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Atton: Pay some Twi'leks *oops: Forgot to mention it was needed on Nar Shaddaa*

Then talk to Atton

Bao: Get Influence (and get through all convo's...)

Mandalore: No Jedi here

HK, T3, Go-to: No Jedi either

Hanharr: Jedi-less

Handmaiden: Beat her up 3x

Mira: Go through the convo options and show her Nar Shaddaa (like Kreia)

Disciple: Talk, talk, talk

Visas, Kreia: ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE :blink:


Just to elaborate:


Atton: Pay some Twi'leks

Then talk to Atton


Do this in the Refugee sector on Nar Shaada, where all of the refugees are located. Walk around, and you'll see a couple of Twi'leks approaching you.


Bao: Get Influence (and get  through all convo's...)


Be nice to him, and be generous with the compliments. Have him in your party when you explore the Dantooine caves, and when confronting the Khoonda investigator regarding the atmospheric sensors, be nice to the the investigator.


Handmaiden: Beat her up 3x


Also need a high influence level, and your main character's level must be at least 18 to trigger the third fighting session.

Be nice to him, and be generous with the compliments. Have him in your party when you explore the Dantooine caves, and when confronting the Khoonda investigator regarding the atmospheric sensors, be nice to the the investigator.


And if he's around when you do all those things you can turn him into a jedi?

And if he's around when you do all those things you can turn him into a jedi?


Yes. You should have enough influence by then, to trigger the next tier of conversations. Once you get high enough, he'll ask to be trained in another conversation.


can you only turn 1 to jedi per time through? or could you train all of them if you wanted?


bao dur i have never gotten any convos with, its always "nothing never mind"... must need more influence


Handmaiden might have a trigger in one of your dialogue's with Kreia. I'm not sure, but it seemed I couldn't convert her until I talked to Kreia and she gave me a lecture about training Jedi. It might be a good idea to talk to Kreia about the other characters anyway. She knows much. Perhaps too much.


I cant seem to turn handmaiden. Have fought her 3 times, gone through all conversationoptions but no luck.


Even more; after my battle with Atris (battle..huh..) she told me her name but when I talked to her afterwards, she wouldn't tell me anything new, not even her name. And I believe to have max influence with her. Weird.


Someone mentioned that a high influence with Visas might cause this. I dunno. I have barely talked to Visas and yet she wanted to "see me" before I went to Telos.


kreia and Visas are both force-user already. If you mean "jedi" as in making them light-side, well, its VERY easy with Visas. Just have all light-side responses and be ultimate light-side. AFter I met her, Visas became an instant ultimate light-side jedi. Kreia is impossible w/out utilizing one of the glitches that allows you to obtain inf. lightside. Bao-dur is also impossible, since no conversation options do anything to his influence. ANd once you talk to him about "what he's been doing", all you can get out of him is "nevermind" (unless you wish to build your lightsaber or queary him on his expieriences on Dxun). As for the handmaiden, you must recieve a lecture from Kreia, have completed all 3 duels, and then you must quesry her on her mother, which leads to her jedihood. however, does anyone know how to accquire the handmaiden's jedi robe, I could never find it. And finally, in an utterly unrelated inquiry, has anyone found the Ankarres Sapphire orKaiburr power crystals, I've never been abl;e to find the damned things......


I found the Ankarres Sapphire off some loot in the Trayus Academy. There is a workbench in there too. Handmaiden you can influence by helping the sick guy in Refugee area on Nar Shada. If you have Kreia in party you can gain influence by right conversations with Lootra and Aida after you reunite them.

however, does anyone know how to accquire the handmaiden's jedi robe, I could never find it.


After one of your duels with the Handmaiden, put your own clothes/armor back on, then ask her about fighting with no clothes. There will be an option to point out that fighting with clothes on would be more of a challenge, etc., and she then conjures up and equips Handmaiden's Robe, which once belonged to her mother.




i converted my techie,.... and the Handmaiden.


Funny thing though..., i the third spar round with the handmaiden.. i actually killed her.. is that a bug?


I had to go back to a save and do it again.


having trouble with handmaiden, under what dialog do you get to ask her to becom a jedi? i keep asking her about her moms robes and she just tells me about her mom and thats it, ive beat her 3 times and i think my influence with her is high


You hav to talk to Kreia about jedi training (I believe its auto). You may then talk to The Handmaiden in-depth concerning her mother. Also, how can you convert Bao-dur. My only options concern Dxun. I thonk it has somethoing to do w/ influence gain, but I never managed to gain influence with him other than on one occasion.


Bao-Dur isn't hard to convert, probably the easiest after Mira, but he can be a bit tricky since his stats aren't the greatest so people don't take him along.


Simply put, you simply have to have him along at certain points in the game where you can get influence with him. You don't get influence with the guy for talking with him. I think you need like only two or three influence raises with him then he's yours. It's easiest to do this on Dantoonie as a LS or neutral character. Make sure he's with you when you get the quest to find the atmospheric sensors in the Kinrath Cave (a.k.a. "Crystal Cave"). He'll volunteer to look at them and when he finds the spy devices, be sure to tell him he did a good job (if your skills are high enough you can do it yourself and he'll be impressed anyway).


Once you're done doing whatever stuff you went to the cave to do, step back outside and go back and talk to the militia fellow who gave you the quest. Be sure not to have anyone else in your party that might "sponge" the influence conversation. It doesn't always happen, but a lot of influence oppurtunities are only triggered for one NPC. If you want to be sure, remove the third person for your party for your conversation.


When you speak with the Militia fellow, bring up the fact you found the spy sensors and make the guy come clean. When he offers you 5,000 for them, tell him they need the money and only take 3,000 (I think it's 3,000). When the conversation ends, Bao-Dur will be impressed with you again.


Then start talking with Bao-Dur over and over again. Once you get the line "I think you're having an effect on me, General" you have him. You might need another influence raise, but I don't think so. If you do, places where you can get influence with him (off of the top of my head) are helping the Mandalorian on Dxun and helping with the airspeeder on Nar Shaada.

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