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I just finished the game a few moments ago. All in all, it was a very satisfying experience, even though it was obvious the ending was mutilated.



My computer is below what is considered average today (Celeron @2GHz, 512MB RAM, GF4Ti4200/128), and the game ran just fine most of the time on 1024x768. I had most of the advanced graphics options turned off. There were significant slowdowns on Dantooine, and the extremely annoying freeze/zoom bug from KotOR1 had not been fixed. I had 1 CTD (near the end), and two instances where the game froze for no apparent reason. I also had a dozen lockups while loading saved games, at 1/3 the load process. The recommended fixes for this problem did not help. I did not encounter any gamestopping bugs, and there was only one quest that was not marked as "completed" when I finished the game ("Redemption"). A couple of other quests were slightly bugged, and there were a few dialogue loops, but nothing major. Considering that I played Vampire: Bloodlines prior to KotOR2, I was relieved by the relative lack of bugs in the latter, particularly when compared to the former. Party AI and pathfinding is indeed horrible, although I noticed that it was worse in some areas than in others. Level design is comparable to the first game. Overall, 6/10.



The graphics are nothing to write home about, slightly better than in the first game, but somewhat outdated by today's standards. Although graphics aren't a major factor for me, it would have been nice to see some better facial animations (HL2 and Bloodlines spolied me). I picked the "Young Jesus" model, as it is really the only acceptable male white character, which is something that really should have been paid more attention to. Overall, 7/10.



Both music and voice acting are superb. Unlike many others, I did not even notice that the music sampling quality had been reduced. The opening and ending theme were particularly well done, and I'd like to hear more from this composer in the future. Voice acting was very, very good - but that has always been a strength of RPGs coming out of Irvine. Overall, 9/10.



I played on default difficulty, and found the game too easy. I finished as a Jedi Sentinel 15/Jedi Watchman 13, with all stats in the 20-28 range, defense 40, and +39 to attack, doing 26-54 (IIRC) damage per hit (single lightsaber). Nihilus, Sion, and Treya did not give me any trouble, unlike Malak in the first game. Overall, there was too much combat in the game, and it was way too easy. I would have preferred less, but more meaningful, combat. Lightsaber forms were a nice addition, but it would have been far better if I actually had any reason to use them. Creating/upgrading items was well done. Although I was a bit overwhelmed by the number of items you can create at first, there were several in-game situations where this feature came in very handy. Random drops leave a lot to be desired, as I fail to see the logic of finding jedi robes on dead Onderon soldiers. The interface is a vast improvement over the original game. Overall, 7/10.



Very good, but... not as good as the original game. I'll remember Tattooine and Kashyyk more fondly than Nar Shadaa and Dxun. This is a category that really defies further explanations, so I'll just leave it at that. Overall, 7/10.



The story beats anything ever produced by Lucas Arts and Bioware. It is subtle and hinted at throughout the entire game. The main plot "twist" (if it can even be called that) is obvious and anticipated, and the game builds up to that moment - unlike the original which depended on the "shock" factor. Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion are underdeveloped, but it is questionable whether their further development would have actually added anything to the game - considering they were pawns in a game, just as the Exile. The story is comparable to that of Planescape: Torment (note that this is a MAJOR compliment, coming from me), which is not surprising given who the lead designer on both games was. It is a quest of self-discovery, and, if played on the Light Side, on helping your allies to accomplish the same. Overall, 9/10.


Although it can be argued that the path leading to the ending could have been much better (Yet another Sith Academy? Stasis Field. Yawn. Fight. Fight. Fight. Yawn. Force Wave. Fight. Fight. Fight. Ugh.), I have no problem whatsoever with the ending itself. It was an adequate ending for a great story. Could it have been better? Sure. But it is nowhere as bad as the people are making it sound.


So, my composite score for the game is 7.5/10, bumped up to 8/10 because of subjective preferences. This is the same score I'd give to KotOR1 and BG2, but lower than BG1, FO, and FO2 (8.5), and Torment (9).

There are no doors in Jefferson that are "special game locked" doors. There are no characters in that game that you can kill that will result in the game ending prematurely.

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So, my composite score for the game is 7.5/10, bumped up to 8/10 because of subjective preferences. This is the same score I'd give to KotOR1 and BG2, but lower than BG1, FO, and FO2 (8.5), and Torment (9).


I would say KotOR 2 is way worse than K1. It's not a bad game, just not very suited to it.


The whole Matrix plot-type expansion is not helpful.


All the other things I don't like about the K2 Story are repeated through all the different posts.


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)

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1 is not better than 2.  Apart from the Big Plot Twist, Bioware's game is really rather simplistic and doesn't have the depth of KOTOR2.


It's all down to personal taste, i can't see myself play K1 for quite a while, since the dialogue feels way too simple. Not to mention the difference in the romance dialogue between The Exile and Visas vs. Revan and Bastila.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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"is not better than 2. Apart from the Big Plot Twist, Bioware's game is really rather simplistic and doesn't have the depth of KOTOR2."


No. KOTOR2 is not THAT deep.


Sammael, I agree with you mostly; but I simply disagree that KOTOR2's plot is even remotely in PST's league. Not even close. Though; I'd rate the game about the same as you did overall.


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Yep, I agree it's personal taste, but when it comes deep stuff like this, leave it to the Matrix.

The deepness involved in character development and relationships is fine, but when it comes to the whole storyline in general with the force being a separate entity is taking Obi Wan Kenobi "the force flows in everything" too far.


All of the advantages I see in K2 are mainly gameplay/technical stuff learnt from K1 - dual weapon configs and switching, more upgrades (probably a bit too many for me), force power tweaking, animations, the Mandalorian Disintegrator, etc.


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)

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I'd deffinitely say KotOR II is far beyond the first, which seems mildly childish when you read some of the dialogue.


BGII is also far better than BGI, but to each their own, I guess.


And PS:T owns all.


I need to play PS:T sometime, never seen such consensus in praise along the RPG-community. What made it so damn good?

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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The characters.


That's like answering "The guns" when asking about Halo. Care to elaborate?

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I can't say I agree with everything in the review but I enjoyed you putting one down. It's a welcome relief to read a REAL and BALANCED veiw for once more than all the whiners here who are screaming the game stinks because of the ending. I for one am VERY pleased that yet one more approached this intelligently and gave what I would consider a good review...whether or not I agree with all of it. After hearing so many people who wouldn't know a balanced view if it hit them in the face here, it's always welcome to hear someone give a reasonable report of the game.


But then, most of the time you were at least somewhat reasonable in the past, so that's a good thing.

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Meshugger ... PS:T is really not that good, its more of a urban legend spread by people that never played it that from the people that did.


The first level is enough to bore someone to death, it picks up the pace after it and changes are you end up hating the setting its based as much you end up loving it.


Also it ends up being a adventure game turned into a dungeon crawl at certain parts.

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Meshugger ... PS:T is really not that good, its more of a urban legend spread by people that never played it that from the people that did.


The first level is enough to bore someone to death, it picks up the pace after it and changes are you end up hating the setting its based as much you end up loving it.


Also it ends up being a adventure game turned into a dungeon crawl at certain parts.


Sounds like you're describing KotOR there :( In any case, if i can get the past the graphics, i will give it a try someday. Ofcourse the biggest thing is to find it though (legally).

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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