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Xbox 360 Pictures Leaked

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No, no, no, if you do that with weak launch titles, nobody buys the new one... Why should they buy a new $300 dollar console for the same games as their current console. And IF they wan't to play X-Box titles style, Why on the X-Box 360. Use the original. Are you're going to trash you're X-Box 1 when the 360 comes???


Let's say a big xbox title is released after the xbox 360 is on the market. Will people buy an old xbox to play the game or will they buy the new one with backwards compatibility? If you buy an old one you're stuck with a console that will be obsolete shortly (no new games). You will be able to play old games on it, but if you want to play new games you have to buy a new console. Not good.

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"BTW: Why should developers Create games for Obsolete console's after the better console is there anyway???"


Because the consume rbase for a new console will *always* be smaller than the customer base of a console that's been out for years. And, not everyone can afford the $500+ price tag of a new console. Period.


If you are a game devloper, and you have a choice of:


x-box market of 10 mil or x-box 360 market of 1 mil during the first year; you better believe that the x-box audience is gonna get the games.




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Because MS wants people to also buy the xbox 360 eventually but people aren't gonna give up their older games just like that so the best way to get them both ways of all sorts is to make x-box 360 backwards capatable.


I bet a good number of PS2 sales over GC and x-box was the fact that it was backwards compatbaile. I'm sure PS3 will be as well so if MS wants x-box 360 to compete on a level playing field they better buckle up and give the customers what they want in both ways.


Game over.


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Because MS wants people to also buy the xbox 360 eventually but people aren't gonna give up their older games just like that so the best way to get them both ways of all sorts is to make x-box 360 backwards capatable.

So, You're plunging you're Xbox 1 in a wall? Or throw it down a cliff? Why don't you play these on you're Xbox 1? Like you said, they make games or Xbox1 after Xbox360 because many got them, why should they sell more if Xbox 360 had backwards? Because Xbox 360 corrupts you're TV and you're unable to ever use a Xbox1 on it? Why, if you have no Xbox 1 and buy a Xbox 2, do you want to play all these old games? If you wanted to play all kind of old Xbox 1 games you bought a Xbox 1 years ago... If I buy a PS2 now I'm not going to buy the First PSX games and play these on them...

I bet a good number of PS2 sales over GC and x-box was the fact that it was backwards compatbaile. I'm sure PS3 will be as well so if MS wants x-box 360 to compete on a level playing field they better buckle up and give the customers what they want in both ways.

Maybe because it was better, had a better rep, came sooner, had more top games at launch, had more games at launch..., Xbox sells low is mainly because of stupid Teenagers blaming Gates of all problems in the world...and therefore get a PS2, and because the Xbox was more costly in the begin and had a large controller a lot hated...

Game over.

Nope, not yet

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I have never owned a PS1 console, but I bought and played PS1 games on my PS2. If the PS2 had not been backwards compatible, I would never had bought those games, and I would never had bought an old PS1 console to play those games, knowing the console would have been osbolete shortly.


Anyway I will wait a few years before buying a xbox 360, as I don't want to spend 500$ on a game console.


And why would Microsoft want the customers to buy an old xbox, if they lose money on it? If it was backwards compatible, people would stop buying the old costly console and buy the new profitable one. And they would continue to buy "old" games.

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I have never owned a PS1 console, but I bought and played PS1 games on my PS2. If the PS2 had not been backwards compatible, I would never had bought those games, and I would never had bought an old PS1 console to play those games, knowing the console would have been osbolete shortly.

Wow, selling 1000 Budget-Titles in 1 year makes a lot more money than selling a console on release instead of 1 year later, which people will do when there is backwards compability...

Anyway I will wait a few years before buying a xbox 360, as I don't want to spend 500$ on a game console.

Yep, with backward compabilty and loads of old Xbox1 games a lot more will think like this = Large Loss of Cash for MS

And why would Microsoft want the customers to buy an old xbox, if they lose money on it? If it was backwards compatible, people would stop buying the old costly console and buy the new profitable one. And they would continue to buy "old" games.

Because they are already produced, and it is cheaper to sell them at a loss than sell them not at all and have to smack them (and loose ALL construction cost). Yep, a year later when they get cheaper = More loss... Yep, but they can also do that if they have a Xbox1 anyway...

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It's called Xbox 360? Sounds like a new Volvo.


-"Maybe i'll take the 360 for a test drive"....


Oh btw, backwards compability is always a plus. Final Fantasy IX was released for the PS1 when the PS2 was released, that i didn't stop from selling millions, no matter what Playstation you had.

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"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
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Because MS wants people to also buy the xbox 360 eventually but people aren't gonna give up their older games just like that so the best way to get them both ways of all sorts is to make x-box 360 backwards capatable.


I bet a good number of PS2 sales over GC and x-box was the fact that it was backwards compatbaile. I'm sure PS3 will be as well so if MS wants x-box 360 to compete on a level playing field they better buckle up and give the customers what they want in both ways.


Game over.


Doubt it...


The only way I can see Xbox 2 selling if Halo 3 is released at the same time for xbox 2

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PS2 supports PS1 games.........................No


That made me laugh. It reminded me of the news clip of that Iraqi broadcast reporting that the American forces were in full retreat, as US tanks entered Baghdad in the background...


I hate spending money on something I KNOW will be cheaper in a year...but I don't know if I can wait that long...I've been holding out and not buying an xbox, but the combined power of Jade Empire and Halo 3 AND Jade Empire 2 may force me too. Maybe I can find an Xbox cheap and get an XBox 2 aswell for less than the Super XBox 2? :- But I doubt it, if the difference is only $100...

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