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(6 _ 2) _ 8 _ 9 _ 1

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...so anyways, I'm annoyed by this puzzle because THERE ARE 2 SOLUTIONS TO IT!!!


the last entry 9 _ 1 can be either a multiply or a DIVIDE!! I kept putting a divide in there and always got it incorrect. I thought this was jsut another bug until reading forums and realized I should have used "*".


I felt silly that i didnt think of the simpler product, but using divide is a valid expression that mathematically results in the same conclusion.


... of course I can't go back there (yet??), because I told the mandalorian to continue out.

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Personally I tried both * and / several times in my game. It didn't work, at all. In fact, I spent almost 30 minutes at that part just switching between them, trying again and again, until I simply decided to move on. Hopefully we will see a patch VERY soon.

"When the foul sore of envy corrupts the vanquished heart, the very exterior itself shows how forcibly the mind is urged by madness. For paleness seizes the complexion, the eyes are weighed down, the spirit is inflamed, while the limbs are chilled, there is frenzy in the heart, there is gnashing with the teeth."

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