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I recently played KOTOR2 again and reached Freedon Nard's temple on the Dxun moon. I brought with me Visas, Atton and Mira. Atton is still a Scoundrel, Visas and Mira are Jedi.


When I approached one of those weird areas of Dark Side energy, only Mira could click on it. Visas could not.


Why is that? Does that mean only certain members of your party can interact with this Dark Side area?


I too found that only one of the jedis I took with me to Freedon Nard's temple could interact with those areas. Perhaps it has something more to do with alignment or levels.


I recently played KOTOR2 again and reached Freedon Nard's temple on the Dxun moon. I brought with me Visas, Atton and Mira. Atton is still a Scoundrel, Visas and Mira are Jedi.


When I approached one of those weird areas of Dark Side energy, only Mira could click on it. Visas could not.


Why is that? Does that mean only certain members of your party can interact with this Dark Side area?


I don't know either. Both Visas and Mira are Jedi Sentinels and have very high Light Side alignments. Mira's one was highest though. Maximum I think. However, she failed the Willpower option andgained a Dark Side point. So I reloaded from the last saved game and tried the other option and she got Light Side Points.


Just a thought, but which character did you pick to lead the party? When my party entered Freedon Nadd's tomb I had chosen Mira as the party leader when assembling the party on Dxun. The full party was Mira (sentinel), Disciple (consular) and Mandalore. Mira was the only party member in my group that would attempt to access the DS energy fields. I have to assume that it was because she was the party leader.


That was rather funny actually, as she apparently tried to converse with someone who wasn't there when I tried to click on the energy field. Perhaps the devs never considered the possibility that someone would choose her to lead the party into the tomb. Rather odd, as she's one of the only four that you can choose.

Just a thought, but which character did you pick to lead the party? When my party entered Freedon Nadd's tomb I had chosen Mira as the party leader when assembling the party on Dxun. The full party was Mira (sentinel), Disciple (consular) and Mandalore. Mira was the only party member in my group that would attempt to access the DS energy fields. I have to assume that it was because she was the party leader.


That was rather funny actually, as she apparently tried to converse with someone who wasn't there when I tried to click on the energy field. Perhaps the devs never considered the possibility that someone would choose her to lead the party into the tomb. Rather odd, as she's one of the only four that you can choose.



I don't think it's necessarily restricted to the party leader. I usually take Mandalore, Bao-Dur (Jedi), with Visas leading. Visas has stepped up to the plate, and so has Bao-Dur. I'm approaching that point in my latest game, so maybe I'll try taking Atton and Mira if I'm feeling brave this time, just to see what happens.


Whatever it is that allows the character to use fields, it's not strong alignment either... my Mira was nearly perfectly neutral when i found these fields and she could enter them with no problem (i didn't know what to expect but since they weren't different from the Nar Shadaa background noise she had no problem with remaining calm, and came out half way towards blue out of the ordeals :s


Don't think it's a level that makes the difference, also... i don't remember what levels my characters were, but they had quite a bit of problem near the temple entrance so am guessing they wasn't too high. :">


The "Dark Energy" things trigger a conversation when you click on them. The script that fires when you click starts the conversation with the party leader, no matter what character does the clicking. As such it's always the one you picked to lead the group that interacts with the energy things.


Perhaps the devs thought Mira would be a poor choice to lead that group since she has such low Charisma. Since the party leader's charisma is added as an Attack bonus to all party members it's better to pick one with decent Charisma for the role. :)


No, actually, I'm pretty sure only the leader is affected by them, and you can only choose Jedi to lead it. That's why many people who don't convert their party have Visas leading it.

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