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Episode 7

Darth Tater

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Thanks for the clarification, so now when do you know what is canon and what isn't? Are the books about the resurrected Emperor and Wong (gag) considered canon? :o



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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The films and the expanded universe are sometimes considered to be part of the same canon and sometimes not. It doesnt really need to be debated, if the films say "its like this" then thats it, period.




You really have to ask the Lucasfilm continuity editors about that, Lucius. But since they both contain elements that contradict the prequels its doubtful.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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I guess the way to resolve the issues is to work on precedent; the first film has more authority than the sixth, and all of them are more authoritative than anything else.


The big issues come when GL either revises the films or contradicts himself in a later film (both of which he does with irritating regularity; he is a perfect advert for the Dark Side expediency of Chaotic alignment ...)


It wouldn't surprise me if GL made a new SW movie about some existing part of the EU and completely ignored the EU and made up new histories and characters.




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Unless you are talking about Episode Zero, maybe? A prequel to the prequels? Followed by Episode Before Zero? :wub:

Yes, but it's the first installment of the Prequels to the Prequels Trilogy - so it's Episode -2, -1 and then 0. ^_^

Evidently you are more magnaminous in your assessment of GL's mathematical ability than I am ...




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Yes, but it's the first installment of the Prequels to the Prequels Trilogy - so it's Episode -2, -1 and then 0.  ^_^

That could be a problem with the present numbering of the episodes, since in the roman numerical system, there is no way of expressing "zero"...

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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It wouldn't surprise me if GL made a new SW movie about some existing part of the EU and completely ignored the EU and made up new histories and characters.




I for one, would welcome it. IMO, everything except the Dark Horse comics that takes place between AotC and RotS, is junk. And those comics are 100% in line with the films and probably the most canon part of the EU so he cant f*ck with them.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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I still reckon a Yoda film would be great........

"I tried the most potent Noise Amplification spell once upon a time. Mavellous spell. I could hear the birds speaking to one another in trees over the horizon, I could hear the rustlings as the clouds rubbed against each other in the sky. I could hear the sound a rainbow makes as it arches it's back over the world. Then a dog barked behind me and I burst my left eardrum."

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I still reckon a Yoda film would be great........

It would be a tad expensive, as every scene would be CGI. Or little hand puppets.


Yeah! Yoda would be the main character, and it would be set on his home planet.


It would start when he first hatches out of his frogspawn (I suppose) and follows his whole life in real time.


The film would be 900 years long and would cost more money than a gold nugget the size of the sun.


I could direct it..... :cool:

"I tried the most potent Noise Amplification spell once upon a time. Mavellous spell. I could hear the birds speaking to one another in trees over the horizon, I could hear the rustlings as the clouds rubbed against each other in the sky. I could hear the sound a rainbow makes as it arches it's back over the world. Then a dog barked behind me and I burst my left eardrum."

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Yeah! Yoda would be the main character, and it would be set on his home planet.


It would start when he first hatches out of his frogspawn (I suppose) and follows his whole life in real time.


The film would be 900 years long and would cost more money than a gold nugget the size of the sun.


I could direct it..... :cool:

Lots of little hand and finger puppets, then.




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Speaking of frogspawn, who was that female Yoda on the council in EPI? What happened to her? Was it Yodas girlfriend? Did he eat her? ANSWERS PLEASE! (w00t)



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Speaking of frogspawn, who was that female Yoda on the council in EPI? What happened to her? Was it Yodas girlfriend? Did he eat her? ANSWERS PLEASE!  (w00t)



I believe that was Yaddle.


Don't know much more other than she is the same species.

"I tried the most potent Noise Amplification spell once upon a time. Mavellous spell. I could hear the birds speaking to one another in trees over the horizon, I could hear the rustlings as the clouds rubbed against each other in the sky. I could hear the sound a rainbow makes as it arches it's back over the world. Then a dog barked behind me and I burst my left eardrum."

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Cant remember if it was STar Wars Tales or a canon comic but anyway she was trapped in a hole in the ground for like 300 years before they actually bothered to look for her.



then she got scratched in AotC, she has never existed. What you think you saw is wrong, a product of a faulty memory. double plus ungood for you.


*turns torture device dial to 80*

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Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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What was their excuse "We thought you were meditating, then those people all died and the rest of us hadn't heard about you and then someone found a shopping list in an abandoned apartment and we realised that that was your apartment and so we can looking for you ..."




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This has to be false, EVERYONE knows that GL never leaves Skywalker Ranch.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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