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I bet you anything a game where you spend 12 consecutive hours of trying to figure out and than implement multiple ways of torturing,maiming,mauling,burning,scraping,killing,slashing or any other means of pain towards Jar Jar would be an automatic best seller.

Well first off.the first KOTOR should get the top 100 of the games of all time followed by its little sibling KOTOR II.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: ...great joke :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


None of them compare to PS:T or FO2 :) (perhaps K2 compares to FO2 at bugs :-" )


There are way better games than the K's out there....everyone who thinks K1&2 were the best should try these games:PS:T,FO2,BG2,FO,BG,IWD,Arcanum,IWD2 :shifty:


Just my opinion :D


wow, an unsubstantaited estimate puts each of those games at about 30hrs a piece logged gaming time so if you were to play them all it would take more than 240 hours away from your life!!!

Well first off.the first KOTOR should get the top 100 of the games of all time followed by its little sibling KOTOR II.

:ermm::lol::):lol: ...great joke :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


None of them compare to PS:T or FO2 :) (perhaps K2 compares to FO2 at bugs :-" )


There are way better games than the K's out there....everyone who thinks K1&2 were the best should try these games:PS:T,FO2,BG2,FO,BG,IWD,Arcanum,IWD2 :)


Just my opinion :D



IWD see dungeon crawl like diablo II only not as good:(

IWD 2 see storyline linearaity straight jacket:(

PS:T 30 hours running around back to the start stupid wiseass skull too. Tatoos of wisdom, *smacks forehead*

FALLOUT I&II - Lacks a third -oh please oh please oh please! There are not enough 'good' games using the SPECIAL system out

BG&BGII spoiled by expansions but BGII is so good once it got fixed and BGI is just too damn big there is so much to do. wah!

Arcanum-stupid magic/mechanic choices.


Don't get me wrong I played them all multiple times and loved them to bits when they came out except for BGTOB.


Best Game Ever = ? How bout some more realistic and believable ones than IGN promoted. Any suggestions guys & girls? ( Not just RPGs.)


Tie Fighter: Great game for starwars fans, you start out piloting a Tie-fighter and make your way to an experimental missle gun boat. Long live the Empire!

I love that game...Help the Emperor bring peace and order to the galaxy! ;)


I just finished a replay of the 6-CD classic Wing Commander IV - The Price of Freedom, and I actually think that it's better than KotOR II (but not KotOR I, and KotOR II was also good).


I don't think KotOR II should be in top 100 though.


Damn those are probably my 2 fav games of all time(Tie Fighter & WC4). What happened to games like those anyway? We need new ones!


I think i have some old cd's to dig up and give a spin


Also I remember a list a while back that had the 'real' top games of all time and Tie Fighter came out on top in its rightfull place.


Proof this list is bunk to me:

Tie Fighter = MIA

Ultima games = 0

Wing Commander games = 0

Wolfinstien 3D (the original) = MIA


Best games in the last couple years.. maybe

Best games of all time.. not even close

Damn those are probably my 2 fav games of all time(Tie Fighter & WC4).  What happened to games like those anyway?  We need new ones! 


Space Combat simulators just does not sell anymore :)

they are DEAD


The last good Space combat simulator was Freespace 2 if i remember well



Everybody know prefers


1)World of kidscraft (eee Warcraft) kind of MORPG games

with the cartoony graphics... :*


2)and the Football\racing games of xourse :p




That is the games that sell most in the gaming industry lately these last dacade almost





We are living in the years of dark stupidity

Every year humans become worse from their lifes to even their choices in gaming

2005 is surely not different



Fortunately there are some good games like KOTOR (even with bugs) for even the few ones which make the difference in these pathetic flood of stupid games out there and their stupid supporters\fans

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