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Read my posts. Read anyone's posts.

We're not talking about destroying Telos. Malak did that. We all know it, we all acknowledge it.

You are saying Revan never visited Telos at all, post-Malak bombing or pre-Malak bombing.

You can't know this. It is not possible to know this. You are making it up and presenting it as fact.

It is pretty obvious, because the HK factory is on Telos, that Revan visited Telos at least once sometime in Revan's lifetime.

Revan visited Telos. Revan did not bomb Telos. OK?


I'm not making it up. Look at what Revan was doing at the time attacking any and all Jedi until Revan's ship was destroyed by Darth Malak. Revan had no time in building an HK Factory till Revan went into the Unknown Region. That is what I am trying to point out.


People do not pay attention to the storyline Revan even stated in KOTOR I that he/she was not at Telos. Which means Malak could have made the HK factory but we all know Malak he hated HK-47. And, would never have made the HK-50's.


With that gone I am glad it was cut would have caused severe contradiction.


Obsidian should make the HK Factory a bigger facility in KOTOR III in the Unknown Region. Then it would make more sense then on Telos.


You are making it up. It is never stated or implied in KOTOR 1 that Revan was never at Telos.

Your reasoning, even on the "a busy Sith lord only has so many hours in the day" argument is quite flawed. You're honestly trying to say that Revan did not have the free time to work on bringing about Revan's total plan to unite/take over the entire galaxy? You are trying to tell me that, as part of this master plan that was so important to Revan that Revan sacrificed his/herself to the darkside (not fall, but sacrifice, in Kreia's words), with a terrible threat waiting in the darkness.... even with all that, Revan simply did not make the time to carry out what had to be done? Baloney. Bologna. BS. The Jedi Civil war lasted what, 4-5 years? And in all that time, Revan never got a chance to start up the HK factory?


Yeah, right.


It is because of one simple fact Revan would have no alternative but to attack the Repubic Armada once Revan got close to Telos. Witch play KOTOR I again. You will see where I am coming from. And, also the voice printed Navicomputer proves a lot. And, also recently activated another key point. Where is Revan? In Unknown Region.


I've played 1 pretty recently.

Revan would almost certainly have had to build the HK factory sometime after the bombing of Telos, so there is no need for Revan to have to fight a battle against the Republic in order to get there.

Malak bombs Telos, Telos belongs to the Sith. Revan begins building the secret HK base. Some time thereafter, Malak shoots Revan out of the sky in some other battle. Revan is remade.

There's no way the HK factory could have been on the Star Forge (not Forage), because in a ls Revan game it was destroyed.

The navicomputer is locked because Revan does not want anyone to follow him/her (until after passing Kreia's test at Malachor). It has nothing to do with the HK factory.


I believe we do see where you're coming from, StarWarsResearcher. We just don't agree. It is clearly stated in KOTOR 1 and 2 that Revan wandered the galaxy without an army at his/her side, searching for the Star Forge and also doing other things. It is believed that during this time Revan caused the HK Factory to be built.


You have no basis for saying that Revan had no time to do this. We don't know what Revan did each and every day since graduating from the Jedi Academy.


If you can reference the exact point in KOTOR 1 where Revan stated that he/she was never at Telos, then I will credit you for that. The only reference I know of that even comes close is when Carth mentions the bombing of Telos and Revan says that it was done on Malak's order. Nothing in that discussion keeps Revan from having visited the place, nor does a visit mean that the Republic would recognize Revan as a threat - after all, you visit many planets in KOTOR 1 and very few people recognize Revan due to the loss of Revan's robe and mask when the Jedi Order captured him/her.


The only real part of the plot regarding the HK Factory that is left a mystery is who reactivated the factory and the HK-50 units. Whoever it was was no friend to the Republic. It could have been Darth Malak, but I think Kreia/Darth Traya or Atris are more likely. Unfortunately, we may never find out, as there seem to be no further missing dialogs that reveal who did this.


Also, while we may differ in opinion, let's try to keep this a civil and informative discussion, ok? It's only a game. :thumbsup:


Oh there you are wrong Malak did not attack Telos until after Malak destroyed Revan's ship. And, also you misconscrewed my voice navicompter. To operate the factories Revan needs a voice command. And, agreed Star Forage could not have a factory.


But, manufactured recently that is where the hint lies the HK Factory is in the Unknown Region. Revan is more than likely no matter light or dark finding the True Sith and needs every Jedi possible. That is the whole reason why so many HK-50's are about capturing Jedi. And, on Republic Ships as Protocol Droids. We just have to wait till KOTOR III comes out.


Also, note because it is not in the game and is cut. Means anything is open game about an HK Factory. And, more than likely be in KOTOR III better written. Because HK-47 in game does talk about an HK Factory and because it is not in KOTOR II because it was cut will more than likely bring it to KOTOR III. After all KOTOR II is like a Prequel to KOTOR III.


Actually, Malak wasn't the one destroying Telos - Admiral Saul Karath was.


Not that it matters much to this discussion, of course.


The droid factory is *clearly* on Telos, and there is *no* reason why it can't be - other than those made up ones in StarWarsResearcher's head, of course.


And, it does not exsist on Telos anymore. It was cut so it is no longer on Telos. If you do not know what happens when something gets cut from the main part of a movie or video game it no longer exsists and can be changed. And, it would have screwed up Revan's Timeline.


You know, there is a recorded soundfile where HK-47 explicitly states that the factory is on Telos. I could probably find it if you want...


I'm so glad we have you here to make up our facts.

But on the other hand, you have no clue what you are talking about. The factory was cut due to time constraints, that's been flat out said by the developers, iirc.

But I eagerly await the next installment of:

"The Universe According to StarWarsResearcher! Or, why research when you can just make it up!"


What we the player needs to do is make sure it is added in when KOTOR III is released it is one of those places which is vital. It screwed up Revan's Timeline in KOTOR I and in between KOOR I and II. But, of vital importance in KOTOR III. It is of non-importance in KOTOR II except that HK-47 says says there is a factory. Do not deal with cut scenes was not included in game does not exsist.


It is like sort of saying Luke never visited Biggs. And, Biggs was going to jump ship and join the Rebellion. Not there never exsisted.


George Lucas released all his specials except one. His Thanksgiving Special. To him that never exsisted and wants all copies burned.


So concetrate for KOTOR III and make sure HK Factory is in it. And, you need to forget it was on Telos. For those who know the cut scene. And, make sure it is added.


And, yesit did screw up Revan's Timeline. You had a whole Republic Fleet above Telos impossinle for Revan to slip through. Especially when there were Jedi aboard Republic Ships at the time.


It took Darth Malak and Admiral Saul Karath to destroy the docked ships at Telos. And, that was after Revan was recopperating from the life threatening injury. Like I said Telos was a main problem dealing with Revan's Timeline. Especially when Revan was exploring the Unknown Regions. And, found the Star Forage. He had no time to build an HK Factory. Until, between KOTOR I and II which of course and HK-50 in the cut scene recently manufactured.


See it caused conflicts and also continuity problems. It needed the choppng board. Instead of compalining it needs to be put in KOTOR II you should complain and make sure it is in KOTOR III.


It does NOT screw up Revan's timeline! You are the only one who believes so! Get it into your head already! It is NOT a fact anywhere but in YOUR head!


Oh need to figure out why my last name is Researcher. I posted all the facts if you all paid attention. It is in KOTOR I and II. And, Obsidian time problems I do not think so. Someone at Lucasfilms Ltd was saying this needs to be cut. Darth Nuke if you read any of his posts is right. There are Continuity Archivers at Lucasfilms Ltd.


Obsidian should have deleted the files from the game and no one would even know about them. Instead of why did you not put this cut scene in. Or, I've been ripped off and feel cheated.

It's useless, Hive.  We should just sit back and enjoy the show.  Make some popcorn, you know?


Popcorn... what a splendid idea. I do think I have some microwave popcorns on stock. :(



So, Starwarsresearcher... who shot JFK?




If you go to National Archives at who was in State Department in Dallas November 27, 1963. Paid attention to Jim Garrison's work. Read what the Deep Throat who met with Jim Garrison in front of Lincoln Memorial said. Whose name is on Central Intelligence Headquaters instead of Lyndon B. Johnson's name. That is who killed Kennedy.


Bush Sr. Was in Dallas, TX at time of shooting. Only one who prospered the most. Was in fact working with State Department at time. Not ony that youngest and first Ambassador to China. Youngest Director of the CIA which the position he filed was an Admiral or General. He was a Lieutenant in NAVY dring Korean War. And Acting President since Regan was diagnosedwith Alzheimers Disease after Hinkley shot Regan and therefore was President of US for 1981-1992. And, his name is currently on Central Inteolligence Agency Main eadquarters. And, if anyone knew why JFK was in Dallas he was going to de-establish the CIA.


And, there were many shooters more than likely all who worked in State Department for they were the only Governement Agency which could forge realistic Secret Service Badges.


Hope that explains all Witch


Research is not about science but the collection of data and facts. And, if you read about Darth Revan in Star Wars Databank it is unrealisticly impossible for Revan to have visited Telos and put a HK Factory in the timeline. When Telos was guarded by the Republic. And, Carth said Admiral Saul wiped out the fleet. Revan to build a HK Factory on Telos impossible it was a good call on both Lucasfilms Ltd and Obsidian to stop making it. And, hopefully it wil be put in the Unknown Region where it belongs.

Research is not about science but the collection of data and facts.

In your case, it's more about invention and speculation than collection.


Having a hyperactive imagination is not a bad thing by itself. Trying to convince others that your delusions are fact, on the other hand, is.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


Actually play KOTOR I again. Read all about Revan and what happened. And, also the only way it is possible to have an HK factory on Telos is during the Mandalorian War. But, to have it activated. Needs Revan's Voice Print. It is why the NavComputer on Ebon Hawk was Voice Print locked. Revan took many security cautions. But, what was unexpected was Darth Malak to turn on Revan and fire on his ship.


I would say all that put together 1% chance on Telos 99% chance in Unknown Region. Why? Simple fact, Revan needs Jedi to fight the True Sith threat. And, could not get Jedi with regular protocol droids but HK Assassin Droids.

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