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whoa...Anakin fell to the dark side out of anger and out of pride.  He fell when his hatred of the sandpeople erupted into a killing spree.  He started on his path to the dark side because he believed he was better than his master and better than the Council let him be.  His fall wasn't well intentioned or even that tragic, just the result of an unstable boy put under the pressures of being "special".


Revan didn't fall so much as sacrifice himself. He saw what was coming, looked at the Republic and the Jedi, and realized that someone had to unify the galaxy through force and rally them all under one strong banner.  When this failed, he set off to take the fight to the Sith Empire...alone. A near suicide mission to protect the Republic.  Now that is what i call a tragic hero :)


I didn't want this to turn into a Revenge of the Sith discussion but if you followed the spoilers for EP3 which are true this is why Anakin falls to the DS in EP3:



Just like in EP2, he had a horrible dream. This time the dream was about his wife Padme dying while giving birth. He wakes up really terrified and wants to find a way to save her. He remembers how he failed his mother and how he wasn't strong enough to save her. So this really worries him. He goes to Yoda to seek ways that you can possibly prevent people from dying. Yoda basically brushes him off and says that a Jedi must not give into Love and crap like that. So he then goes to Palpatine and tells him the situation with his dream and all. Palpy tells him that A long time ago a Sith called Darth Plagueous had the ability to prolonge life and bring people back to life. Palpy said that once his Sith Apprentice Darth Sidious learned this power from him, he killed his master. Anakin in the end basically makes a pact with the Devil and sells his soul to him to save Padme. Once he learns this from Palpy/Sidious, he will Kill Sidious and unite the Republic and end the Empire. Sadly enough this hope was ended when he was defeated by Obi-Wan. Once in the suit, Vader was no longer strong enough to face Sidious so he just waited til the perfect time....ROTJ.



Wouldn't you say that is very similer to that of Revan? Once they accomplish what they want they will put away the DS ways, but unfortunately they both got too deeply consumed in it. Anakin fell to the DS with good intentions JUST like Revan did. But like I said, it consumed them too much and that right there makes it even more Tragic. He wanted to do good but somehow it all back-fired on him.


"Once you stare down the Dark Path, forever it consumes you"


Anakin didn't fall to the DS in EP2 when he killed the Sand People. It was an act of the DS yes, but he didn't fall there. It begun there just like Revan begun when he found the map on Dantioone, but he fell in EP3.

Nope, he fell in Ep 2. He gave into the dark side to slaughter the sandpeople. Episode 2 is the fall of anakin. That's why Yoda "heard" Qui-Gon yelling for Ani to stop through the force when Anakin torn into the Sand People. He just may not have realized how far he fell until he made the deal with the devil in the Ep 3.


Congrats! You have now just shown how dumb you are when it comes to the SW PT. View the EP2 DVD Commentary. George Lucas said it himself that what Anakin does is an ACT of the Darkside and its our first time as viewers that we get to see Anakin do something really naughty. He is still a Lightside Jedi but did something really evil. He didn't FALL in EP2. It was more of a case of forshadowing I must say.


But he did NOT fall to the Darkside in EP2. Yoda just sense the tention and the evil that Anakin is doing. But he didn't FALL. Just the the Republic didn't Fall in EP2, it falls in EP3. In EP2 we see the beginning of the end of the Republic, but not the actual end of the Republic. Thats what EP3 is for.


You are really making yourself look stupid.

whoa...Anakin fell to the dark side out of anger and out of pride.  He fell when his hatred of the sandpeople erupted into a killing spree.  He started on his path to the dark side because he believed he was better than his master and better than the Council let him be.  His fall wasn't well intentioned or even that tragic, just the result of an unstable boy put under the pressures of being "special".


Revan didn't fall so much as sacrifice himself. He saw what was coming, looked at the Republic and the Jedi, and realized that someone had to unify the galaxy through force and rally them all under one strong banner.  When this failed, he set off to take the fight to the Sith Empire...alone. A near suicide mission to protect the Republic.  Now that is what i call a tragic hero :devil:


I didn't want this to turn into a Revenge of the Sith discussion but if you followed the spoilers for EP3 which are true this is why Anakin falls to the DS in EP3:



Just like in EP2, he had a horrible dream. This time the dream was about his wife Padme dying while giving birth. He wakes up really terrified and wants to find a way to save her. He remembers how he failed his mother and how he wasn't strong enough to save her. So this really worries him. He goes to Yoda to seek ways that you can possibly prevent people from dying. Yoda basically brushes him off and says that a Jedi must not give into Love and crap like that. So he then goes to Palpatine and tells him the situation with his dream and all. Palpy tells him that A long time ago a Sith called Darth Plagueous had the ability to prolonge life and bring people back to life. Palpy said that once his Sith Apprentice Darth Sidious learned this power from him, he killed his master. Anakin in the end basically makes a pact with the Devil and sells his soul to him to save Padme. Once he learns this from Palpy/Sidious, he will Kill Sidious and unite the Republic and end the Empire. Sadly enough this hope was ended when he was defeated by Obi-Wan. Once in the suit, Vader was no longer strong enough to face Sidious so he just waited til the perfect time....ROTJ.



Wouldn't you say that is very similer to that of Revan? Once they accomplish what they want they will put away the DS ways, but unfortunately they both got too deeply consumed in it. Anakin fell to the DS with good intentions JUST like Revan did. But like I said, it consumed them too much and that right there makes it even more Tragic. He wanted to do good but somehow it all back-fired on him.


"Once you stare down the Dark Path, forever it consumes you"


Anakin didn't fall to the DS in EP2 when he killed the Sand People. It was an act of the DS yes, but he didn't fall there. It begun there just like Revan begun when he found the map on Dantioone, but he fell in EP3.

Nope, he fell in Ep 2. He gave into the dark side to slaughter the sandpeople. Episode 2 is the fall of anakin. That's why Yoda "heard" Qui-Gon yelling for Ani to stop through the force when Anakin torn into the Sand People. He just may not have realized how far he fell until he made the deal with the devil in the Ep 3.


Congrats! You have now just shown how dumb you are when it comes to the SW PT. View the EP2 DVD Commentary. George Lucas said it himself that what Anakin does is an ACT of the Darkside and its our first time as viewers that we get to see Anakin do something really naughty. He is still a Lightside Jedi but did something really evil. He didn't FALL in EP2. It was more of a case of forshadowing I must say.


But he did NOT fall to the Darkside in EP2. Yoda just sense the tention and the evil that Anakin is doing. But he didn't FALL. Just the the Republic didn't Fall in EP2, it falls in EP3. In EP2 we see the beginning of the end of the Republic, but not the actual end of the Republic. Thats what EP3 is for.


You are really making yourself look stupid.

What the hell is the matter with you friend? Tentanus has made several superb contributions to this thread - and you try to shoot him down like a flaming troll? If you disagree, be a gentleman about it and keep it civilized. At least Tent has provided sources (TotJ, etc), for his arguments instead of resorting to childish name calling. :)

Congrats! You have now just shown how dumb you are when it comes to the SW PT. View the EP2 DVD Commentary. George Lucas said it himself that what Anakin does is an ACT of the Darkside and its our first time as viewers that we get to see Anakin do something really naughty. He is still a Lightside Jedi but did something really evil. He didn't FALL in EP2. It was more of a case of forshadowing I must say.


But he did NOT fall to the Darkside in EP2. Yoda just sense the tention and the evil that Anakin is doing. But he didn't FALL. Just the the Republic didn't Fall in EP2, it falls in EP3. In EP2 we see the beginning of the end of the Republic, but not the actual end of the Republic. Thats what EP3 is for.


You are really making yourself look stupid.

wow...simply wow. I was trying to help you with your article, but man...forget it

don't you ever have anything worthwhile or positive to add to a thread or are you just always a waste of bandwidth?




And where's your worth? Is it in whinning? Where is it said that I can only post if I like TentamusDarkblade's conjectures? If you don't want your opinion to come under scrutiny then don't post them.

hhmm...must have struck close to home for you to do two posts on this. Now, scamper off.


I'm just not a fan of whinning, or little bitches.


I guess we can keep this up, but when people don't "take" to my opinion I don't start whinning about it, maybe this is just your way, but most would find it a little pointless. I didn't say that you're stupid or uninformed for it, I actually just said that when a writer wrote something I thought it was a poor idea, by calling it uber-lame. No offense to you, please don't cry :'(


Boys Don't Cry

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

Congrats! You have now just shown how dumb you are when it comes to the SW PT. View the EP2 DVD Commentary. George Lucas said it himself that what Anakin does is an ACT of the Darkside and its our first time as viewers that we get to see Anakin do something really naughty. He is still a Lightside Jedi but did something really evil. He didn't FALL in EP2. It was more of a case of forshadowing I must say.


But he did NOT fall to the Darkside in EP2. Yoda just sense the tention and the evil that Anakin is doing. But he didn't FALL. Just the the Republic didn't Fall in EP2, it falls in EP3. In EP2 we see the beginning of the end of the Republic, but not the actual end of the Republic. Thats what EP3 is for.


You are really making yourself look stupid.

wow...simply wow. I was trying to help you with your article, but man...forget it


Yeah, thanks for helping me out and I did go off. But saying Anakin fell to the DS in EP2 has got to be one of the funniest things ever. Anyone with basic knowledge of the PT would know that EP3 is where Anakin falls but apparently EVERYONE doesn't know that.


Thanks for helping me out though and my article will be written once I beat KOTOR and TSL again. Which will be awhile from now.


Anakin killing a tribe of men, women, and children doesn't seem like, oh i don't know, where a jedi would fall? I don't care what Lucas the hack says, you kill a bunch of women and children you've fallen. done deal. Just because he still struggles to maintain his oath to the jedi afterwards means nada, he's an unrepentant murderer at that point.


But whatever man. You've proven to be just another blind lucas fanboy and i'm sorry i even bothered to help you in the first place.


I would agree with Tent. I think that the act of slaughtering the Sand People signifies the symbolic fall of Anakin. Much like the acceptance of the Clone Army is the death knell of the Republic. While Anakin may not have become Darth Vader, from that point on, I would find it to be very difficult for Anakin to come back to the light, just as the Republic could not be saved once it accepted the Clone Army.....


I challenge the notion that Luke is truly even a Jedi. To me he seems to be simply a force wielder.


We see him cruelly manipulate minds, choke people, and the only thing that allows him to defeat Vader is hatred and anger.


I think the Return of the Jedi is the acknowledgment that Anakin Skywalker returns, and that the Jedi within him slays the Emperor, not so much that Luke is heralding the return of the Jedi Order

Wasn't there a line of dialog that mentioned that it was possible the "True Sith" spur'd the mandalorians into waging war on the Republic?  For some reason that seems correct, but my memory is hazy on it.


Yep! When you talk to Canderous in KotOR I he says that the Sith convinced the Mandalorians to start the Mandalorian War.


Oh and i like your explanation of events TantamusDarkblade thank you for putting everything together for us.

"Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill."

Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade.

Edited for content


"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud


As for Anakin falling when he killed the Tuscans, I believe this is when Anakin gets a taste of the darkside, just letting his emotions take control and killing the Tuscans. I wouldn't say this is exactly when he "fell". Luke himself let his emotions take control when he went to help his friends in trouble, but that did not cause him to "fall". Now, I am not directly comparing the 2 instances, but in both cases the characters let their emotions take control. However, I will say that what Anakin did was ALOT worse in my opinion, like Tentamus said killing women and children was just plain murder. Anakin lost a huge piece of his humanity when he slaughtered them and while he did not "fall" all the way to the darkside, that is one of the biggest reasons why Anakin will later on completely fall to the darkside.

"Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill."

Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade.

Edited for content


"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud

As for Anakin falling when he killed the Tuscans, I believe this is when Anakin gets a taste of the darkside, just letting his emotions take control and killing the Tuscans.  I wouldn't say this is exactly when he "fell".  Luke himself let his emotions take control when he went to help his friends in trouble, but that did not cause him to "fall".  Now, I am not directly comparing the 2 instances, but in both cases the characters let their emotions take control.  However, I will say that what Anakin did was ALOT worse in my opinion, like Tentamus said killing women and children was just plain murder.  Anakin lost a huge piece of his humanity when he slaughtered them and while he did not "fall" all the way to the darkside, that is one of the biggest reasons why Anakin will later on completely fall to the darkside.

ok, maybe he didn't hit bottom at that point. But i'd still argue that he fell there. We see plenty of other areas where his emotions rule him (hell, most scenes show his emotions ruling him in Ep2). All of this illustrates that he's walking a dangerous path and would be enough to just show that he's on the path to a fall. But the slaughter of the women and children in the Tusken Raider's village and his complete unrepentence for it seems to be (to me at least) evidence beyond just being on the dark path.


Maybe i'm reading to much into it, but disregarding what Lucas says, everything shown seems to point at this being where he fell. I think Ep 3 will just show that he accepts his fall and stops struggling to live under the Jedi code.


You're right though, Anakin didn't Fall all the way down when he killed them. It seems we're arguing at what point you consider something fallen.


Here's a ****ty analogy, but it seems like dropping a brick from a bridge. Is it considered to "Fall" at the point of being let go, halfway down, or only after it lands? I'm arguing that Anakin fell at the point of "being let go". (i hope this makes sense)


I understand what you mean and I actually think that analogy works pretty well, when he slaughtered the tuscans for a moment he became a monster and ever since then it has been down hill untill he becomes pure evil, so saying that when he killed the Tuscans was the point where he was being "let go" makes plenty of sense.

"Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill."

Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade.

Edited for content


"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud


I notice most Sith are not evil. They follow a path that promises to fix things. Revan turn to a sith because he didn't think the Jedi could protect things to come.

Vader believes in tight control to make sure people behave. Willing to destroy anything that causes chaos. Jedi or rebels whoever disturbs order needs to be eliminated.

The road to evil is path with good attentions.

Anakin killing a tribe of men, women, and children doesn't seem like, oh i don't know, where a jedi would fall?  I don't care what Lucas the hack says, you kill a bunch of women and children you've fallen.  done deal. Just because he still struggles to maintain his oath to the jedi afterwards means nada, he's an unrepentant murderer at that point.


But whatever man. You've proven to be just another blind lucas fanboy and i'm sorry i even bothered to help you in the first place.


Again man thats so stupid. How are you going to disregard what George Lucas the creator of Star Wars! What you are saying makes no since. In other words you are saying that Anakin didn't fall because thats how GL set it up but in YOUR MIND you say he fell. So really what you say isn't a truth but more of an opinion.


I guess I just spend too much time around TFN....people who actually know the Star Wars movies.


Anakin DOES NOT turn to the Darkside in EP2. Did his journey to the DS begin in EP2? YES! But that does not say that he went to the DS.


If I take a 10 day journey from North Carolina to California today, does that mean I'm in California today? Hell no! It just means that I'm heading to Cali and I will be there really soon....but I'm not there yet.


Same with Anakin in EP2. His journey to the DS begun at the Tusken Camp, BUT that doesn't mean he is on the DS, it just means he is heading there starting from that point. The Clone Wars is where he continues his journey and by the time EP3 comes thats where the journey ends and where he reaches California.

Anakin killing a tribe of men, women, and children doesn't seem like, oh i don't know, where a jedi would fall?  I don't care what Lucas the hack says, you kill a bunch of women and children you've fallen.  done deal. Just because he still struggles to maintain his oath to the jedi afterwards means nada, he's an unrepentant murderer at that point.


But whatever man. You've proven to be just another blind lucas fanboy and i'm sorry i even bothered to help you in the first place.


Again man thats so stupid. How are you going to disregard what George Lucas the creator of Star Wars! What you are saying makes no since. In other words you are saying that Anakin didn't fall because thats how GL set it up but in YOUR MIND you say he fell. So really what you say isn't a truth but more of an opinion.


I guess I just spend too much time around TFN....people who actually know the Star Wars movies.


Anakin DOES NOT turn to the Darkside in EP2. Did his journey to the DS begin in EP2? YES! But that does not say that he went to the DS.


If I take a 10 day journey from North Carolina to California today, does that mean I'm in California today? Hell no! It just means that I'm heading to Cali and I will be there really soon....but I'm not there yet.


Same with Anakin in EP2. His journey to the DS begun at the Tusken Camp, BUT that doesn't mean he is on the DS, it just means he is heading there starting from that point. The Clone Wars is where he continues his journey and by the time EP3 comes thats where the journey ends and where he reaches California.

did you even read what Fearless Jedi and I discussed past that? You comparing I'm not going to argue this with you, you're a blind lucas fanboy and aren't going to listen to reason, logic, or anything else. Go back to whatever TFN is and have them pat you on the back for such admirable blind devotion to that hack lucas.

Again man thats so stupid. How are you going to disregard what George Lucas the creator of Star Wars! What you are saying makes no since. In other words you are saying that Anakin didn't fall because thats how GL set it up but in YOUR MIND you say he fell. So really what you say isn't a truth but more of an opinion.


I guess I just spend too much time around TFN....people who actually know the Star Wars movies.


Anakin DOES NOT turn to the Darkside in EP2. Did his journey to the DS begin in EP2? YES! But that does not say that he went to the DS.


If I take a 10 day journey from North Carolina to California today, does that mean I'm in California today? Hell no! It just means that I'm heading to Cali and I will be there really soon....but I'm not there yet.


Same with Anakin in EP2. His journey to the DS begun at the Tusken Camp, BUT that doesn't mean he is on the DS, it just means he is heading there starting from that point. The Clone Wars is where he continues his journey and by the time EP3 comes thats where the journey ends and where he reaches California.


Dude, what are u doing? All Tentamus has been doing is helping you and you start an argument with him over something like this... I mean how rude is that! Had you just read what Tentamus and I discussed you wouldn't even be talkin. But instead you go off and start flaming and being a jerk just cause someone has a different opinion! I hope an admin deletes this thread cause you don't deserve all the help you have been given.


note: Not everyone at TFN understands the movies, in fact I'd have to say that the reasoning Tentamus came up with actually makes more sense than "George Lucas said so" if GL where on this thread right now he would probably agree with Tentamus and I, and our reasoning.

"Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill."

Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade.

Edited for content


"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud


From the Attack of the Clones DVD Commentary from George Lucas himself:


The scene with the Tusken Raiders is the first scene that ultimately takes him upon the road to the darkside, and hes been preping for this, but thats the one where he sort of is doing something that is completly inapropriate.


Keywords....takes him upon the road to the darkside.


And the road ends in EP3 when he actually does something that is WAY WORST then killing Tuskens. I won't tell you what it is he does, but its something really evil.


After that in the scene where he confesses to Padme he has this to say:


....There is a lot of connections here, with, the beginning of him sliding into the darkside....


Again the Keywords: beginning of him sliding into the darkside.


That clearly states that he isn't on the Darkside yet BUT he is sliding further and futher to and and SOON (EP3) he will be there at the DS. But as of now he isn't there.


Again, the words of wisdom strait from GL himself. You can come up with whatever theory or opinion you have but it means nothing, its nothing more then just a mere opinion from a fan. Nuff said and conversation over.


Oh, and thanks for helping me out on the article. :ermm:


Hmm... Well as for Anakin, I'd agree that he takes the first major step to the Dark Side by killing the Tuskans. I believe it was "a fall" but not "The Fall". I'd agree with the Brick Analogy, but I would be one who labels as it hits the ground, not as it is dropped. In game terms, Anakin gains Dark Side points, but is not yet very low on the slider bar. I believe the Clone Wars inch him farther and farther, and the events of Episode III push him to the bottom, where he will "Fall".


Remember that in Episode II even as Anakin slaughters the Tuskans, he later justifies it. If I remember correctly it was something like, "They are animals, and I slaughtered them like animals". This justification for him, that the Tuskans were sub-human and that they are better off dead, allows him to pave his road to the Darkside with best intentions. He deludes himself into believing that he is not truly doing anything wrong. This goes to what you were discussing earlier about Revan's Fall.


I disagree with many of you on the reasons for Revan's Fall. I played both KotOR and KotOR 2 as a DS Male, and having just finished KotOR 2 tonight, I find myself far more confused than after finishing KotOR 1. This is how I see events. Basicaly I believe Revan was seduced by the Darkside slowly during the Mandalorian War, and he came to lust for the power to rule the galaxy. He was not a "Good guy that was just doing what he had to do". Remember that Revan himself killed many innocents, soldiers, and Jedi, all to keep and grow his power. Take the Kasyyk(Sp?) questions by the hologram in KotOR 1 for example. They give a good view of what Revan was like and how he thought. He was not a tactless brute like Malak, he was more a Palapatine like character. Here is how I see this happening:


Revan and Malak defy the Jedi Council and take Jedi with them to join and lead the Mandalorian Wars because they are the strongest of the young Jedi, headstrong and arrogant. They feel that what they are doing is Right, and they cannot stand by and do nothing when they know they can do so much.


As the war rages, Revan, Malak, and their Jedi followers grow stronger, and the war shapes them and changes them. They become hard and militaristic, these being far from Jedi views. As the war draws to a close, Revan looks towards the future. He knows that he cannot return to the Jedi Council, war has changed and shaped his opinions. He now no longer believes in the Jedi and their code, and war has taught him that the strong survive. He is the strongest, and he comes to the conclusion that it is his right as the strongest to take and rule, not necessarily because it is best, but because he can.


Revan visits ancient Sith places, discovers the potential of the Star Forge, and after visiting Malachor V, he plans the final battle there, crushing the Mandalorians and ending the war. It is then an easy transition to turn his followers to his side, as in most wars, An army becomes attached to its leader, and loses affiliation with its government.


So Revan leads the War against the Republic, to conquer it and reforge it into a vast militaristic sith empire. Unfortunately the events of KotOR take place, and this is where my confusion begins. I played KotOR as DS Male, so I ended taking back command of the Sith and preparing to lead them to final victory. I have a hard time accepting KotOR's explanations of what happens afterward. It makes no sense to me why Revan would just walk away from it all, in order to charge at some unknown threat far away (I understand the need game wise, to fit the open endings of KotOR into the sequel, but I think they ould have made a better storyline). Revan supposedly abandons his forming empire to fight a threat alone (why?) that he discovers (I believe) soon after the end of KotOR. Would it not have been easier to unite the galaxy under his rule, then build mighty fleets and armies to attack and preempt an invasion by these "True Sith" than to charge at them alone? The game's need to have a DS and a LS Revan on the same story arch really hurts the logic of the actions of the DS Revan. I was hopeing to at least meet Revan, not have him whisked away on some magical journey to stop "The Real Sith" by the developers. And wouldn't a DS Revan want to join or help "The Real Sith"?


Sorry this post is so long, I did not mean it to be, heh.

So Revan leads the War against the Republic, to conquer it and reforge it into a vast militaristic sith empire. Unfortunately the events of KotOR take place, and this is where my confusion begins. I played KotOR as DS Male, so I ended taking back command of the Sith and preparing to lead them to final victory. I have a hard time accepting KotOR's explanations of what happens afterward. It makes no sense to me why Revan would just walk away from it all, in order to charge at some unknown threat far away (I understand the need game wise, to fit the open endings of KotOR into the sequel, but I think they ould have made a better storyline). Revan supposedly abandons his forming empire to fight a threat alone (why?) that he discovers (I believe) soon after the end of KotOR. Would it not have been easier to unite the galaxy under his rule, then build mighty fleets and armies to attack and preempt an invasion by these "True Sith" than to charge at them alone? The game's need to have a DS and a LS Revan on the same story arch really hurts the logic of the actions of the DS Revan. I was hopeing to at least meet Revan, not have him whisked away on some magical journey to stop "The Real Sith" by the developers. And wouldn't a DS Revan want to join or help "The Real Sith"?


Sorry this post is so long, I did not mean it to be, heh.


Basically the reason why Revan goes on alone to fight this unknown threat is because Malak already destroyed what "unifying empire" he was already trying to build. To start from scratch would take to long because my LS Revan destroyed the StarForge.


I have to agree with Ty about Anakin not falling to the DS in EpII. I too have also watched the documentary and Lucas talks about Anakin dealing with the DS and his emotions and what not but does not fall. To disregard Lucas, the GOD of Star Wars is beyond redemption. :lol:

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