SeraphicHate Posted February 21, 2005 Posted February 21, 2005 Don't know many of the planets, so I'll jest do Characters. HK-47 and T3 are REQUIRED Mandalore would be too old by now, so mebbe a relative of his? Preferably female Jolee Bindo has to at least make a cameo. A Jedi Wookie A Yoda-species character. (Can only use Short Lightsabers, bonus to balanced weapons.) A female Zabrak Dustil would be cool, as a lightside optional character. If not him then Yuthura Ban (somehow survived Revan in Naga Sadow's tomb. Brianna (lightside) or Atton (Darkside) Possibly Bao-Dur Some new non Jedi characters, one each of Scout, Scoundrel, and Soldier. A story Idea: As one of the last remaining Force users, Jolee Bindo trains three aprentices on an isolated planet (Dagobah?): The Player, Onar (Yoda-species), and Maya-Kas (The Zabrak chick, names just made up). Maya leans towards the light side, Onar to the dark, while you follow Jolee in the middle. You get to customise Maya and Onar's classes as well. As you near the end of your training, Jolee is attacked by the sith, and he tells you to escape. Later you find that Revan/The exile sent the sith to capture Jolee and bring him to them, because Jolee has some obscure knowledge that they need for their exploits in True Sith Space. Thus The Three must travel to Coruscant to finish their training. There, they learn more about Revan, the Exile, and Jolee, and decide to go find Jolee, and possibly Revan and the Exile. They go to each of the KotoR 1 planets for clues, and then a few new ones. Along the Way they Find HK-47 and T3, and a central quest in the game is restoring their memories to learn more about Revan and the Exile. On Korriban they Find either Dustil or Yuthura. Dustil's trying to bury the sith ruins for good, Yuthura is trying to re-establish the academy. On Kashyykk they find a young Force sensitive Wookiee who's being ostracized. Cheiftan Zalbaar tries to help, and asks the player to take him under his/her wing. On Dantooine they find either Atton or Brianna, who are training more Jedi/Sith in solitude. On Tatooine they find the Mandalorian chick on a mission for Mandalore (now confirmed as Canderous.) On Taris they find Bao-Dur helping the rebuilding, now a Jedi. With him is Mission Vao if Revan was lightside. He joins when he learns yer searching for the exile. If You're lightside, Mission joins you as well. If you're Darkside Juhanni fallen to the dark again. I know Jolee and Juhanni died in KotoR 1 if you went dark, they could say she, like Jolee, survived Revan and now she's out for vengeance. You Find Bastilla at some point, either as a Uber Darkside b****, or lightside queen b**** Other Planets: Manaan, Yavin IV, Taris, Katarr Also, they need to make it 4 active Characters Instead of 3, with 9 possible in your party. All of the characters except the original 3 and the droids are optional. leaving 4 slots for optional characters. you CAN play through with just the original five. You'd have to be selective about the optional characters, since you can only have 4, and there are many to choose from. Certain combinations open up extra sidequests. and so on. What do you think? should I pitch it to LA/Obsidian?
Ice-Cold Posted February 21, 2005 Posted February 21, 2005 Planets: Empress Teta: Not really sure.. Ulic Qel-Dromma fell to the darkside there, maybe it will be something cool to add in kotor? Visas homeworld: The Exile maybe goes to Visas homeworld, and she decides to stay, like in Kreias vision.. on this planet, you may find the fallen Jedi, like Vandar, and whoever else. Taris: All of Taris wasnt destroyed, maybe just one city at the most, then theres the undercity, people could have fled there for shelter? and maybe Juhani went back there to go into hiding? if she didnt go with Revan to find the True Sith. Anyhow, I think this place may have some importance. why where you over Taris in the first place? did the Jedi council think Revan found out about the Star Forge there?.. he Rescued Juhani from there (if you talk to her a few times, you'll find out) so maybe they thought you where there for a reason? maybe you where? .. unless It was just about the Mandalorian War?.. Dagobah: Maybe.. if Master Vandar was still alive, he could have gone to Dagobah like Yoda, and maybe he could quote a few "Yoda" sayings.. oh, and I'm not too sure when the Darkside presance entered that Tree/Cave thingy, but maybe if it's a new pc character (as well as the exile) the new pc char could have a vision, like he/she did on Korriban. Telos: Just for an ending celebration.. like from RotJ on Endor lol.. maybe Revan found and killed the True Sith, but the Sith managed to find the Republics main base, and for some reason, they wanted to attack, Revan returns with the Exile (if he dont kill the Exile for being a wound in the force) he could warn bastila with the force bond, and then it all sets into a new Jedi Civil War? Ruusan: This could be a possible world to find out about the Sith. The Sorcerers of Tund, (a group of independently-developed Force users on the world) may be helpful.. maybe one of the sorcerers could join your party too? Carida: a High Gravity world, used for combat training by the Empire.. *shrug* I have nothing to say.. lol.. i like this planet, and since most people are talking about planets in the West Quadrant, then *points at Carida* choose this one Unknown World(Rakatan?): theres Obviously some information there, and it would be cool to see that world again, and get some more information on Revan.. there'd probably be pieces of the Star Forge there, Revan would have came back seeking information on the True Sith. Mandalore: Dxun as gotten flooded with Mandalorian Clans, so Mandalore decides to move back to the Mandalorian homeworld.. maybe the exiles path leads there? or maybe Revans? Party Members: Jolee: Jolee Bindo was kinda cool, I wanted him back in the game on K2 but he wasnt there, but we could loot his robes and junk? is he dead? Bastila & Carth: At some point in the game if Revan still lives, they'll probably be times where Revan is your main PC character.. well anyhow, at the end, Revan, Bastila and Carth could join together one last time? and help destroy the true sith.. who happened to have found telos and is attempting to blow it up? Death Star style :D Juhani: Juhani was pretty pointless in the first game, still.. would be nice to see old faces one last time, my guess is that, during the 5 years, she's gone back to her homeworld of Taris, and is living on the undercity, maybe in hiding, or teaching the ways of the force to force uses she incounters? Mission: After serving with the Republic for 5 years (maybe she did? lol) she leads a small fleet of Repblic soilders to a planet to turn off the shield generator to a World Devistator, there, she comfronts some Ewoks.. no just kidding lol.. maybe she's just apart of a Taris restoration team, who comes across the Ebon Hawk when you dock there, and decides to sneak aboard.. heh, maybe she's strong with the force too? Mira: Apparently, she is said to die protecting her friends or something? maybe she does something like luke, and flys the trenches of the deathstar? and she runs out of missiles so she uses herself? lol.. or maybe Hanhar turned Jedi, and is still trying to kill her, this time, he's brought some Wookiee friends, she gets killed, while she helps her friends escape? or maybe.. a moon falls on her.. like how Chewy died? Exile/Revan: There could be times in the game where these 2 characters can be chosen as main characters, or maybe used for solo quests, I'm gonna guess that these two will battle at the end, and you have a choice to kill revan, or let him kill you or something, who ever wins, is in your party. Along with Atton: Bao-Dur: HK-47: T3: Mandalore for random missions, like on K2 where he helps you destroy the sith ship. New PC guy: the new character should beable to choose from different species this time, like Yoda/Vandars species, Twi'lek, Wookiee, one of those Seers, a Sorcerer from Ruusan, and maybe have a really decent background like Revan and Exile, maybe he's the Choosen one who can bring peace through-out the galaxy? anyhow, the new guy would happen to have a force bond (what you and Kreia had) with Exile (who decided to go alone), who is told to go round up remainding Jedi to help him out. In my opinion, T3, HK and the Exile maybe have left behind his friends and loved ones like Revan did, but this time he took the Ebon Hawk so we get to have a nicer ship, probably a modified Republic multi-person warship, and with the crew you pick up, it would sorta work like when your on the ship, instead of em standing around doing nothing, they could actually be manning the turrets, or walking about like T3.. and this time, we could actually see a Pazaak table, and maybe holo-chess starts as a game? New Party member Species: if we actually get rid of most of the K2 party, like they followed the Exile, and it turns out we can control 2 full parties either somepoint in the game, or as an extra game option (or Expansion), or.. infact they have followed exile, and your starting a fresh game with a new jedi.. then the species i would like to have in my party: (Lightside) Yoda's species - either let us control Master Vandar as a party member, or give us a new Yoda dood, this time, dont make him old, make him quite young, like maybe just turning 100. (Darkside) Gen'Dai - Durge, the bounty hunter who takes Jango Fetts place during the Clone Wars.. apparently Gen'Dai's can live for 1,000 years? or is it, they go into hibernation for 1,000 years? *shrug* Bothan - a new class "Spy", add some stuff to the game, like master Stealth, and not stealth as in using the force field thing... make it so you stick your backs to the wall and stuff metal gear solid style.. and other things. Clawdite - Shape shifter (Zam Wessel) Nautolan - Kit Fitso's species.. lol, there cool Kel Dor - Plo Koon's Species (Darkside) Zabrak - this time, instead of a Bao-Dur.. Zen like Zabrak, make a Darth Maul type species, who lets us change the tatoos as well as the clothes :D (Lightside) Toydarian - Watto: "I'm a toydarian.. mind tricks donta work on me!" oh, and this time, as well as Mandalorians, maybe add a bigger Ubese story, maybe Mandalore leads his Clan into a big battle against the Ubese? *shrug* Shane Tyduk Some awesome title name here "If you sharpen a knife to its limits, you run the risk of cutting your own hand. The knife has no choice but to be as sharp as you made it."
Soulstar Posted February 22, 2005 Author Posted February 22, 2005 heh great ideas overall :D A few answers to a few questions : 1. The Chiss weren't discovered for another 3-4000 years... Who's to say they were actually 'refound'? 2. I did include all the planets from the original and 2... to retrace steps and to also do a review of what's happened int the 10/5 years since last visiting the planets... 3. Yoda-like characters were always something I wanted to add, but there's always a handful of cookies who hate them... MEH. 4. The whole thing with HK,T3.... I don't have them revealed until you land/crashland (depends on flying skills) on Ossus. There a partial revelation is revealed when you discover a reprogrammed HK-50 droid who informs you (After much duress I might add ) that the Exile had a Sonic Imprinter device which allowed for tracking by them. You can then go about blasting him to bits, (Badly damaged from storms anyhow) OR have him download that data onto a datapad so you can later program you navicomputer to head to the location of the imprinter. (Which is in this case would be the first world within the Unknown Regions map, yet to be determined.) When you arrive, you notice that there is only the HK and T3 units within the shattered remains of the Ebon Hawk. (Yep I had it written as shot down like a duck by a orbital cannon ) Rescuing or leaving or destroying them is up to you. And as posted by a previous person, restoring their memory leads to more storyline information about both Revan and the Exile. Still need suggestions on the Space part of this now please. :D
Darth Nuke Posted February 22, 2005 Posted February 22, 2005 Continuity says so. Csilla is in the unknown regions, the area is never exploreed my many. KOTOR 2 must be completed
DSLuke Posted February 22, 2005 Posted February 22, 2005 Instead of wasting half the game and risk it being TOOOO boring, why don't we start with Revan and or the exile and go straight into action against the Sith????? After K2 ending I really fail to see how a new PC would work.. And by the light of the moon He prays for their beauty not doom
clonetrooper117 Posted February 22, 2005 Posted February 22, 2005 Seeing how this is set 4000 years before the movies wouldn't that mean that the Unknown Regions may have been half the Galaxy. What i mean is Mon Calamari may have been a planet in the 'Unknwon Regions' back then now is part of the colonized galaxy. Remember Korriban was once part of the Unknown Region now look where it is.
Soulstar Posted February 23, 2005 Author Posted February 23, 2005 Continuity eh... It makes as much sense as having the main character of the 3rd already in the unknown regions searching for Revan + the Exile.... which would place everything in the precarious [How did this character get here and why is he/she here and how did this character track Revan + the Exile to *planet*]... If you want continuity like that then be my guest. The whole thing with the Chiss which is obviously blinding everyone is the fact they are to bound to when they were 'discovered' and never think that MAYBE they were found previous, but they slaughtered whoever found them. There are lots of directions to go with that, and Continuity is just BS to the scripting people because there is none since it's 3-4000 years before that even happens. You got alot of planets and perspectives that you can use this far back, and the only reference material would be TGAS, TotS, and so on. I've read some of them and am working to resolve some problems between my current script and the storylines within them, so that there isn't a massive clash. Ziost was one of the harder places to work with though, since it was already pre-written and drawn, plus being the safehold for (Ragnos? can't remember atm). Also, I got 4 major endings written, but problem is how to balance each ending out with some major shocker... (or not never realling was thinking too much into it.) One of the endings has it where after defeating the True Sith source, (the Black Hole type thing) the threat being over, all 3 of you turn on eachother to see who the true Lord of the Sith is. (Only open if you said that Revan, Exile, and you turn all Sith.) Second one was some cheesy ending (Because I was tired sorry ; ; ) with them all being Light Siders and establishing some type of Jedi Enclave near the source and sending the Ebon Hawk (If it was fixed) back into the known regions to retrieve everyone from the first 2. (Including a RotJ type ending) 3rd and 4th were kinda mixed and not really complete per se, but that's the jist of the 2 I was trying to flesh out atm... Opinions? Also still need some comments on the whole space battles posts I did earlier on here... Whether to add those in or not.
chibijulian Posted February 23, 2005 Posted February 23, 2005 Planets traveled to in Kotor 3: Korriban Dantooine Coruscant Yavin IV Oderon(sp) Dxun Telos Tattooine Manaan Star Forge Planet (Name?) Malachor V Remnants Nar Shadaa Miraluka Kashyykk Dalusta - Borderworld to the Unknown Regions Kalaknahar - Slaver's World within 'True Sith' influence Kallista - Free World within 'True Sith' influence - World the 'Sith' didn't conquer Travistal - Borderworld to the 'True Sith' Coreworlds Laturnas - 'True Sith' Base of Operations Matrica - 'True Sith' Exiled planet (Where people who tried to be 'True Sith' go) Paladas - 'True Sith' Destroyed planet (Destroyed by the 'True Sith') Degobah - Introduced as a world possibly near the Unknown Regions (not sure), First sightings of 'True Sith' detected here Rastan - Freeworld within 'True Sith' influence - Eventually a 'Sith' do appear and attempt to conquer it. Remnants of Rasha - The 'True Sith's' homeworld that was destroyed, also where the end occurs. Warkash - Cloaked planet that turns out to be a technological wonder. PC Ally's in Kotor 3 (That Join you): Mira (Possible love interest - Male) HK47 Bastila (Possible love interest - Male, Depending on Revan decisions) Canderous Ordo (Possible love interest - Female) Mission Vao (Possible love interest - Male) Bao Dur (Possible love interest - Female) Visa (Unknown if that should be right... Possible love interest - Male, Depending on Exile Decisions) The Disciple (sp) (Unknown also) (Possible love interest - Female, Depending on Exile Decisions) Darth Vidor (New character that is a 'Sith Lord' that realizes he isn't a 'True Sith' and wishes to join you to find out the reasons. Possible love interest - Female) Master Vorak (The Yoda-like character in KOTOR 1 that many thought died on Miraluka... Counterbalance for Darth Vidor.) Atris (Unknown if this is right also... But nice plot twist eh? Possible love interest - Male) Solaris Detur (Male Human that is in Jedi Academy on Coruscant that joins, possible love interest - Female) T3M4 Xar'Dur (Part of Alien species resembling Grand Admiral Thrawn (From Books) that was conquered by the 'True Sith') Deja'Nur (Trandoshan that joins after being freed from a slave pen on a 'True Sith' World.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Korriban and dantooine, again??? FFS, I really, really hope not! Once was enough,twice was really pushing it, but 3 times is just plain lame. I say skip all the planets we've already been thru,and use some of the tons of planets in the star wars universe that were not explored. As for appearances, I'd definetely have Revan and Bastila, possibly a force ghost from Kreia, maybe Jolee,but that is about it. Put in a male cathar jedi (like juhani) that starts as a disciple from the same master as you, goes into ur party but then reveals to be associated with the sith somehow,that would be cool...but like,in the middle of the game so you can either give him opportunity to redeem or if you're ds to join him. Maybe add someone from yoda's race to the actual party as a mentor this time around?
ndwiseguy Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Also, I got 4 major endings written, but problem is how to balance each ending out with some major shocker... (or not never realling was thinking too much into it.) One of the endings has it where after defeating the True Sith source, (the Black Hole type thing) the threat being over, all 3 of you turn on eachother to see who the true Lord of the Sith is. (Only open if you said that Revan, Exile, and you turn all Sith.) Second one was some cheesy ending (Because I was tired sorry ; ; ) with them all being Light Siders and establishing some type of Jedi Enclave near the source and sending the Ebon Hawk (If it was fixed) back into the known regions to retrieve everyone from the first 2. (Including a RotJ type ending) 3rd and 4th were kinda mixed and not really complete per se, but that's the jist of the 2 I was trying to flesh out atm... Opinions? Also still need some comments on the whole space battles posts I did earlier on here... Whether to add those in or not. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I like the first ending. I think though that if Revan and the Exile went out into the "Unknown Regions", it would suggest that they have gone LS wouldn't it? As for the ROTJ-type ending, please DONT! That would be too cliche, and i sure hope Lucas hasn't somewhat done it with ROTS.
Jedi Master D Murda Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 I would like to see the new Jedi Temple on Coruscant. I understand why a lot of games can't incorporate Coruscant because of limitations with system specs but all I want is the academy. I liked the one in Ep II with the archives and the younglings, I would love to see something like that. Plus I would love to see a Yodaling like Vandar again. A lot of people find it to be cheesy but I love it. To see one in action would be a the best in the WORLD!!!!
Ice-Cold Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 Actually.. Mon Calamari may be a planet in K3. I found out that the HK manufactoring plant is under the surface of Telos.. and maybe also Taris, but in one of the StreamVoice files in the K2 folder, theres a little lecturing part, a HK-50 droid is teaching a bunch of HK-51's (i think) how to Translate, or testing there translation skills.. when it comes to testing the Quarren, HK makes a comment about the Eyes of a Mon Calamarian. I think the plant is funny, I think after HK-47 destroys the droids, he did something which allowed him to remember everything, once he got back to the ship, he recognized T3.. etc. Anyone ever thought the new PC Character could be Ulic Qel-Droma? He was a Jedi, and he didnt die. In fact, after he killed his brother, he realized what he had done, and turned back to the lightside, and got someone (i forget who) to remove his powers. Now, what if he decides to join Revan and the Exile to defeat the True Sith?.. hey it's a possibility. Shane Tyduk Some awesome title name here "If you sharpen a knife to its limits, you run the risk of cutting your own hand. The knife has no choice but to be as sharp as you made it."
wannabealoser125 Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 Is KOTOR 3 being created right now? If it is the creators really should be reading this forum... there are really great ideas on here. Soulstar, are you creating this game or just getting a storyline made up to pitch? ^_^ Edit: uhh just kiddint about the "are the creators reading this think" I kinda didn't read any of the topics where they posted on befor I posted this... :">
Metherial Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 the exile will be the main again in KOTOR3 following after revan, this is heavily hinted upon in the conversation at the end, obsidian was nice enough to give us closure on whats going to happen to our trusty companions, im somewhat confused as to when she says bao'dur and the droids futures were unknown its possible they will infact accompany you in the next game, thats why obisidan would have porposley left out their futures in the last conversation, all you have to do is carefully pay attention to and anylise kotor2 to see what 3 will be about, its blatently hinted upon. As to places, it is posible but I find it more likely you will not be going to any of the previous planets gone to in the first or second games.
lone_jedi_guardian Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 Planets traveled to in Kotor 3: Korriban Dantooine Coruscant Yavin IV Oderon(sp) Dxun Telos Tattooine Manaan Star Forge Planet (Name?) Malachor V Remnants Nar Shadaa Miraluka Kashyykk Dalusta - Borderworld to the Unknown Regions Kalaknahar - Slaver's World within 'True Sith' influence Kallista - Free World within 'True Sith' influence - World the 'Sith' didn't conquer Travistal - Borderworld to the 'True Sith' Coreworlds Laturnas - 'True Sith' Base of Operations Matrica - 'True Sith' Exiled planet (Where people who tried to be 'True Sith' go) Paladas - 'True Sith' Destroyed planet (Destroyed by the 'True Sith') Degobah - Introduced as a world possibly near the Unknown Regions (not sure), First sightings of 'True Sith' detected here Rastan - Freeworld within 'True Sith' influence - Eventually a 'Sith' do appear and attempt to conquer it. Remnants of Rasha - The 'True Sith's' homeworld that was destroyed, also where the end occurs. Warkash - Cloaked planet that turns out to be a technological wonder. PC Ally's in Kotor 3 (That Join you): Mira (Possible love interest - Male) HK47 Bastila (Possible love interest - Male, Depending on Revan decisions) Canderous Ordo (Possible love interest - Female) Mission Vao (Possible love interest - Male) Bao Dur (Possible love interest - Female) Visa (Unknown if that should be right... Possible love interest - Male, Depending on Exile Decisions) The Disciple (sp) (Unknown also) (Possible love interest - Female, Depending on Exile Decisions) Darth Vidor (New character that is a 'Sith Lord' that realizes he isn't a 'True Sith' and wishes to join you to find out the reasons. Possible love interest - Female) Master Vorak (The Yoda-like character in KOTOR 1 that many thought died on Miraluka... Counterbalance for Darth Vidor.) Atris (Unknown if this is right also... But nice plot twist eh? Possible love interest - Male) Solaris Detur (Male Human that is in Jedi Academy on Coruscant that joins, possible love interest - Female) T3M4 Xar'Dur (Part of Alien species resembling Grand Admiral Thrawn (From Books) that was conquered by the 'True Sith') Deja'Nur (Trandoshan that joins after being freed from a slave pen on a 'True Sith' World.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Korriban and dantooine, again??? FFS, I really, really hope not! Once was enough,twice was really pushing it, but 3 times is just plain lame. I say skip all the planets we've already been thru,and use some of the tons of planets in the star wars universe that were not explored. As for appearances, I'd definetely have Revan and Bastila, possibly a force ghost from Kreia, maybe Jolee,but that is about it. Put in a male cathar jedi (like juhani) that starts as a disciple from the same master as you, goes into ur party but then reveals to be associated with the sith somehow,that would be cool...but like,in the middle of the game so you can either give him opportunity to redeem or if you're ds to join him. Maybe add someone from yoda's race to the actual party as a mentor this time around? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> First things first, I don't mean to contradict you Soulstar but the Miraluka homeworld was "Katar" and Dantooine and Korriban isn't such a bad idea I mean Revan and the Exile did go to both and they could be something like key points to tracking them down
Darth Nuke Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 Actually.. Mon Calamari may be a planet in K3. I found out that the HK manufactoring plant is under the surface of Telos.. and maybe also Taris, but in one of the StreamVoice files in the K2 folder, theres a little lecturing part, a HK-50 droid is teaching a bunch of HK-51's (i think) how to Translate, or testing there translation skills.. when it comes to testing the Quarren, HK makes a comment about the Eyes of a Mon Calamarian. I think the plant is funny, I think after HK-47 destroys the droids, he did something which allowed him to remember everything, once he got back to the ship, he recognized T3.. etc. Anyone ever thought the new PC Character could be Ulic Qel-Droma? He was a Jedi, and he didnt die. In fact, after he killed his brother, he realized what he had done, and turned back to the lightside, and got someone (i forget who) to remove his powers. Now, what if he decides to join Revan and the Exile to defeat the True Sith?.. hey it's a possibility. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm afraid Ulic died ten years later. The last TOTJ series, Redemption, told his final adventure. Ulic was shot in the back by a spacer who thought he would be a hero for killing one of the Sith Lords from the Great Sith War. Before he was killed, he trained Vima Sunrider. He died in Nomi's arms, and disappeared into the force, redeemed. KOTOR 2 must be completed
Darth Nuke Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 Planets traveled to in Kotor 3: Korriban Dantooine Coruscant Yavin IV Oderon(sp) Dxun Telos Tattooine Manaan Star Forge Planet (Name?) Malachor V Remnants Nar Shadaa Miraluka Kashyykk Dalusta - Borderworld to the Unknown Regions Kalaknahar - Slaver's World within 'True Sith' influence Kallista - Free World within 'True Sith' influence - World the 'Sith' didn't conquer Travistal - Borderworld to the 'True Sith' Coreworlds Laturnas - 'True Sith' Base of Operations Matrica - 'True Sith' Exiled planet (Where people who tried to be 'True Sith' go) Paladas - 'True Sith' Destroyed planet (Destroyed by the 'True Sith') Degobah - Introduced as a world possibly near the Unknown Regions (not sure), First sightings of 'True Sith' detected here Rastan - Freeworld within 'True Sith' influence - Eventually a 'Sith' do appear and attempt to conquer it. Remnants of Rasha - The 'True Sith's' homeworld that was destroyed, also where the end occurs. Warkash - Cloaked planet that turns out to be a technological wonder. PC Ally's in Kotor 3 (That Join you): Mira (Possible love interest - Male) HK47 Bastila (Possible love interest - Male, Depending on Revan decisions) Canderous Ordo (Possible love interest - Female) Mission Vao (Possible love interest - Male) Bao Dur (Possible love interest - Female) Visa (Unknown if that should be right... Possible love interest - Male, Depending on Exile Decisions) The Disciple (sp) (Unknown also) (Possible love interest - Female, Depending on Exile Decisions) Darth Vidor (New character that is a 'Sith Lord' that realizes he isn't a 'True Sith' and wishes to join you to find out the reasons. Possible love interest - Female) Master Vorak (The Yoda-like character in KOTOR 1 that many thought died on Miraluka... Counterbalance for Darth Vidor.) Atris (Unknown if this is right also... But nice plot twist eh? Possible love interest - Male) Solaris Detur (Male Human that is in Jedi Academy on Coruscant that joins, possible love interest - Female) T3M4 Xar'Dur (Part of Alien species resembling Grand Admiral Thrawn (From Books) that was conquered by the 'True Sith') Deja'Nur (Trandoshan that joins after being freed from a slave pen on a 'True Sith' World.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Korriban and dantooine, again??? FFS, I really, really hope not! Once was enough,twice was really pushing it, but 3 times is just plain lame. I say skip all the planets we've already been thru,and use some of the tons of planets in the star wars universe that were not explored. As for appearances, I'd definetely have Revan and Bastila, possibly a force ghost from Kreia, maybe Jolee,but that is about it. Put in a male cathar jedi (like juhani) that starts as a disciple from the same master as you, goes into ur party but then reveals to be associated with the sith somehow,that would be cool...but like,in the middle of the game so you can either give him opportunity to redeem or if you're ds to join him. Maybe add someone from yoda's race to the actual party as a mentor this time around? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> First things first, I don't mean to contradict you Soulstar but the Miraluka homeworld was "Katar" and Dantooine and Korriban isn't such a bad idea I mean Revan and the Exile did go to both and they could be something like key points to tracking them down <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You don't need both those planet again. They've been done, and neither really have anymore story to tell. KOTOR 2 must be completed
SnowPup Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 Everyone plays the games differently. Some will play as females others will play as males. The best way should be to do something to the third game that it will look at the first two games you have installed and determine whether Revan and the Exile were females or males or whichever. I think it should depend on what your saved games are like. This way it will be consistent and have multiple endings depending on the way you
The Great Phantom Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 Seeing how this is set 4000 years before the movies wouldn't that mean that the Unknown Regions may have been half the Galaxy. What i mean is Mon Calamari may have been a planet in the 'Unknwon Regions' back then now is part of the colonized galaxy. Remember Korriban was once part of the Unknown Region now look where it is. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You make a good point. Remember, Tatooine was just BARELY colonized by Czerka, so the Unknown Regions probably contain MUCH MUCH MUCH of the Galaxy, including several parts of the Outer Rim. This is 4000 years before the Chiss, etc., so many places are uncharted. Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
Darth Nuke Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 I guess start on Coruscant pick something up and drop it off in Onderon adding Canderous and/or Mandalore to your party then travel to Space Station KOTOR 2 must be completed
The Great Phantom Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 Ulic is dead, as stated before. Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
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