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I played DS male with Revan as a LS male.


1. Where did this shadow generator come from? All of a sudden I had to power it up for some reason, but hadn't heard anything about it previously.


and why don't I go back to where GOTO and the little repair droid are to make the choice of turning it on or not? Did I miss something or was that just left in the game. If so, ouch, thats the definition of "rush job".


2. When you "land" on malachor V the Ebon Hawk gets stuck. I am the only one who comes out of the ship, minus the droid a bit later on. I then see a cut scene where it falls into a abyss.


.......yet, according to Kreia, all my peeps are still alive.


Did they just magically escape? Nothing was meantioned to me in any scene that indicated that they were not coming along to Malachor V


I'm sure I got more, but those are the big ones.

When you "land" on malachor V the Ebon Hawk gets stuck. I am the only one who comes out of the ship, minus the droid a bit later on. I then see a cut scene where it falls into a abyss.


.......yet, according to Kreia, all my peeps are still alive.


Did they just magically escape? Nothing was meantioned to me in any scene that indicated that they were not coming along to Malachor V


Part of the problem is that of course this is a rush job -- have to get this out to stores by Christmas!!! Anyway....What isn't made very clear is that when you take off from Telos the second time, you're alone in the ship. You've left your group behind (apparently). That's possibly why you crash. Guess the PC isn't as good a pilot as Atton! :thumbsup:


The fact that the ship crashes, falls and then (at least in the LS game- haven't played DS yet so don't know if there are differences) magically rises from the planet surface and allows you to escape doesn't make any sense....but then again neither does the whole "wound in the Force" plotline. (No I'm not really bitter and I actually enjoyed the game a lot; there are just things that make the logic circuits in my brain want to short!)


But the fact that your party isn't with you also is why Kreia can happily share their future....none of which seems to be linked with yours at this point. *sigh*


Can't answer the other two questions because I can't quite remember the details. I mean,I remember the scene with GoTo and the Remote and I seem to recall that the reason the Academy starts crashing down around one's ears though has to do with the fact that the remote did it's job but....there may be more to it.



Part of the problem is that of course this is a rush job -- have to get this out to stores by Christmas!!! Anyway....What isn't made very clear is that when you take off from Telos the second time, you're alone in the ship. You've left your group behind (apparently).


.....never got a cut scene like that.


I got a cut scene that shows me leaving the harbinger, I arrive at Telos and I meet Carth, then I left the room and Bastilla pops in, right when she is done it hoped directly too the cut scenes of me fly to and crashing on Malachor V



I don't make a habit of skipping cut scenes either.


also, then why is the little repair droid and goto with me????

  kumquatq3 said:
I played DS male with Revan as a LS male.


1. Where did this shadow generator come from? All of a sudden I had to power it up for some reason, but hadn't heard anything about it previously.


and why don't I go back to where GOTO and the little repair droid are to make the choice of turning it on or not? Did I miss something or was that just left in the game. If so, ouch, thats the definition of "rush job".


2. When you "land" on malachor V the Ebon Hawk gets stuck. I am the only one who comes out of the ship, minus the droid a bit later on. I then see a cut scene where it falls into a abyss.


.......yet, according to Kreia, all my peeps are still alive.


Did they just magically escape? Nothing was meantioned to me in any scene that indicated that they were not coming along to Malachor V


I'm sure I got more, but those are the big ones.

I recently beat DS Male as well, and I have all these questions and more. You did not miss anything, the game is just not complete for DS. Most of everything past the Council scene on Dantooine is fractured, incomplete, or missing. It left a bad taste in an otherwise good game.


One thing I wondered - At the beginning, why was the Exile going to Telos anyway? And why did the Republic want him?


I also got the Ebon Hawk falling in to the depths of Malacor V and then rising (magically no longer all dented up) to take me away. I played LS male.


But if everyone was left on Telos, who was piloting the Hawk to come rescue me?

"Working for Davik was like driving a spike in the side of your head. Sure, you got something new up there, but in the end, you've lost something as well." - Canderous


"But I though Jedi weren't allowed to love." - Handmaiden

"But some do it anyway. We call it pulling a Bindo." - The Exile


As Caleth58 said, this was a rush job. That said, some things can be explained.


1) Bao-Dur built a device that you set off earlier in your career at Malachor V on Revan's orders that killed a bunch of Jedi and Mandalorians, but which meant the Mandalorian's were defeated. This mass murder of force users caused the "wound" in the force and caused you to disconnect yourself from the force (you have a special force power that allows you to unconsciously influence force sensitives to your point of view through the force - presumably that means you could also feel the negative feedback of all those deaths so you disconnected). The process that Bao-Dur's remote goes through on Malachor V is designed to reverse the effects of the original device, at least in terms of the intense gravitational pull. The cutscene allows either possible ending - the LS ending sees the planet subdued and allows the Ebon Hawk to escape, and you can thus assume Bao-Dur's remote won. The DS ending does not see the planet subdued and you can thus assume Go-To won.


2) As for who was with you at Malachor V, I don't know. We do know that Mira/Hanharr were there, as were Go-To and Bao-Dur's remote. I guess I assumed everyone was, but I can see the logic of Caleth58's theory. I do know that in the DS ending, after you defeat Kreia the camera just pans away and you never see the Ebon Hawk leave the planet.


Rightly or wrongly, Kotor 2 really requires you to play the game several times to get the whole story and to vary some basic parameters (male vs female PC, light vs dark force choice, light vs dark Revan basis, male vs female Revan, using different NPC's each time because your influence over them is based partly on experiences you have with them outside the ship, etc.) as you do it. Even then, the rush job at the end means you will never fully be satisfied with the answers.

  BuckeyeRowe said:
One thing I wondered - At the beginning, why was the Exile going to Telos anyway? And why did the Republic want him?


Good point, not sure if he was going to telos anyways, but I think the republic wanted him because Carth wanted to see if he ran across Revan in his outer-rim travels. Thats what he asks you when you meet him post-harbinger. But heres my question, how did Kreia get on board the Ebon Hawk?


I also got the Ebon Hawk falling in to the depths of Malacor V and then rising (magically no longer all dented up) to take me away. I played LS male.


But if everyone was left on Telos, who was piloting the Hawk to come rescue me?


The hawk doesn't rise if you play a DS male. I guess you take over the academy or something....

Bao-Dur built a device that you set off earlier in your career at Malachor V on Revan's orders that killed a bunch of Jedi and Mandalorians, but which meant the Mandalorian's were defeated. This mass murder of force users caused the "wound" in the force and caused you to disconnect yourself from the force


I assume you learn this from Bao with enough influence? Which, is of course, very hard to do as a DS person.


Which, of course, means that you miss out on a rather large plot point by playing DS......great.....



The process that Bao-Dur's remote goes through on Malachor V is designed to reverse the effects of the original device, at least in terms of the intense gravitational pull. The cutscene allows either possible ending - the LS ending sees the planet subdued and allows the Ebon Hawk to escape, and you can thus assume Bao-Dur's remote won. The DS ending does not see the planet subdued and you can thus assume Go-To won.


Thats terrible, as they didn't fight, they were waiting for your choice. But thanks for the info.


We do know that Mira/Hanharr were there


we do? I never saw hide nor hair of them.


The more I reflect on this game, the more I sour on it.


The ending of K1 was cookie cutter, but it wrapped things up in a nice little package....even if it had frayed ends on the ribbon (aka, a little more on what happens to the people involved would have been nice)


K2.....well......K2 is the lazy uncle that gives you a check.

  kumquatq3 said:
I played DS male with Revan as a LS male.


1. Where did this shadow generator come from? All of a sudden I had to power it up for some reason, but hadn't heard anything about it previously.


and why don't I go back to where GOTO and the little repair droid are to make the choice of turning it on or not? Did I miss something or was that just left in the game. If so, ouch, thats the definition of "rush job".


2. When you "land" on malachor V the Ebon Hawk gets stuck. I am the only one who comes out of the ship, minus the droid a bit later on. I then see a cut scene where it falls into a abyss.


.......yet, according to Kreia, all my peeps are still alive.


Did they just magically escape? Nothing was meantioned to me in any scene that indicated that they were not coming along to Malachor V


I'm sure I got more, but those are the big ones.


I'm not sure what's what either. The game left me bitterly disappointed.

  kumquatq3 said:
Good point, not sure if he was going to telos anyways, but I think the republic wanted him because Carth wanted to see if he ran across Revan in his outer-rim travels. Thats what he asks you when you meet him post-harbinger. But heres my question, how did Kreia get on board the Ebon Hawk?
Sorry for hooking in, but when/where do you meet Carth? I only saw him on Dantooine, when the Disciple contacted him (I was playing LS male). I assumed that afterwards you get contacted, but I didn't. :blink:


And the Harbinger was destroyed on Peragus already, wasn't it?


As for the ending: I was totally confused. I saw Hanharr and Mira (ok, Hanharr was told to hunt Mira down by Kreia on Goto's yacht, so that's understandable), but at least Mira must have been following you or been in your ship. But where the hell did she go after defeating Hanharr???


In addition to that Goto came, and the remote, and you see BaoDur commanding the remote (don't remember if the first cutscene where he send the remote showed him as a hologram though, the 2nd one does for sure)... where do they all come from?


Who ever was responsible for everything after fighting Nihilus had to have been hitting the juma juice really hard. The game really felt like everyone put their heart into the gameplay and story at the beginning and did a great job but then slowly lost motivation and was just slapping things together. By the end it felt like whoever was doing things was woken up after passing out drunk and told to finish before the next businessday. I've only played as a lightsider though.

  jaguars4ever said:
You really need to replay it as an LS male Kumquatq.


i beat the game as light side male(light side male revan) and i'm as confused as everyone else. i barely influenced atton, bao dur etc etc. i focused on visas, kreia and handmaiden.


what the hell happened? where did mira go after she beat hanharr? was atris or kreia darth traya? was it a surprise that kreia was a sith lord? if so, what the hell was the point of that cutscene showing her together with nihilis and sion...? to give the impression that she once was a sith, but now neither jedi nor sith?

  random evil guy said:
  jaguars4ever said:
You really need to replay it as an LS male Kumquatq.


i beat the game as light side male(light side male revan) and i'm as confused as everyone else. i barely influenced atton, bao dur etc etc. i focused on visas, kreia and handmaiden.


what the hell happened? where did mira go after she beat hanharr? was atris or kreia darth traya? was it a surprise that kreia was a sith lord? if so, what the hell was the point of that cutscene showing her together with nihilis and sion...? to give the impression that she once was a sith, but now neither jedi nor sith?


We don't know where Mira went after the battle with Hanharr, she is supposed to follow the exile in the academy but that part was cut from the game :(


imo Kreia was the old darth Traya, now she is no more a real sith, Atris is the new darth Traya.


Kreia tell you she was a sith (lord), i think she is honest when she tell you she is no more one, even her dialogue with Atris seem to point to that, the new sith lord is Atris, not Kreia... i think she get her sith cloak back just to test you and to finish your training.


I found the answer to some of these question by playing the sound files that never made it into the game. It helped answer some things, but I still haven't found all the answers yet.

"Working for Davik was like driving a spike in the side of your head. Sure, you got something new up there, but in the end, you've lost something as well." - Canderous


"But I though Jedi weren't allowed to love." - Handmaiden

"But some do it anyway. We call it pulling a Bindo." - The Exile

imo Kreia was the old darth Traya, now she is no more a real sith, Atris is the new darth Traya.


Does it means that the stupid sith who tries to kill me using three lightsabers is ATRIS?

Now you're getting me all confused O.O


Also, you got me thinking... what happens to Atris when you defeat her in that secret base in Telos? If I remeber correctly, you get the option of letting her leave, or killing her. I let her live. If so, then, what happens to her? She becomes Darth Traya??


Ohh... my brain hurts.... :(

  Liszt said:
Also, you got me thinking... what happens to Atris when you defeat her in that secret base in Telos? If I remeber correctly, you get the option of letting her leave, or killing her. I let her live. If so, then, what happens to her? She becomes Darth Traya??


Ohh... my brain hurts.... :(


I remember something to the effect of a dialog choice being "Now I'll leave you with these Sith Holocrons, who don't accept failure."


That implied to me that the Holocrons would somehow kill her. (Yeah, I know that sounds odd, but that's the message I got. And after playing the rest of the game, I think that's probably what I was supposed to think).

"Working for Davik was like driving a spike in the side of your head. Sure, you got something new up there, but in the end, you've lost something as well." - Canderous


"But I though Jedi weren't allowed to love." - Handmaiden

"But some do it anyway. We call it pulling a Bindo." - The Exile

  Liszt said:

imo Kreia was the old darth Traya, now she is no more a real sith, Atris is the new darth Traya.


Does it means that the stupid sith who tries to kill me using three lightsabers is ATRIS?

Now you're getting me all confused O.O


Also, you got me thinking... what happens to Atris when you defeat her in that secret base in Telos? If I remeber correctly, you get the option of letting her leave, or killing her. I let her live. If so, then, what happens to her? She becomes Darth Traya??


Ohh... my brain hurts.... :thumbsup:


no, kreia is the last "sith lord", but i don't know if she's really a sith lord or just pretending to be one. it seems all she cares about is the exile and destroying the force.


still, what the hell happened to atris and is she darth traya? did kreia use to be darth traya and now atris was the new darth traya? or something like that... :(

  Liszt said:

imo Kreia was the old darth Traya, now she is no more a real sith, Atris is the new darth Traya.


Does it means that the stupid sith who tries to kill me using three lightsabers is ATRIS?

Now you're getting me all confused O.O


Also, you got me thinking... what happens to Atris when you defeat her in that secret base in Telos? If I remeber correctly, you get the option of letting her leave, or killing her. I let her live. If so, then, what happens to her? She becomes Darth Traya??


Ohh... my brain hurts.... :(


Nono that is Kreia is not Atris, but i suspect that she put on the cloak of Darth Traya just because is necessary for your final test.


at this point Atris is dead or self exiled, even if dunno if the self exile is really possible...


I tried to redeem her too and with the dialogue i chose she told me that he understood what she have become and maybe a self exile was her only possibility.


We also really dunno if the sith holos will kill her in the end (option for anothe dialogue), but i prefer to think that she left the academy.


Kreia tells also that she died in her dialogue, but here the term death can refer not just to a phisical death but to the death of the person she was, that can be compatible with the exile path.

  random evil guy said:
still, what the hell happened to atris and is she darth traya? did kreia use to be darth traya and now atris was the new darth traya? or something like that... :geek:


Atris fell to the dark side, probably both for her thirst of knowledge and the love for the exile.


++++crazy speculation++++

Probably we can put in a sort of desire to emulate the exile, in the final dialogue with Kreia she tells that she considered you a sort of hero, maybe this means that she actually admired you for the choices you have done, you had the courage to disobedy(?) the council for what you tought was right, to save the lives of millions of people. She had not this courage and this generate a sort of love/hate felling for you and for herself too.

I say that considering with how much zeal she want to destroy the sith, this could be caused by this situation and by her desire to demostrate herself.


also even if true this is not the main reason for her fall, and i stay mostly with the strong passions about you and the hunger for knowledge

++++end of crazy speculation++++



She is not really aware that she felt, she convinced herself that she is still a noble jedi but actually she is betrying the jedi philosopy.


Kreia stated that Atris just started the path that herself made years ago, so Atris is becoming/or become what was Kreia, a betrayer and a sith, when she speak of darth Traya she is not actually referring to a phisical person but to the betray and to the person that fall to the dark side betrying his friends, his learnings, his life and spreading betraial around him.

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