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Everything posted by SeraphicHate

  1. Don't know many of the planets, so I'll jest do Characters. HK-47 and T3 are REQUIRED Mandalore would be too old by now, so mebbe a relative of his? Preferably female Jolee Bindo has to at least make a cameo. A Jedi Wookie A Yoda-species character. (Can only use Short Lightsabers, bonus to balanced weapons.) A female Zabrak Dustil would be cool, as a lightside optional character. If not him then Yuthura Ban (somehow survived Revan in Naga Sadow's tomb. Brianna (lightside) or Atton (Darkside) Possibly Bao-Dur Some new non Jedi characters, one each of Scout, Scoundrel, and Soldier. A story Idea: As one of the last remaining Force users, Jolee Bindo trains three aprentices on an isolated planet (Dagobah?): The Player, Onar (Yoda-species), and Maya-Kas (The Zabrak chick, names just made up). Maya leans towards the light side, Onar to the dark, while you follow Jolee in the middle. You get to customise Maya and Onar's classes as well. As you near the end of your training, Jolee is attacked by the sith, and he tells you to escape. Later you find that Revan/The exile sent the sith to capture Jolee and bring him to them, because Jolee has some obscure knowledge that they need for their exploits in True Sith Space. Thus The Three must travel to Coruscant to finish their training. There, they learn more about Revan, the Exile, and Jolee, and decide to go find Jolee, and possibly Revan and the Exile. They go to each of the KotoR 1 planets for clues, and then a few new ones. Along the Way they Find HK-47 and T3, and a central quest in the game is restoring their memories to learn more about Revan and the Exile. On Korriban they Find either Dustil or Yuthura. Dustil's trying to bury the sith ruins for good, Yuthura is trying to re-establish the academy. On Kashyykk they find a young Force sensitive Wookiee who's being ostracized. Cheiftan Zalbaar tries to help, and asks the player to take him under his/her wing. On Dantooine they find either Atton or Brianna, who are training more Jedi/Sith in solitude. On Tatooine they find the Mandalorian chick on a mission for Mandalore (now confirmed as Canderous.) On Taris they find Bao-Dur helping the rebuilding, now a Jedi. With him is Mission Vao if Revan was lightside. He joins when he learns yer searching for the exile. If You're lightside, Mission joins you as well. If you're Darkside Juhanni fallen to the dark again. I know Jolee and Juhanni died in KotoR 1 if you went dark, they could say she, like Jolee, survived Revan and now she's out for vengeance. You Find Bastilla at some point, either as a Uber Darkside b****, or lightside queen b**** Other Planets: Manaan, Yavin IV, Taris, Katarr Also, they need to make it 4 active Characters Instead of 3, with 9 possible in your party. All of the characters except the original 3 and the droids are optional. leaving 4 slots for optional characters. you CAN play through with just the original five. You'd have to be selective about the optional characters, since you can only have 4, and there are many to choose from. Certain combinations open up extra sidequests. and so on. What do you think? should I pitch it to LA/Obsidian?
  2. I think that once you become a Jedi or Sith, racial prejiducis kinda become moot. And Mandalore probably respects Brianna enough to ignore the fact that she is Echani. My whole idea was that, one my one, the Party gives their lives for their Lord, untill he alone faces Kreia. I just couldn't bring myself to kill HK-47, Mandalore and T3, and someone had to stay alive to train new force users. I would like Nihilus to play more of a part, but he's simply an omnicidal shade, not much character development for him. Maybe there could have been more about who he was before he became a wound in the force. He was genuinely creepy, and Wasted.
  3. Hey there. This was an idea I had a while ago, so here it goes. Make up your own ending for TSL, wether LS or DS, or neutral, begining with the duel with Darth Nihilus Be as detailed as you want. It's a way for me to vent the frustration i felt at the end. Darkside: Visas, Mandalore, and the Exile confront Nihilus as the derilict Ravager falls apart around them. The two wounds in the force face off alone, Visas and Mandalore are frozen with terror, or the force. After a feirce battle, Visas breaks free and distracts Nihilus long enough for The Exile to defeat him, however, she is fatally wounded as a result. Nihilus could not drain the force from the Exile, since s/he was completely severed from it. S/he, however, still gains from his death, as s/he did from all the deaths before, as the Jedi Counsil had revealed to you. The Exile takes up Nihilus' mask, and wears it as his own. After the Hawk crashes on Malachor, the Party is scattered. As the Exile moves across the ruined planet, he finds Bao-Dur and Hanharr, and they continue on to the Temple. Halfway there, they are assaulted by a multitude of storm beasts. They fight them off for a time, but in the end, they are too much. Hanharr Distracts them as Bao and the Exile escape. As they watch from a cliff, hidden, Hanharr fights on and on untill he is finally overcome, the bodies of many storm beasts surronding him as he is torn to peices, dying as he wished to. The Exile and Bao continue on, coming to the entrance of the Temple. There is a huge sheild across it, that is fatal to touch. They try multiple methods of geting around or through it, but they are set upon by sith assassins. Unable to face them all, Bao uses his repulsor fist to take out the sheild, and the resulting destruction buries him and the sith in rubble. The Exile continues into the temple alone, and finds HK-47 and Mandalore in a pitched battle with more assassins led by a Sith Lord. The Exile joins the fight, and when the Sith are dispatched, The Exile tells them to go back to the ship and try and get it ready for departure. Meanwhile, the Exile goes deeper into the temple, feeding off the dark power, growing even stronger. Finally he comes to the Central hall where Brianna and Atton Face off against Sion. They fight hard, but Sion ultimately wins, freezing the Exile and making him watch as he tortures Aton and Brianna to the brink of death. When they collapse, The Exile breaks free, and Sion and the Exile fight. Sion begins to lose control and break apart, and the Exile can see the crackling force enrgy inside him that is all that holds his shattered form together. In the end, the Exile wins, and Sion, giving up, is consumed by the force and falls apart. Atton (if Exile is Female) or Brianna (If male). Still lives, the other dies. The Exile heals her and tells her to go back to the Hawk. Brianna, Mandalore, and HK-47 Fight their way back to the Ship, rescuing T3 or G0-T0 on the way (not both, they must choose who to save). Once back, they struggle to repair the ship as it begins to fall into the center of the shattered planet. The Exile finally Faces Darth Traya. (Story progresses as per the game). At the end, the Exile cuts Traya down and runs to escape the collapsing planetiod. The Exile boards the Ebon hawk just before it falls into the chasm, and it apears they are lost. However, the Hawk escapes the imense gravity, and the Exile, HK, T3 (or G0-T0) and Brianna (or Atton) are the lone survivors. They take refuge on Korriban for a time, where the Exile meditates for days. at the end, he decides to follow Revan to search for the True sith, to learn from them, or fight them. He places the burden of teaching the next generation of Sith onto Brianna's (or Atton's) shoulders, Leaving with HK-47and the other droid to unknown space. Mandalore returns to Dxun and gathers an army. Brianna wits on Korriban for the force sensitives who will inevitably come. When she has a few Aprentices, She goes to Dxun and, with the Mandalorians at her back, she begins to conquer once more. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kinda long I know, but i think it would have worked. I like the idea of the Party giving their lives one by one for the player. Not gonna do Lightside yet, but it would be similar, at the end, they'd go to Dantooine instead of Korriban, and Brianna would train Jedi insstead of Sith, and aid the Republic against the Mandalorians instead. What do you think? Anyone got some other ideas?
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