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With five movies, more than $3 billion in ticket sales and perhaps another $9 billion in sales of everything from DVDs to Darth Vader masks,

George isn't continueing the series. You have given in to the power of the Dark Side (supershadow...) What he will do though is release the OT in 3D. No episodes 7-9. THANK GOD!


George is tired. All we can count on, is a new, lame book series, with 70 year old Han Solo as a main character.


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.


Hey, how about Episodes -3, -2, -1, and 0, to reveal the past and maybe also an Episode 2.5 (Shadows of the Empire)?


At last you have returned to your weird and cool threads Eddo! :)


Man nine months of waiting, but at last!!!! :shifty:


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

  Nur Ab Sal said:
At last you have returned to your weird and cool threads Eddo! :)


Man nine months of waiting, but at last!!!! :shifty:


lol 9 months of hell in boot camp and in the USMC. I'm happy to be out.


Oh yes, the books on Han Solo, Luke Skywalker (after episode VI, of course) and their children are simply awful.


Now a KotOR movie, that would be extremely interesting. The story is quite easily adaptable. The only problem I see is that it would either be an extremely long movie (4 hours and up) or each KotOR installment would have to be divided in two parts. There is simply too much content.


Exactly. I like the EU, but with the exception of post-ROTJ EU. Authors left without George Lucas' guidance breeded most idiotic ideas ever.


Of all that nonsense, I hate the idea that Luke marries some redheaded psycho-chick most. Ugh


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

Guest MacleodCorp

From what I gather, Episode III is the end of the Star Wars movies. Lucas has plans for some liveaction TV series, but thats all that is known. If he were to make a KOTOR II movie, I would probally not watch it. If he were to make a KOTOR I movie, I would most likely watch it.


I think I am all Star Wars out! One more movie after Episode III would be a pain for me to watch. I just saw some documentaries on the Episode I DVD, and my stomach started to turn, so Episode III and KOTOR II are probally the end of Star Wars for me. Eventhough I was brought up watching Star Wars, I became more of a Star Trek fan.


How can one individual enjoy Satr Wars and Star Trek, there are many of us, but if Lucas makes another movie... I am not going to see it...


Episode III is the end of Star Wars for me for a while.


Life is too short to pay attention to one franchise.


As for KOTOR, well maybe I will buy a KOTOR III, but I am loosing my cool on the patch thing, so DarthMacLeod OUT!


Well, i am still waiting for Lucasarts to do another Starwars Space Shooter.


They did 3 on the Rebellion Side and 2 on the Imperial Side.


Rebellion Side:


X-Wing (Original and Win95 versions)

X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter (including Balance of Power Expansion, still boring though)

X-Wing Alliance (a Little better, but could have been WAY more better)


Imperial Side:


X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter (as above)

Tie Fighter (Original and Win95 Version)




So i think the Imperial needs another Space Shooter, but to get out of it, they make an expansion for SWG and they totally screw it up...lol


Anyway, I just hope they do a better job with any Starwars game and make it on the PC first and then port it to the consoles and see how screwed it gets then. lol


I'd like to see episode 7, 8, and 9 eventually. Not right away, but eventually. Hopefully by then Lucas will be sick of it and won't touch it.

  Hell Kitty said:
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


  Eddo36 said:
Hey, how about Episodes -3, -2, -1, and 0, to reveal the past and maybe also an Episode 2.5 (Shadows of the Empire)?



heh, it would be ep. 5.5 buddy, hehe, get yer numbers right man, I know they are confusing, but still. ;)


Id actually be very interested in seeing a KotOR 1,2, and 3 (yes yes, I know, but we all know its coming) movies.


I find the Old Republic to be FAR more interesting then the time period for all 6 Star wars movies to be honest.


Maybe because its more open and has villians besides the Imps. I Love (to hate) Czerka Corp in the KotOR games. Love (to hate) the Exchange (and other rougish gangs), even love the sith more.


That could explain why im one of the few out there thats enjoying episode 1,2, and 3 (minus Jar Jar of course) MORE then Episodes 4,5,6. Everything not so black and white.


I do however think there would be a huge whine fest on the internet if KotOR 1 and 2 got made into movies. Soon as the male Revan and male Exile appeared, the complaints would start flowing in. Unless of course they rewote the obviously original storylines to support female main character heros. But if they do that they run the risk of having the actual story corrupted like so many comic to movie movies.


Would be interesting tho ;)


Revan was made a male long ago, in those old republic chronicles, so I bet that in the movies he would be a male as well.


No actress in the world can stand comparison to Bastila. And she would have to be voiced by Jennifer Hale.


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

  Kalfear said:
I do however think there would be a huge whine fest on the internet if KotOR 1 and 2 got made into movies. Soon as the male Revan and male Exile appeared, the complaints would start flowing in. Unless of course they rewote the obviously original storylines to support female main character heros. But if they do that they run the risk of having the actual story corrupted like so many comic to movie movies.


Would be interesting tho ;)


Personally, if they made a movie and decided to make one of them male, the other female, I'd like to see Revan as a male, and Exile as a female. I just think Revan's character fits a male better, while the Exile could be either.

  Hell Kitty said:
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


  Imperialist said:
Yeah, Oerwinde, but a female General... just isn't right.

Just my sexist opinion though.


Would you prefer the female lead the entire army, or just a portion of it?


I'd personally prefer if both were male, but thats just my interpretation of the story. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who would prefer both to be female.


Then again... women tend to be more emotional and therefore more susceptible to the Dark Side, making Revan more likely to be female than the Exile.

  Hell Kitty said:
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


  Oerwinde said:
  Imperialist said:
Yeah, Oerwinde, but a female General... just isn't right.

Just my sexist opinion though.


Would you prefer the female lead the entire army, or just a portion of it?


I'd personally prefer if both were male, but thats just my interpretation of the story. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who would prefer both to be female.


Then again... women tend to be more emotional and therefore more susceptible to the Dark Side, making Revan more likely to be female than the Exile.

I've always interpreted the story as both being male. Revan just is - just look at his dialogue options. Nothing a woman would say. As for the Exile,

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But, if these were made into movies, especially if George Lucas directed them, at least one of them will be female. Because Lucas is senile and insane.


I don't think Lucas is up to making the Kotor story into the movies they could be. It would sicken me to see such a fine story corrupted by poor casting, lame dialogue, and complete reliance on special effects (and endless sequences of landing struts). I'd rather he left it alone, and just allowed a professional game dev to finish the tale a la Kotor 3.


The sad truth is that Star Wars is Lucas' cash cow. I expect there will be Star Wars: The New Generation, etc. because the SW universe has taken root much like Star Trek's did. If there's money to be made, it doesn't matter if Enterprise is spiraling in flames toward the ground.


That's a teenager's generalization. GL used EU name "Coruscant" in his prequels as well as EU characters like Aayla Secura. Also the idea of Boba Fett as a clone was taken from Star Wars Journal short story.


Of course, child like you can't know about it. :rolleyes:


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.


Generalisation? about what? the quality of SW expanded universe? The EU stories are overblown fanfics written by third rate hack authors,


Yes, GL does take some elements from the EU but as for major storylines they are subject to change at his whim.


While going with the clone thing for boba, he still ignored the other theories

i.e jaster mereel and a former stormtrooper. Ultimately it was just a small aside to please boba fett fanboys.


With aayla secura he saw a comic cover featuring her and decided he would "realise" the character - again utterly ineffectual and just there for eye candy and she is someoene to be killed off.


As for Coruscant - it could have been called Planet Monkeyfish and nobody would have cared.


Being well versed in EU lore does not imply that one's opinion concerning SW carries any more weight than other people, nor should one assume any superiority as a result of having read SW books. If anything it is more something about which one should be ashamed.

  Imperialist said:
I've always interpreted the story as both being male. Revan just is - just look at his dialogue options. Nothing a woman would say. As for the Exile,
  Reveal hidden contents


But, if these were made into movies, especially if George Lucas directed them, at least one of them will be female. Because Lucas is senile and insane.

This merely highlights your lack of imagination and in no way places an artificial gender barrier.


Women can't destroy millions of people? Are you mad? If I were in the habit of making sweeping generalizations I would say that, when push comes to shove, a woman will be more callous than a mere male any day -- especially if something important is at stake, like her loved ones.


You really need to widen your social interaction to include some women -- it will do you good.





Oh, meta, you make assumptions. It's just that being a male I always see the main character in games like these (KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, NWN) as male. Plus I've always found female heriones and villains to be somewhat... lame. Especially the latter. Sith Lords are male, period, according to my imagination.

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