influence with Visas is about 30 (give or take) points higher, then you get the same scene, but then Handmaiden talks with Kreia, and then becomes convinced that you're not worth it. She'll still help you fight if in your party, but you cannot progress in the conversation lines anymore.


you'll still probably not end up with her.I've completed it 5 times and I always get the Force Sex scene with Visas.I've tried ignoring her,sacrificing her,nothing seems to stop this damned sith-ho force-stalking me. :shifty:

master of my domain


Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo.


Yeah I got Handmaiden to dark mastery and still got Visas.does anything actually happen between you and Handmaiden because I really can't be arsed playing again?

master of my domain


Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo.

Yeah I got Handmaiden to dark mastery and still got Visas.does anything actually happen between you and Handmaiden because I really can't be arsed playing again?

Not really. There's a final scene after you battle Atris which may play differently depending on how far you progressed with Handmaiden (influence/jedification), but no romance to speak of.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)


I, too have had this problem before, but have never been able to stop it by looking at my influence... How do I get to looking at what my influence is with each person?? :p


Or you can download the "mindprobe" mod from www.pcgamemods.com


On the subject of handmaiden...

I have a 100 influence with her, yet I still can't get her to talk about Atris (and her feelings for the Exile).


Is there anything else I need to trigger before that happens, or is this a bug?

On the subject of handmaiden...

I have a 100 influence with her, yet I still can't get her to talk about Atris (and her feelings for the Exile).


Is there anything else I need to trigger before that happens, or is this a bug?


You can only get Handmaiden to answer that question during your first converstaion with her on the Ebon Hawk.


What E_Motion said


From a post of mine on the GameBanshee forums:


This is an interesting one. Handmaiden will only respond to that line when you have some influence with her but not a lot. The idea is that when you have a lot of influence with her she is unwilling to reveal that Atris had feelings for you in case it damages her chances with you.


Not all influence is about having it maxed. You can miss out on a few cutscenes on the Ebon Hawk that way.


If you didn't ask Handmaiden about this at the right point, you are sunk.

"We were hoping we could bring the Xbox platform into December but didn't want to make the formal announcement until we knew an earlier ship date would not compromise the quality of The Sith Lords," says Producer Mike Gallo.
This is an interesting one. Handmaiden will only respond to that line when you have some influence with her but not a lot. The idea is that when you have a lot of influence with her she is unwilling to reveal that Atris had feelings for you in case it damages her chances with you.


Not all influence is about having it maxed. You can miss out on a few cutscenes on the Ebon Hawk that way.


If you didn't ask Handmaiden about this at the right point, you are sunk.


w666tvr; Wow! there's actually a logical rationale for this limitation. Thx.


The way to avoid triggering scene #2 (in my previous post on the first page) is to make sure that you get as much influence with Handmaiden as you can, before you step back into the Ebon Hawk (triggering the spawning of Visas). It's actually not too difficult to get influence with her, since you can spar her once, be nice to her, and you'll get a high enough score. If you accidentally forget this, and fought Visas, don't talk to her until you've had a good amount of influence with Handmaiden, since it's very easy to get influence with Visas as well.

On the subject of handmaiden...

I have a 100 influence with her, yet I still can't get her to talk about Atris (and her feelings for the Exile).


Is there anything else I need to trigger before that happens, or is this a bug?


You can only get Handmaiden to answer that question during your first converstaion with her on the Ebon Hawk.


Ah, cool... I kept thinking I did something wrong. >_<


hey all, i just finished the game and after i fought atris, i had that scene when handmaiden is all i thought u were dead and all romantic and then tells u her nam and sez she is the disciple of the last of the jedi. Now heres my question.....i have her at telos station as well as atton when the sith are attacking. I talk to her and a new convo option comes up where u mention she seems calmer and stuff. Thing is she wont tell me and sez that she'll tell me later. Thing is i cant have her in my party later as i have to have visas and mandalore. i totally prefer handmaiden over visas


I imagine that you had Handmaiden lead a squad on Dxun. That's why she is calmer, because of what happened there.


Still dialogue is missing.


yea i did. thanks for the help. also i have antoher question. if i got that scene after beating atris with the newly named briana, do i still have that force sex scene and where visas proclaims her love for you? ive always had more inf. with handmaiden than visas. And then kreia at the end when i ask her about the future sez that briana will be a historian while the one i love, which i thought was brianna, would return to katarr


If you were going to get the Force Sex scene (oh god, I hate that term), you would have got it when returning to the Ebon Hawk between leaving Dantooine for the last time and heading off to Telos after Handmaiden to face Atris.


You've already passed that point without seeing the scene, so I think that answers the question. You need more or equal influence with Visas for this scene to play, I believe.

"We were hoping we could bring the Xbox platform into December but didn't want to make the formal announcement until we knew an earlier ship date would not compromise the quality of The Sith Lords," says Producer Mike Gallo.

thing is i only had visas out with me once and got influence with her only when she was on ebon hawk and once when i used her in the crsytal caves......thing is i just want the romance with brianna.

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